Punish Grant First

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Bucky- would someone like to explain why my arm is currently stuck inside the TV?! *He looks between Grant and Winnie

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Bucky- would someone like to explain why my arm is currently stuck inside the TV?!
*He looks between Grant and Winnie. Neither one of them is breaking. He looks at Sarah and she is about to cry. She sniffles and looks at Steve and Nat, both of which just stare back. Jonnie is just crying next to Winnie and Odette and Elizabeth are sitting next to her just watching what's happening. Your heart is about to break because of Jonnie, and Sarah! You nudge Bucky and he looks at you  and then at Jonnie.*
Bucky- Jonnie tells us what happened.
*He says much sweeter.*
Jonnie- I- *She takes a shakey breath* I- j-just wanted t-to play with the shield! *She cries even more.* then W-Winnie t-took it and threw it! *She cries more* it wasn't me!!!
*You give and just scoop her up, holding her close. Even though she's 5 she is still so little and you just love snuggling her.*
Bucky- okay then... Sarah? Do you have anything to add??
*Sarah sniffles*
Sarah- I didn't want to play! I said no and they last throwing them around. They wanted me to catch it but I didn't want to get in trouble so I just ducked. I'm sorry!!! *She cries more and Steve scoops her up and holds her close.*
Bucky- okay! Grant?? Winnie?? Any last words?!
Grant- you left it! I've never been told not to play with it, how was I suppose to know?!
Winnie- yeah! And uncles Steve's shield is meant to be thrown! I didn't know the damn thing-
Steve- Language *Be warns and Bucky just laughs under his breath and then tries to keep his straight face.*
Winnie- I didn't know the stupid thing would hit the TV!
Bucky- new rule! No one plays with my metal arm!
*Nat teases*
Nat- yeah y/n, you hear that! *You try not to laugh and Bucky shoots her a look and hides his amusement. Grant laughs and so does Winnie, that makes Bucky angry.*
Bucky- Hey! You don't get to laugh in this moment! You broke my arm, Grant. And Winnie you could have seriously hurt someone! I can't use this now! *He pulls the arm out of the TV and points it at Grant.* it's used now! Do you know what happened now?!?
Grant- No-
Bucky- now I have to go get it fixed. And it's not a quick fix either. I'll be home for about a week. That means I will miss your swim lessons.
Grant- what?!
Bucky- and your school program Winnie.
Winnie- what?! *She starts to cry*
Bucky- this helps me be your dad, look I can't hold both of you or your sisters. I can hardly put my shirt on without my other arm. And that's because you two broke it!
*Winnie turns on the charm*
Winnie- I'm sorry daddy * she uses her puppy dog eyes*
Bucky- No! That won't work Winnie, you are not getting out of this! You took something extremely important to me and played with it like a toy! Not to mention you broke our tv, which means no shows!
*Winnie starts to cry because Bucky's never really yelled at her. Grant is even shocked because it's that new.*
Winnie- I- I'm -sorry! She says between her sobs*
*Bucky wants to hug her and tell her it will be okay but he stays strong.*
Bucky- go sit on your bed, now!
*She runs off*
Bucky- Grant you are the oldest, you should have known better. Go sit on your bed, we will handle this in a minute.
*He runs off sniffling. The rest of the kids head to their rooms and Nat takes Sarah and the boys to their suite.*
Y/N- you really laid into them
Steve- yeah and really laid on the guilt!
Y/N- yeah, considering you were a goat farmer with one arm for a couple years.
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- what?! I had to get through to them somehow!
Steve- yeah and Shuri will literally send you a new one in the mail by tomorrow.
*You and Bucky laugh.*
Bucky- anyway, I need to go discipline my children so.
*You look at him*
Y/N- you ready for this??
Bucky- No, maybe let's punish Grant first.
*you laugh and shake your head.*
Y/N- wrapped around her finger
Bucky- Yup!

‼️I know it's short, sorry! I'll get back in my rhythm soon!‼️

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