Just Wait Baby

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*You moans and arch off the bed

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*You moans and arch off the bed.*
Odette- I- Mmhmm please?!
Bucky- Odette, you don't have to ask. Do it, I want you to do what feels good. *He kisses you and curls his fingers, you cum and moan. You true to wrap your arms around Bucky but you can't. You beg*
Odette- please- Mmhmm please Bucky- I need to touch you.
Bucky- you will, I promise. But I still see that fire in your eyes. I need you to calm down and trust me. I know you don't trust easily but you trust Winter, right? *You nod and then remember that Bucky needs verbal confirmation.*
Odette- y-yyes
Bucky- then trust me, please.
Odette- okay
*Bucky smiles and kisses your lips*
Bucky- now, if you don't mind I'm gonna get back to what I was doing.
*You smile and blush as Bucky kisses down your body. He takes off your bra and moves it up your arms, out of the way.*
Bucky- now, that's out of the way. *He smiles and starts to kiss your breast. He pulls your nipples between his teeth and sucks on them. He moans and you smile and let out a blissful sigh*
Bucky- this feel good? *You don't answer, just smile.* oh I know it does. *He kisses your breast and moves down your body, he settles between you legs again and takes his time bringing you over the edge again and again.*

Odette- Bucky!! Mmhmm b-bbucky please, I need you, please.
Bucky- I've got you baby. *He kisses you and settles between your legs. You come down from your 6th orgasm. He unties your hands and rubs your wrist where you've pulled at them for an hour.*
Bucky- you ready?? *He gently smiles and you nod*
Odette- yes Bucky, I'm yours.
Bucky- you are so beautiful, Mmhm I love you.
Odette- you love her-
Bucky- you are her, you are one and I. Love. You. *A tear falls from your eyes and he kisses it away, an action that softens your heart. You wrap your hands around his back and feel his muscles move under your fingers. He slowly pushes inside you and your arch your back and moan*
Odette- oh Bucky *You moan and he kisses your neck and then silences you with a kiss.*
Bucky- so good Odette. You deserve every minute of this. *He moves in and out. Holding you close. He kisses you and moans in your mouth.*
Odette- I don't- I deserve fire and pain *You cry and Bucky takes your face in his hands and keeps up his pace. Slow and sensual.*
Bucky- No, you deserve kindness, you were made into what you are. There is good and beauty beneath all that anger and rage. I know, it's what I love about you. *You cry and he kisses away the tears, he wraps his arms around your back and pulls your body close to his, no room between you two, you move as one. Gasping for air and just relishing in the pleasure of the moment. The gentleness he is showing you, it's truly breath taking.*
Odette- oh Bucky! I'm- oh I'm gonna-
Bucky- me too baby, cum. Show me how good you feel.
*You whimper and cum hard, you kiss him and moan into his mouth. He cums and rides his high as you rub his back and kiss his neck.*
Bucky- oh Odette, Mmhmm I love you.
Odette- I love you too Bucky. *He kisses you and lays down, still inside. You catch your breath and look up at Bucky who is so blissed out. It's nice to see. Winter loves a good fuck, that's what gets him relaxed, Bucky relaxes when he knows you've been properly loved. You kiss his chest and then his lips, he hums and looks down at you.*
Bucky- how do you feel??
Odette- I feel loved, seen. *you rub his face and brush your thumb over his lips* thank you Bucky. *You smile* I see why Y/n prefers you so much.
*Bucky laughs and rubs your arms*
Bucky- oh is that why?! *He says sarcastically.* well you haven't seen my dominant side. It's nothing like Winter and there's very little gentleness. *You smile* but not tonight, but maybe one day. *He winks*
I enjoyed our time together.
Odette- me too *You kiss him and then nod. Bucky kisses your head and then whispers your word*
Bucky- Swan
*You change and meet his gaze.*
Y/N- Mmhmm hi *You chuckle and Bucky smiles*
Bucky- you good?
Y/N- yeah, I'm really really good.
Bucky- good, I'm glad to hear it. Now let's get clean up and to bed.
*You nod and kiss him.*

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