Snow Storm of the Century

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*The kids go back to school and settled back into their routines pretty easily

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*The kids go back to school and settled back into their routines pretty easily. There are concerts and science fairs. Baseball games and ballet classes. Birthday parties and so many play dates. Before you know it, it's spring break and Ben is due in a week.*
Grant- hey mom? Are we going anywhere for spring break?
Y/N- I don't know Grant, probably. I'll have to talk to your dad.
Winnie- it would be fun to go to the cabin!
*You look at her and think for a moment.*
Y/N- we will see. Y'all go play outside.
*You hold your belly as you walk up the stairs. He is sitting low and your belly is super heavy these days.*
Y/N- Ben I swear to god if you're an 8 pound baby I will never let you live it down. All your siblings were only 6 or 7 so you need to get with the program.
*Bucky hears you walking down the hall talking to Ben. He lightly laughs and watches you waddle in.*
Bucky- hey baby, how you feeling this morning?
Y/N- over it! I'm over it, I want him in my arms and out of my body!
*Bucky smiles and just rubs your back as you walk to the couch.*
Bucky- I know baby. What would you say to a week away?
Y/N- I say, it's a lot of work. I have to pack everyone and then make sure everyone has what they need. I have to plan meals at the cabin and then I have to do laundry. I just want to rest and get ready for Ben to arrive and packing the car to drive to the lake for a week right before I give birth is not what I have in mind when I say rest!
*Bucky nods and rubs your back. He slips his hands around your waist and lifts you belly up. Taking the weight of Ben off your back. You let some tears fall at the relief. He kisses your head*
Bucky- I understand baby but I think we all need a break. *You sigh* I will pack, I will cook, I will do your duties and mine while you enjoy our family and prepare for Ben. How does that sound?
Y/N- it's sounds unfair to you-
Bucky- Well it sounds perfect to me. *He kisses your head and you lean back against him.*
Y/N- I love you Bucky, thank you.
Bucky- you're welcome baby.

*You get your bag packed while Bucky handles everything else. The kids are running around and throwing things into their suitcases.*
Bucky- if you don't pack it then it's not going to the cabin.
Grant- so i have to pack my own underwear?!
Bucky- Yup! And you better pack it.
*Grant sighs*
Grant- fine
Winnie- do I need a swimsuit?
Bucky- if you want to swim then yes!
*He laughs.*
Elizabeth- Daddy the weather says a freak storm is on the move. It's gonna snow!
Bucky- Elizabeth it's April, it's not gonna snow.
Elizabeth- I don't know.... I'm packing a jacket.
Bucky- okay, you do that!
*Odette and Jonnie run around and grab their clothes.*
Y/N- Bucky?! Make sure they get their pillows and sleeping bags!
Bucky- got it!
*The kids are all sitting on the couch waiting for you two.*
Y/N- Mmhmm wow this hurts. *You rub your belly*
Bucky- you okay?
Y/N- yeah, my back and legs and belly just hurt.
Bucky- once we get to the lake I'll help you set up on the porch, put your feet up, and just relax until this one makes his appearance.
*You smile and Bucky kisses you*
Y/N- we are crazy to be leaving town this close to the birth.
Bucky- definitely but we need this, I think the kids need it too. Even Steve and Nat are coming along.
Y/N- oh good! More people crammed into that tiny house! *You roll your eyes.*
Bucky- oh hush. *He kisses you* I know you're grumpy but this will be fun, I promise! Also Tony expanded it, it's huge now. *He kisses you again and pulls you along.*
Bucky- alright wolves, head to the door! Spring break starts now!

*Bucky is loading the car while Steve and Nat get their kids loaded and ready.*
Steve- did you see the forecast?
Bucky- No but Lizzy said something along the line of snow.
Nat- Yeah, no way. They got that way wrong! Look it's super sunny and warm. Unless some freaky act of nature happens-
Steve- don't temp it!

*Bucky climbs in the car and makes sure the kids are all settled. He takes your hand and kisses it.*
Bucky- it's gonna be okay, we are gonna have fun.
Y/N- I know Bucky, I'm just a little nervous about not being at home.
Bucky- I promise you it will be okay and if it's not, I'll make sure it is. *He kisses you and the kids all yell and get grossed out. You laugh and kiss him back.*
Y/N- I know, you always take care of me. *Bucky lays his hand on your thigh and y'all start your drive.*

*You pull up to the cabin and see that Tony truly did double its size. The kids jump out and run around, screaming and laughing. Bucky comes around to help you out, you stretch and head inside.*
Y/N- wow, You weren't kidding! Tony did a number in this place!
Bucky- I told you! *He smiles. He drops the bags in the living room.* a nice new getaway.
*Nat walks by*
Nat- you okay?
Y/N- yeah *She stares you down, you sigh* I'm just worried I'm gonna have Ben here. In the middle of nowhere, with no doctors and no meds- I know it's silly. I just have a weird feeling.
Nat- hey it's gonna be okay. Even if you do have him here you have all of us who have had babies. We've got you, now let's relax. And don't worry, we are only here for 4 days then we are back home. *You smile and nod*

‼️5 Days later‼️
Y/N- I'm gonna kill you!!
*You throw a pillow at Bucky. He catches it.*
Bucky- I know baby, I'm so sorry!
*You cry as you lay on the bed. The kids come running in*
Grant- mom? *Bucky shakes his head* Umm I mean Dad? Do we have extra blankets?? It's really cold.
Elizabeth- I told you it was gonna snow *Bucky sighs*
Bucky- okay Elizabeth not now. Go downstairs.
*The snow storm that was reported was in fact real and it hit about 2 days into your trip. 7 feet of snow over night and it's been snowing ever since. You are starting to have contractions from the stress of being stuck.*
Y/N- if I have our baby here I will-
Bucky- I know, you'll kill me. *Bucky pulls you close and you try to fight him. He pulls you closer* I know, I convinced you to come here. I couldn't foresee the snow storm of the century, but I am sorry!
*You cry and hold your belly.* just breath baby. Breath. It will be okay.
*You nod and breath. You know it's not real labor because it stops and slows down when you calm down.*
Bucky- if I have anything to say about it you will not have this baby here.
*Bucky gets you laying down and sleeping. He heads downstairs and grabs a shovel.*
Steve- where are you going??
Bucky- to dig out the driveway. If she has Ben here she will never talk to me again.
*The kids go running out and jump in the snow.*
Nat- thank god for that old bin of winter clothes!
Bucky- yeah... okay kids come help me dig!
Winnie- okay!!
*They all run outside. You come downstairs and see Bucky shocking the driveway*
Y/N- what is he doing?!
Steve- I believe he is going to clear the road to the hospital all by himself. *He smiles up at you from where he is sitting with Samuel. He takes your hand and squeezes it.*
Y/N- oh Bucky.. *You sigh. You wrap yourself up in a blanket and walk outside. Bucky sees you*
Bucky- y/n! No baby go back inside, I'm just shoving some!
*You walk out and grab his hand. You kiss him and pull him inside.*
Y/N- just be with me. We will leave when it's safe to do so-
Bucky- but Ben-
Y/N- if he makes his entrance while we're here then that's what he does. *Bucky kisses you and sits with you on the couch as you watch the kids play in the snow.*

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