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*Day in and Day out you lay in bed, Nat and Steve visit once a day and they bring Sarah in to play with Grant and Winnie

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*Day in and Day out you lay in bed, Nat and Steve visit once a day and they bring Sarah in to play with Grant and Winnie. Grant does everything to impress her and she giggles and play along. Winnie is just a princess who wants to sit with you on the bed, especially when someone else is there. She loves to "talk" with you and whoever else happens to be there. Steve walks in and sits next to you and then hops up*
Steve- why is it wet?!? *He looks disgusted and you laugh*
Y/N- Winnie spilled her water cup earlier and it hasn't dried yet. *Steve breaths a sigh of relief and then sits down* don't worry, this bed has not been used for that in almost 2 months. *Steve nods and laughs*
Steve- so how are you feeling?? About to enter your third trimester, right??
Y/N- yup, Doc says that everything looks good and that the girls are growing at the right rate.
Steve- good! *Winnie walks over to Steve's side of the bed and lifts her arms* oh, sorry your highness. *Steve teases as he lifts Winnie into the bed. She sits between you and Steve and rests her head on your belly.* she already loves her sisters.
Y/N- oh yeah! *You laugh and tickle Winnie. She smiles and then gives your belly a big kiss*
Winnie- mmwaahh uve oouu sissy!
*Grant pops up on the other side of you and pats your belly*
Grant- Sissy! *He looks at Winnie and smiles* come play?!
*Winnie smiles and jumps off the bed, she lands on the ground and just takes off with Grant and Sarah, you hear Bucky catch them and they run back to the room giggling and screaming as he chases them*
Bucky- what are you doing?!? *He acts all scary and big* ahhhh *He chases them and you just watch and laugh. Nat walks in and announce that she has made lunch.*
Sarah- mama eee ay Monster!! *She yells at Nat and Nat laughs.*
Nat- you're playing monsters?!? Well the little Monsters need to get their monster food before it runs away!! *They all look at each other and the girls follow Grant down the hall, Nat chases them and Bucky stands up and catches his breath. He looks at Steve and you*
Bucky- you two gonna get up and help at all or- *he teases and you throw a pillow at him. He catches it and laughs. He walks over and gives you a kiss* you want your food now??
Y/N- yeah, I'll eat in peace. *He laughs and kisses your head*
Bucky- okay. Steve I think Nat's cutting up your nuggets as we speak! *Steve throws a pillow at him and Bucky laughs and throws it back* oh and get your filthy shoes off of our bed, why did you even wear them in?! *Bucky rolls his eyes and walks out. Steve looks at you*
Steve- you two really were made for each other. *You laugh and nod. Steve looks at you and kisses your head*
Steve- We both hit the jackpot didn't we.
*You look at Steve*
Y/N- yeah, we did. *Steve heads downstairs as Bucky walks back in with your lunch*
Bucky- the kids are having Breakfast for lunch so I got you some Pancakes. A pancake for my pancake. *He kisses you as he climbs in bed next to you. He looks down at the bed*
Bucky- why is it wet?? *He looks unbothered by it*
Y/N- Winnie spilled her water cup.
Bucky- well at least not pee!  *You laugh and nod* do you want me to stay or give you some alone time??
*You look at Bucky and kiss him*
Y/N- you can stay. *Bucky smiles and sinks down in bed, he turns on the TV and takes your hand and places it on his head, You chuckles and play with his hair for a little bit, the only type of physical contact you two have really had these past two months. You snuggle at Night and Bucky had to help you bathe since your belly is so big but you haven't had real intimacy in a while. This is a way you've found helps Bucky and Bucky just spending some quiet time with you once a day has helped you.*

Bucky- so Tony has finished our suit, you wanna see it??
Y/N- yes!! We can take a look once the kids go down for nap.
Bucky- it's a date *He smiles and kisses you. You finish eating and then go back to playing with his hair as he gently sets his hand on your thigh.*

‼️It's so short... I know 😭😅‼️

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