Play Fair

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*You wake up to Winnie patting your face*Winnie- mama? *She whispers* mama?? *You chuckle and pull her close*Y/N- good morning Winnie boo, did you sleep well?? Winnie- yes, mama! *Bucky starts to stir, you look and see Grants butt right in his fac...

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*You wake up to Winnie patting your face*
Winnie- mama? *She whispers* mama??
*You chuckle and pull her close*
Y/N- good morning Winnie boo, did you sleep well??
Winnie- yes, mama!
*Bucky starts to stir, you look and see Grants butt right in his face as he turns over. Bucky opens his eyes and realizes this. He makes a face*
Bucky- oh he's ripe! *You laugh and Bucky sits up. Grant wakes up and sits up Bucky.*
Grant- dada? Potty!
Bucky- ha! It's a little late for that bud! Let's get your pull- up changed and then you can try to go, how does that sound??
Grant- No, potty now!
Bucky- oh well too bad, we're doing it this way. *Grant pouts and Bucky laughs and picks him up, he takes him to the bathroom, changes him and gets him seated on the potty. He walks back out and leans against the doorway and watches you with Winnie.*
Y/N- what? Did he kick you out??
Bucky- Yup! He said "I do this, out" *you laugh at Bucky Grant imitation*
Y/N- awww he's potty shy, like you! *You tease and Bucky rolls his eyes and laughs.*
Winnie- mama? I otty oooo!
Y/N- okay go ask Daddy to help you out
*She hops down and grabs Bucky's hand.*
Winnie- otty!!! *Bucky smiles and laughs because she's just too cute!*
Bucky- do you even know what the potty is?! *Bucky narrows his eyes and Winnie laughs.* yeah that's what I thought! *Bucky picks her up, okay, come on! *You laugh as Bucky takes her into the bathroom as well. You get up and get the girls up one by one, change them and feed them.*
Y/N- hello my sweet Odette, did you sleep well?? *She smiles and coos, your heart is so full. You put her in her bassinet.* hey Elizabeth, my little lizzy. You hungry?? *She is quiet and just observant. She smiles and coos when you put her down.* oh Jonnie, my Jonnie, let's eat, huh?? *You nurse her and then give her a bottle, she drinks it all and is happy and full.* okay, y'all hang in there while mama gets ready, okay?!

*You walk in the bathroom and see Bucky leaning against the bathroom counter, he has fallen asleep standing up. You smile and look for the kids, they are both still sitting on the potty "reading". Grant on the big one and Winnie on Grants little trainer. You slip out and see Bucky still where he is, asleep. You have a sneaky idea, you check and make sure the kids are occupied, they are. You walk over and kneel in front of him. You kiss his hips and rub his thighs. You hear him moan, you tease him through his sweatpants  and you hear him lightly chuckle. He opens his eyes and looks down at you.*
Bucky- Mmhm where are the kids??
*You kiss him through his pants again.*
Y/N- in there *You nod your head back and Bucky pulls you up. He laughs and spanks you ass.*
Bucky- are you crazy?! They could have walked in?!
Y/N- oh calm down, I just wanted to get a little naughty *You wink* I wasn't about to whip it out. *Bucky smirks and kisses you.*
Bucky- very naughty *He spanks one side of your ass* need to be punished again *He spanks your other side.*
Y/N- Mmhmm please Daddy *You say Breathlessly.*
Bucky- don't tempt me *Bucky takes your face in his hands and slips his tongue between his lips and then bites his bottom lip. He groans as he looks you over, seeing your royal blue, slip nightgown and how it hangs just below your ass.* Damn I have good taste.
*You smirk and kiss him.*
Y/N- yeah well this wasn't as easy to use as my nursing gone but I guess the effect it has on you is worth it.
Bucky- Mmhmm
*You look back at where the kids are again and see they are still "reading". You reach down Bucky's sweatpants and take him in your hand. You smirk and kiss his neck*
Y/N- Mmhmm you must really like this nightgown, huh?!
Bucky- I really really like the person wearing it. *You giggle as you watch his face as he is washed over in pleasure as you tease his tip.*
Y/N- mmmhmm well the feelings mutual.
Bucky- oh really?! *He smirks and lifts you in his arms. He spins you around and sets you on the counter, he moves your underwear to the side and he pulls himself out of his pants, making sure to keep them up over his butt. He pushes in you and you gasp. Bucky laughs and kisses you.*
Bucky- shhhh little one, can't get caught. Keep a look out. *You giggle and look over his shoulder as he goes to work. It feels so good you close your eyes and forget your "job". All the sudden right as you both are about to cum you feel a little hand on your leg. Your eyes shoot open and you see Winnie staring up at you and Bucky. You hit Bucky's shoulder.*
Y/N- Bucky! Buck- stop! *You try to make your voice even.*
Bucky- wha- what?! *He says out of breath, you can tell he's trying to stop himself from cumming, he follows your gaze and He looks down* oh! Winnie boo! 
Y/N- Hey Winnie! Are you all done?! *She nods* okay, good! Can you go wait till Grant is done?! *She points and you look over Bucky's shoulder and see Grant sitting on the floor behind you two.* shit! *You whisper, Bucky teases*
Bucky- you were suppose to be the look out-
Y/N- I was a little preoccupied! *Bucky smirks* oh stop! *Bucky quickly pulls out and adjusts his pants without them seeing anything. He turns around and gets the kids cleaned up.*
Bucky- okay, butts have been wiped and diapers are on! Now I need to shower and take care of this situation. *He kisses you and climbs in the shower. You whimper at the thought of your missed orgasm. You get cleaned up and dressed. You are dressing the girls when Bucky comes out of the bathroom.*
Bucky- have you seen my boxers?? *You laugh*
Y/N- were they not in your drawer??
Bucky- No, none of them were.
Y/N- did you leave them in the laundry room again?? *You tease and Bucky remembers*
Bucky- Yup, that I did. *He grabs his robe and heads to the door*
Y/N- Bucky just put on pants!
Bucky- it's 7 in the morning on a Saturday, no one is up!

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