Only One More

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*Its the first day of school everyone

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*Its the first day of school everyone. Your babies start kindergarten today. You are fixing your hair as Bucky walks up behind you and kisses your shoulder, you look up and see he is a little misty eyed.*
Y/N- stop! I've already cried enough this morning and I'll cry even more later!
*Bucky smiles and laughs. He kisses you and then goes to get the girls up so y'all can have breakfast with just them.*
Bucky- come on Jonnie girl. Gotta get up and get ready for school.
Jonnie- okay daddy *She hops out of bed and walks to the door.*
Odette- turn off the light, it hurts my eyes!
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- Nope, gotta get up sweetie!
Elizabeth- why is school so early?!
Bucky- well maybe you have to go to school to learn why. Come on, mommy and daddy want to spend time with just you three before school.

*You make them pancakes and bacon. They eat them all up*
Y/N- you ready for today?
Odette- I guess, will they be in my class??
Bucky- Yup! Your sisters will be with you and you'll see Winnie, Grant, and Sarah at school as well! You three have the same teacher Winnie and Grant had too, she is really nice and I think y'all will like her a lot!
Elizabeth- okay, what's her name?
Y/N- Mrs. Wendy
Jonnie- okay, she sounds nice.
*You and Bucky laugh. You get them upstairs and dressed while the other two get up and get breakfast. You get them dressed and you all take pictures. Sarah gets pictures with them as well before you all load up and head that way. Nat decided to stay back with James, Anthony, and Samuel. Seeing as they 3 all under 3, it would be more work to get them dressed and ready to go that early, instead she's gonna get the older two ready for preschool and they will take them when Steve gets back. You and Bucky agreed to watch Samuel so they could focus on the boys.*

Y/N- okay, bye Grant! Be good and learn a lot!
Grant- ehhh maybe! *He smiles and waves as he runs in the school.*
Bucky- okay Winnie boo, go on, have fun and remember what I taught you-
Winnie- if a boy looks at me just stare him down until he finally looks away.
Bucky- you got it! *He high-fives her and she giggles and hugs him and you before she runs away.*
*You walk the triplets in, they have their big backpacks on, they are about as big as them. They walk hand in hand with you and Bucky, they slow down as they get to the door. Odette looks back and smiles.*
Odette- by mommy, bye daddy! Love you!!
*She hugs you and Bucky tight and then walks in the room slowly, you can tell she is playing brave for you and her sisters. She's more like you than she will know. You call her back*
Y/an- Odette, bunny come here. *You kneel down and hug her again and whisper.* it's okay to be scared, you don't always have to be tough, okay?
*She sniffles and nods*
Odette- okay mommy, I love you. *She then walks into the room.*
Elizabeth- I'm scared but it looks like they have cool toys!
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- oh yeah! And you'll have so much fun! Give me a hug and kiss and you can go check it out.
*She smiles and hugs and kisses him. She does the same with you and follows Odette.*

*You look down at sweet little Jonnie, she is holding onto your hand so tight. She looks up at you and has tears. You and Bucky kneel down on her level.*
Y/N- hey, it's okay sweetie. Your sisters will be with you all day.
Bucky- and you're gonna have so much fun.
*She nods and wipes her tears.*
Jonnie- okay mommy. I just miss you.
Y/N- oh Jonnie, I'll miss you too! But guess what, when schools over I will be here to get you and then we will go get ice cream, how does that sound??
*She nods and hugs you and then Bucky. Odette comes to the door and holds her hand as she walks in. The teacher greets all of them and you know they are in safe hands.*

*As you head home you hold Bucky's hand and rub your belly.*
Y/N- we only have to do this one more time, right?! Cause I can't handle another hard day like this.
*Bucky smiles and kisses your hand*
Bucky- yeah baby, only one more.

*You get home and watch Samuel over the monitor as Steve and Nat take the boys to preschool. They then grab some coffee and just rest in the silence for a bit. You don't mind cause you get all the baby snuggles. You can't wait till you have Ben to snuggle, you've missed this.*

‼️Short but kinda emotional, so that's why! I'll make up for it tomorrow!! 😏😏😏‼️

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