Laid On Christmas

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*You giggle as he catches you

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*You giggle as he catches you. You spin around in his arms and kiss him.*
Y/N- have you been a good boy this year? *You tease and Bucky smirks*
Bucky- define good *You laugh and Bucky scoops you up. He takes you into the bathroom and sets you down on the counter.*
Y/N- Mmhmm come here *You kiss him and wrap your legs around his waist. He rubs your back and you place your hands on his chest.*
Y/N- oh you know what I forgot.
Bucky- what?
Y/N- the bikes, they all need to be gotten out of the garage and brought inside. The handle bars need to be tightened and the tires need air. *Bucky nods and then pouts. He kisses you*
Bucky- don't move *He kisses you again and rubs out of the room.*

*He gets the bikes inside and set up. Steve is doing something similar and Tony is setting out the last of the presents.*
Bucky- I'll put air in the tomorrow. Someone remind me though!
Steve- ha! I'll try
*Bucky pats his back and offers a thanks as he runs back upstairs. You are in a long silk robe. It's black lace and has matching lingerie, which you decided not to wear. It's tied lose and leaves very little to the imagination yet you are technically "covered". You are propped up on the bed. Bucky practically trips as he drops his pants so fast. He pulls off his shirt and has you in his arms in no time.*
Bucky- I mean it, you get hotter and hotter the older you get. With every baby you just add another level of hotness that I didn't know existed! *He kisses your neck and down your chest. You smirk and giggle as he dotes on you.*
Y/N- Mmhmm did you do as I asked?
Bucky- mostly, I'll fill the tires in the morning.
Y/N -thank you baby *You kiss him and start to stroke him in your hand. There is a knock on the door and Bucky almost cries as he pulls away from you.*
Bucky- don't *He kisses you* move *He kisses you again. He grabs his robe and heads to the door. He opens it and sees Steve*
Steve- sorry, I need some help.
Bucky- with what? *He looks back into the room and you are playing with yourself as you look back at him. You bite you lip and squeeze your breast. He tries to not moan, he bites his lip and looks back at Steve.*
Steve- it's a tradition man!
Bucky- yeah well so I getting laid on Christmas Eve!
*Steve laughs and pulls Bucky out of the room.*
Steve- from what y/n's told Nat, I didn't think you'd be getting lucky at all.
*Bucky shoves Steve and he laughs.*
Bucky- 1 beer and then I'm gone.
*He gets his phone and gets dressed*
Y/N- so you're choosing Stevie over me? *You rub your body and Bucky whimpers*
Bucky- god if he wouldn't be such a whiny bitch about it later I'd dump him in a heartbeat for this, for you. *He kisses you and you laugh* don't move, don't do anything till I get back. Mmhm fuck! *He kisses you again and then leaves. You giggle and get your phone*
Y/N- not a chance, you chose Stevie so I'm gonna make that your problem. *You start videoing as you slowly undress, your fingers trailing over your skin. You twist your nipples between your fingers and moan as you feel the heat grow between your legs. You slips a hand between you and start to rub your clit.*
Y/N- oh yes, Mmhmm so good! *You slip a few fingers inside and curl them. You arch off the bed and almost scream at how good it feels.* Mmhmm I love it when you stretch me! *You look at your phone when you say it.* so big, making me yours and stretching me open. So big! *You gasp as you slip a fourth finger inside.* oh I'm gonna cum! Mmhmm yesyesyes!! Mmhmm Bucky!!! *You cum and make lick your fingers clean. You want to be a brat so you edit out the part where you cum and then send it to Bucky. You then get cleaned up, take way more pictures, send them to Bucky, and then go to sleep.*

*Bucky is on his 4th beer and is enjoying his time with Steve*
Steve- we never do this anymore and honestly it sucks!
Bucky- yeah, I love my kids but I do miss being an adult and just enjoying myself.
*Steve nods and cheers*
Steve- Samuel is finally moved into his crib in the other room, I finally have a kid free bedroom for the first time in years!
*Bucky laughs and nods. He then thinks about what Steve said*
Bucky- so your wife is upstairs, all alone, in bed, your kids are all asleep in their rooms, and you're down here with me?!
Steve- well when you put it like that-
Bucky- go! *Bucky points to the stairs* I'm sure as hell not fucking you tonight. Go get with your wife! *Steve laughs and nods. They both stand up and make their way to the stairs. Steve hugs Bucky*
Steve- Merry Christmas, Buck
Bucky- Merry Christmas, Steve
*Bucky gets an influxes of messages from you. He opens them and his jaw drops.*
Bucky- holy shit! *He runs to the guest bathroom downstairs and locks the door. He pulls his pants down and start to stroke himself to the sound of your moans as he watches you slowly fuck your self.*
Bucky- Mmhmm ffffuck *he brushes over the tip and about explodes. He can hear how close you are, right as you're about to cum the video stops. Bucky whines and looks down at the video, not wanting to believe you would end it there.*
Bucky- well fuck this!
*He runs upstairs and bursts into the bedroom, ready to take you and pick up where you two left off.... But you are sound asleep. Your orgasm was a big one and it wore you out, you were asleep the minute your head hit the pillow. Bucky sighs and walks to the bed. He undresses and climbs in bed. He sees you are naked under the sheets, he smiles as he pulls you closer.*
Bucky- hey! *He whispers* I was a good boy! I deserve an orgasm. *He teases. You smile and pull him closer.*
Y/N- maybe Santa will bring you a big orgasm tomorrow *You say with sleepiness taking over. Bucky laughs*
Bucky- well I hope Santa is just the messenger and not the giver! *He teases and you laugh through your sleepiness.*
Y/N- No, that's all me. Now be a good boy and help me go back to sleep.
*Bucky smirks and dives under the covers, he eats you out.*
Y/N- that's not what I meant! *You moan as he tongue fucks you. You cum and just pass back out. Bucky smirks*
Bucky- mission accomplished, now hopefully you'll get laid on Christmas.
*He holds you tight and falls asleep entangled in you.*

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