I Will Not Fight

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*The morning comes and you are woken up by all the kids patting your belly and talking to Ben

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*The morning comes and you are woken up by all the kids patting your belly and talking to Ben. He is moving around and wiggling like crazy at their voices. Bucky is watching and just smiling. Every time one of them tries to wake you he stops them. You don't open your eyes, you just listen.*
Bucky- No, don't wake mommy okay.
Winnie- but she's missing this! *She says in a hushed whisper.*
Bucky- I promise she isn't, she's feeling it. Just let her sleep, we have a big day.
Grant- what's happening today?
Bucky- just some really important things, okay.
*He nods and turns back to your belly.*
Grant- really really hope you're a boy! I want a brother.
Jonnie- No, another sister!
*Bucky just laughs, you open your eyes and he sees you. He smiles and leans over to kiss you. He squishes all the kids and they all giggle and yell for him to move. He doesn't listen and just goes for it. You take his face in your hands and kiss him back.*
Grant- Eww!
Winnie- stop! I'm being squished!
Odette- that's gross!
Elizabeth- the baby is being squished too!
Jonnie- No!! My daddy!
*You laugh against Bucky's lips and he winks at you before he pulls back and lays down.*
Bucky- I don't care how gross you guys think it is, I love your mama and I'm gonna kiss her! *He does it again and they all giggle. He moves kids out of the way and takes you in his arms. The kids all crowd around and climb all over him. You laugh and look at Winnie and Grant, they are acting like they think it's gross but you can see the slightest tear in Winnie's eyes and the slightest smile on Grant's face. You rub your belly and hold Bucky.*

*Once the snuggle fest finished the kids got up and got dressed, you laid there for a moment with Bucky.*
Bucky- as much as I love when they come snuggle with us, I'd really like my bed back. I know they don't do it often and we are away from home at the moment but we may need to start putting our foot down.
Y/N- yeah, I get that. But I don't want to. *You look over at him and give him a toothy smile. He gives a breathy laugh and shakes his head. He kisses your cheek and gets up. Odette walks in and sees something on the floor and slightly under the bed.*
Odette- mommy? What's that?
Y/N- what baby?
Odette- that shiny, arrow looking thing on the ground. *She goes to reach for it as you and Bucky both remember- the plug*
Bucky- No!! *She looks at him, she's about to cry.* oh I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to yell or scare you. Just let Daddy get that. *She nods and sniffles*
Odette- okay
Y/N- it's just a, Umm it's a-
Bucky- it a weapon *You give Bucky the "where ar e you going with this" look* and Shuri asked us to keep it cause it's very dangerous.
Odette- why was it under the bed??
Y/N- because Daddy didn't put it away like he was suppose to *You smile and shoot him a look, he laughs nervously*
Bucky- ya-Yup! But it's going away now, Umm any other weapons that were left out babe?!
*You both look around and see the cage on the bedside table and the bed sheets are missing. You grab the cage without Odette seeing and you hide it.*
Y/N- I think that's everything but Umm where are the sheets? You know that had- that had the- the water all on them. *You give him a look and he looks around the room and sees they are missing.*
Bucky- I- I will go find them. *You nod and smile. Odette follows Bucky as you get up and get dressed. Bucky comes walking back in about 30 minutes later.*
Y/N- where were they?? What were you doing?? *Bucky shuts the door and just slides down it. He hangs his head in his hands and just laughs. You can't help but laugh as well.*
Y/N- what happened?!
Bucky- apparently they woke up much earlier than we though and they decided to build a fort in the main room. *Bucky catches his breath.* they used our sheets!! *He screams into his hands and just laughs. You are shocked and you are mortified yet also laughing as well. Bucky finally gains his composure.*
Bucky- I threw the kids in the bath and the shower and got them dressed again. I told them it was cause they needed to be extra clean today and they all went with it. I put the sheets in the wash and the kids are now with Peter.
*You nod and rub your hands over your face.*
Y/N- have we ruined our kids?! Like no wonder Future Winnie was always getting caught with Thor, they grew up with this shit show! *You motion between you two. Bucky laughs and stands up, he takes you in his arms.*
Bucky- No we haven't ruined them. Did you see how happy Winnie and Grant were when I was saying how much I loved you?
*You nod* we haven't ruined them, *You gently smile.* but there is still time! *You frown and smack his chest and he laughs.*
Y/N- please tell me the sheets weren't still wet?!
Bucky- No! Thank god, they were dry! They did have some funny stain on them though! *You shake your head and grab your phone and shoes. Bucky gets dressed and you two head to the lab.*

Shuri- okay, so now we start the process on y/n... are you ready?
*You look at Bucky and shrug*
Y/N- I guess. You know I can't use the same drugs that you used on Bucky-
Shuri- I know, we have an OB on stand by and we will be monitoring him throughout the process. *You nod and look at Bucky*
Bucky- are you sure?? This was really hard-
Y/N- I'm sure baby. I don't want anyone else to have control over me.
*Bucky nods and kisses you. You get changed and you lay down on the table, they strap you in and get your IV started. They start playing different voices saying your word. "Swan", it felt like fire in your veins as you fought the urge to give in.*

**Black room**
Y/N- Odette??
*You are face to face with her. She smiles*
Odette- hello, didn't think we'd be doing this exchange so soon again.
Y/N- we're not, I need you to listen, please?!
*She hears the word and you see her starting to get nervous, like she's gonna be punished for not "appearing" when she was "called"*
Y/N- Odette look at me and listen!
*She does, you tell her what y'all are trying to do.*
Y/N- don't you want that?? Make it to where no one could ever use you again? Make it to where only Bucky or Winter could "call on you"?
*She nods*
Odette- it would be nice not to worry, I'll admit that. *There is a faint sound of a heartbeat, it's not yours, it's Ben's.* is that? That's-
Y/N- Ben, yeah. We are pregnant with him. That's another reason I need to you work with me and not fight me. We have to protect him-
Odette- why didn't you lead with that?! I would have agreed instantly. *You gently smile*
Y/N- having the children really had changed you, hasn't it?
*Odette looks off to the side and then back at you*
Odette- yeah, *She smiles* when can I meet them??
*You hear Bucky's voice say your word*
Y/N- soon, but now you need to see Bucky, go ahead.

*Odette wakes up in Shuri's lab. You looks around and see you are strapped down.*
Odette- Bucky?! Bucky what is-
Bucky- shhh shh it's okay, it's okay. You are okay. Look at me. *You do, you're instantly calm. His sweet caring gaze and soft smile.* I've got you. *Bucky explains everything you already did. You agrees and nods*
Odette- I will not fight, for Ben's sake. *Bucky wipes and tear and kisses you*
Bucky- okay, I'm gonna bring y/n back. *You take a breath and he switches you back*

**Black room**
Odette- god he's amazing
*You smile*
Y/N- yeah, he really is.
Odette- we really lucked out, didn't we.
Y/N- you have no idea.
*You smile*

*You wake up in the lab. Bucky kisses you and checks with you and the doctors.*
OB- The baby is stable at the moment.
*Bucky nods and looks at you*
Bucky- it's your call
Y/N- let's get this over with.
*He nods, kisses you, and you lay back down ready to go another round.*

‼️Short and sweet!‼️

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