Nothing Is Settled

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*Bucky redeems himself by making you cum 3 times before he even cums once

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*Bucky redeems himself by making you cum 3 times before he even cums once. He is very proud and you are just happy he has faith in his manhood again.*
Bucky- ahhh fuck yes! *He lays next to you and kisses your shoulder. He smiles and puts his hands behind his head.*
Y/N- you were good baby, now help me up so I can clean up.
*Bucky shoots up and helps you to the bathroom, you enjoy your double shower together for the first time. Bucky helps you bathe and then gets you dressed. He kisses your nose and cleans up the bed*
Bucky- so, I definitely forgot to put the mattress protector on the bed... *Bucky gives you a nervous smile and you laugh*
Y/N- okay, so??
Bucky- so the mattress is wet, like really wet, from- *You blush*
Y/N- oh! Umm ha, sorry about that-
Bucky- No baby, don't be sorry! I love it when you lose control like that. *He kisses you* just need to let it dry a little. *He winks and you blush* how about we take some sheets and head back to our old room, get some rest in there, huh?! *You giggle as Bucky tickles your sides*
Y/N- lead the way!

*You head back to the old room and Bucky makes the bed. You lay down and Bucky pulls you close. You fall asleep in the familiar room as Bucky holds you. The next morning you wake up early enough to sneak back to your room, you make the bed and get another hour or two before Nat and Steve are knocking on the door.*
Bucky- hey hey hey!! *Bucky smiles as Winnie dives into his arms and Grant run past him to play with his toys*
Steve- they were great, they all ended up in bed with Nat and me, but they were great. *Bucky laughs and sets Winnie down, you walk out of your room and she smiles.*
Winnie- mama!! *She hugs your leg and then lifts her arms up. You lift her up and she sits on your hip and rests her head in the crook of your neck. Grant comes running to you*
Grant- mama!! Unc Eve nores! *You laugh and look at Steve*
Y/N- yeah, I know he snores, like a train too!
*Grant laughs*
Steve- hey, you snore too kid! *Steve teases and Grant laughs and runs away*
Bucky- thanks again Steve, means a lot.
Steve- you're welcome.

*You and Bucky spend the morning with the kids*
Bucky- okay, I've scheduled a tour for us at the preschool Nat found.
Y/N- what?! When???
Bucky- at 11 today.
Y/N- that gives me no time- Ahh Bucky?!? *You get up and climb up the stairs, Bucky follows*
Bucky- hey don't be mad-
Y/N- I'm not mad, it just takes me 45 minutes to get ready nowadays. Go get the kids ready, please!
*Bucky nods and grab Winnie*
Bucky- Grant!! Come here please! *there's nothing* Grant Barnes!! *Still nothing* Grant Buchanan Barnes you have 3 seconds to come out of hiding! 1...2...
Grant- Dada! *Grant runs in the room*
Bucky- come on, let's get dressed. We've got to go.
*Grant runs to his room and Bucky grabs Winnie's clothes and then heads to Grants room. He gets them dressed and then brings them into your room.*
Bucky- babe?? You almost ready??
Y/N- yes, I just- I need help with my shoes!
*You walk out and Bucky ties your shoes*
Bucky- alright, how did I do???
*You look and see that Grant and Winnie in Coordinating outfits, you smile and nod*
Y/N- you did so good baby, thank you. Alright let's go check out this preschool.

*You walk out and see Nat and Steve waiting by the door with Sarah*
Y/N- are y'all coming too??
Nat- Yup! Figured we'd get Sarah in at the same time. Maybe she can be in the same class as Winnie.
*You smile and you all walk out and load up the cars. You pull into the preschool parking lot and you take a deep breath. Bucky takes your hand*
Bucky- we are just here to look, nothing is settled. *He kisses your hand and you nod*

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