Fighting With Yourself

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Elizabeth- Daddy?? What are we doing? Jonnie- yeah, we were suppose to be with Peter all day

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Elizabeth- Daddy?? What are we doing?
Jonnie- yeah, we were suppose to be with Peter all day.
*Grant stops walking a little and pulls Winnie back with him. She meets his gaze and whisper*
Winnie- Thats not Daddy
Grant- it is, but it's not.
Winnie- it's Winter
*Grant nods. Grant and Winnie are old enough that they've heard about the Winter Soldier. They know that he was a bad guy and that same bad guy is their dad. They know he's not bad anymore and in fact neither of them are scared of him, but
they know somethings not right.*
Grant- do you think daddy is okay?
Winnie- yeah, Winter is nice. He wouldn't hurt daddy. He is daddy!
*Grant nods, Winter turns around and looks at them. He motions with his head for them to follow, Winnie and Grant look at one another and smile.*
Grant- I mean, he's still Dad right?!
Winnie- Yup!
*They run after him and catch up to you guys. He laughs and rubs Grants hair. You all get into the room, the girls pull him to the couch and sit with him. They talk about their morning with Peter and how much fun they had.*
Jonnie- I petted a goat!!
Odette- I learned how to throw a spear!
Elizabeth- I just watched!
*He laughs and looks over them, completely in awe of the tiny little angels in front of him.*
Winter- well it sounds like you had a fun day *He gets choked up*
Jonnie- don't cry daddy, we will still have fun with you too!
*He laughs and she kisses his cheek before she runs away, Odette following her. Elizabeth looks at him.*
Elizabeth- Daddy?? When do we get to meet the other you?
*Winter smiles and start to speak*
Winter- well actually-
Grant- hey Elizabeth! Come play with me!
*Winter looks at Grant and he just nods and gently smiles as Elizabeth runs away. Winnie walks up to him and sits next to him.*
Winnie- hi Winter *He looks down at her and smiles*
Winter- ha! I should have known you and Grant knew already.
*She smiles*
Winnie- yeah, even though you're still May daddy, you're different. We just know, we're not scared though. We just want Daddy to be okay.
*You wipe a tear and winter reaches back and takes you hand as he leans towards Winnie.*
Winter- he is, I promise you. He's right here, *He leans his forehead against hers and she giggles and kisses his cheek.*
Winnie- okay, I'm gonna go play now.
*He nods and she jumps up. Winter turns to you and pulls you close and then patting his lap. You sit and take his face in your hands.*
Y/N- you shouldn't of done this. We weren't ready for this.
Winter- I wanted to see them, see you. Did you not want to see me??
Y/N- I did, I do but- *He kisses you and you hum but then push him back a little.* you need to understand what we are doing and we need you to work with us-
Winter- I know what you're doing, you're making it to where this can happen *He motions between the two of you* whenever we want. And you're going to do the same with yourself and Odette. But I agree with Bucky this will be too stressful for you. *You roll your eyes.*
Y/N- okay, anyway. If you understand then why did you not let him take control?
Winter- because I wanted my turn.
*He kisses you again and pulls you to straddle him. You push back again as he start to palm your ass.*
Y/N- Mmhmm No, no! Look, we can't act how we use to-
Winter- why not?! *Still trying to undress you. You stand up and put the coffee table between you two.*
Y/N- because I'm almost 5 months pregnant, we have kids who can walk in at any moment-
Winter- being seen never stopped you before *He smirks and you groan because he's not getting it.*
Y/N- that's because it was some random stranger or a hydra agent or my asshole of a father. These are our children Winter! We can't do that anymore. Theses are all the things we needed to talk about before this *you motion between you two* started happening! We can't just have sex 24/7!
Winter- you and Bucky do-
Y/N- No actually we don't. We are more physical with each other and more suggestive than normal couples but with these kids now we have sex about 45% less then we use to. AND when we do have sex it is when our children are asleep for the night or when they are with someone else, we don't just sit them in front of the TV and go bang one out!
Winter- what about last Tuesday? *He narrows his gaze*
Y/N- how did you- what- you were aware?
Winter- Yup! *He smirks and you are fumbling around your answer.*
Y/N- that was different- I had- the baby- hormones are a strange thing- *He just smiles and nods as he walks closer and closer as you fumble over your answer still. He wraps his arm around you.*
Winter- how about we just say this is hormones then and go have amazing sex-
Y/N- I haven't even had sex with Bucky in the past few days! I'm not about to have sex with you-
*You hear a little voice*
Grant- Umm mom what's sex?
*You gasp as you turn and see Grant. You look back at Winter and he is caught off guard and start to answer*
Winter- Umm well, you see it's when-
Y/N- No! *You cut him off* it's nothing Grant, we will tell you later. Go find Peter and have him take you to the river.
Grant- okay!
Winter- wait! I was about to have a parenting moment!
Y/N- no! You don't get to talk to him about that! Also he is too young.
*Winter sighs and walks into the bedroom.*
Winter- Will I ever be able to do anything with them? Parent them at all?? Or will I only have supervised visitations that last an hour. Or I'm only here to guck you into next week and then Bucky gets to take care of you after?
*You shake your head*
Y/N- this is why we weren't ready yet! Bucky and I haven't talked about any of this!
Winter- shouldn't I have a day too!! Shouldn't Odette!!
Y/N- No!!
Winter- because like it or not you and Odette were created! You were not two people who were already existing! Bucky and I were here first, you two are subsets of our minds. *You slip against the bed and hold your stomach. You cry.* I love you so much Winter but I will always love Bucky more. I don't want to lose you because you mean so much to me, but you, Winter, did not help create these kids so you don't get to make parenting decisions for Bucky. *There is a sharp pain in your side and you scream as you hold your belly. He is by your side.*
Winter- y/n?!? Is it Ben?! *You cry even more.* oh god Umm, I don't- Umm. *His vision goes back and he wakes up in the black room. Bucky standing in front of him.*
Winter- No she's hurting! It's the baby- I need-
Bucky- she doesn't need you. *Bucky chokes him out and wakes up kneeling next to you.*

Bucky- y/n, baby. Just breath, you've got this, it's just the stress and false labor. You're okay. *You look up and cry*
Y/N- Bucky?!?
Bucky- yeah baby, I'm back. *He kisses you and you cry* he was weak when he saw you hurting, I used that.
Y/N- oh Bucky! *You lay back as the pain subsides. He rubs your face and kisses you.*
Bucky- how are you feeling?
Y/N- I'm just tired, but Bucky-
Bucky- you need to talk to him, I agree.
*You whisper his words and Winter is back. He cries and looks into your eyes.*
Winter- I'm sorry, I- I can't do this.
Y/N- yes you can-
Winter- No Bucky, Bucky is better. He understands all this husband stuff and parenting- I can't-
Y/N- yes you can! but do you understand now as to why we needed to wait and figure this out?! Why the decisions have to be mine and Bucky?!
Winter- yes, I'm so sorry! *He kisses you*
Y/N- in time you will be amazing, I mean you already are, it's just in a part of you that is separate and maybe if this works you and Bucky will be more like one. *Winter nods* you already are a great dad and husband, you just have to be willing to learn from your other self. *You kiss him* stop fighting with yourself.
Winter- I will, and I will follow yours and Bucky's lead. I'm sorry, I just. Don't make me go yet, I want to make sure you're safe, that you two are okay.
*You cry and nod. You kiss him and he lays next to you. An hour goes by and all the kids end up climbing into bed with you and Winter. The girls climb all around him and he is just in heaven, surrounded by his family, he cries and looks up at you.*
Winter- I think I'm ready. *You nod and kiss him*
Y/N- I will see you soon
*The kids all day bye to Winter. Grant and Winnie took it upon themselves to tell the triplets, you'll have to get into him for that later.*
Jonnie- bye Winter, I love you!
Odette- mmwwahh
Elizabeth- sweet dreams!
Winnie- love you Winter
Grant- bye!
*He smiles and kisses each of them and then kisses you and nods.*
Winter- I love you, y/n.
Y/N- I love you too. *You say his words and Bucky wakes up. He looks down and around, he just smirks and squeezes them all tight.*
Bucky- Mmhmm my girls and my little man! I missed y'all. Did you have fun? Did you like Winter?
Jonnie- he was nice!
Winnie- he is cool *She smiles*
Grant- I do have a question, Winter and mom were talking about something and he was going to explain it but mom cut him off-
Y/N- Grant No- we don't need-
Bucky- go in Grant *He smirks*
Grant- okay, what's Sex? *Bucky's face goes white and he looks at you who is blushing.*
Bucky- excuse me?!
Winnie- what's sex?
Jonnie- yeah?
Odette- it's a weird word
Elizabeth- sounds gross
*Bucky and you can't help but laugh. You are bright red and you can tell Bucky is just planning away at how he's about to handle this and punish you.*
Bucky- okay, it's a word you girls don't need to repeat until you're all 12 at the same time.
Winnie- but we will all never be 12 at the same time.
Bucky- exactly!
Jonnie- why just us girls??
Y/N- yeah?!  Why just the girls?!
*You smirk and Bucky laughs and looks at Grant*
Bucky/ I have my reasons, now you kids go play and just keep your questions to yourself for a bit, okay!
*They all laugh and agree*
Grant- But what is it??
Bucky- Grant I'll tell you when you're older.
Grant- 12?!
Bucky- sure!
Grant- woohoo!

*He follows the girls out of the room and closes the door. Bucky looks at you and pulls you close. You giggle and try to get away but it's no use. Even with one arm he is stronger than you. He traps you beneath him and boxes you in.*
Bucky- now, how about you give me a play by play as to how you and Winter started talking about sex!
Y/N- how about you let mommy show you *You wink and he lets out a loud laugh*
Bucky- oh that moment has passed for the day! *You pout and Bucky laughs and kisses you* go ahead and pout cause your definitely getting punished tonight. *You whimper and gently move your hand down his body and rest it at his waistband of his pants.*
Y/N- are you sure that moments passed? *You look at him innocently and he groans as you see his resolve break.*
Bucky- shit *He mumbles, he rolls over in his back and motions for you to get in with it, you giggle and he smirks.* you're ass is still mine tonight!
Y/N- yeah yeah, we will see if you can walk later.
Bucky- and you told Winter that we didn't have sex 24/7 *He scoffs and you laugh*
Y/N- we are on vacation and this doesn't cou-
*You realize what he said, you look up at him and he realizes he messed up.*
Bucky- shit *He let's out a nervous laugh* okay so I heard everything and I basically set up that situation with Grant to make you blush and allow me to I act some Daddy play tonight, sue me!
*You scoff and laugh, shaking your head*
Y/N- oh there will be fucking tonight, but it will be me and I'll be fucking your ass. *You tease as you grab him through his pants and squeeze. You kiss him and then get off the bed. He sits up and follows your lips* but that's after diner so get up and let's go. *You smirks and Sway your hips as you walk out. Bucky falls back to the bed and closes his eyes. He goes back into the black room and Winter is stand ing in front of him with his arms crossed and laughing.*
Bucky- you did that on purpose
Winter- you're right, I knew you wouldn't be able to help listening in and watching, so I let you.
Bucky- fuck you! *He laughs and shakes his head*
Winter- you're right, I guess we are getting tucked tonight. *He laughs and Bucky shoves him. Bucky opens his eyes and laughs to himself, he rubs his face and sits up, following you out of the room,*

‼️Is the "black room" making sense?? ‼️

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