Elizabeth Y/N Barnes

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*They have you numbed and the bleeding under control

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*They have you numbed and the bleeding under control. You feel so much pressure, like you need to push again.*
Y/N- I feel like I need to push!
Doctor- okay y/n don't push, I'm gonna take a look, okay!
*She looks and you hear her whisper to the nurses and they start scrambling around. Getting blankets and a warmer, your arms are strapped down and you can't move. You look at Bucky and he can tell you're about to spiral. He whispers in your ear and rubs your head*
Bucky- you're safe y/n. You are safe, I'm here. *He kisses your head, you hear Odette coo and your tears start to fall*
Y/N- Bucky what's going on?? Is she- are they okay? Wha-
Doctor- okay y/n looks like another one of your girls wants to make her grand entrance. But we have to do this carefully. *Bucky sits up and the Doctor sees him* Mr. Barnes I need you to sit down and trust that everything's going to be okay.
Y/N- Bucky what?!
Bucky- is she-
Doctor- Mr.Barnes, please sit down and let me work. *Bucky sits and looks at you, you are terrified and for once Bucky doesn't know how to comfort you. He has no idea what's happening and he can't think of anything to say. He just holds your hand and rest his forehead against yours.*
Bucky- it's gonna be okay. *You just cry and Bucky holds you.*

*There is utter silence in the room, the nurses push on your belly, helping deliver Baby girl B. You feel relief from the pressure so you know she's out. You hear one of the nurses say, "she's blue, get the suction and oxygen." You start to panic when you don't hear her cry. Bucky stands up and looks*
Y/N- Bucky is she okay? I don't hear her crying?! Bucky-
*He looks at you*
Bucky- I Umm I don't- *You cry and shake your head*
Y/N- someone?! Anyone?! Please tell me-
Doctor- Y/N I need you to stay calm. Baby Girl B is having some trouble breathing, we think she may have swallowed some fluid. But she is breathing, I am going to continue with the C-Section, okay?
Bucky- she can't deliver Baby C?
Doctor- there are some extenuating circumstances and we can't-
Bucky- what does that mean?!? *You just cry, they have to put a mask on you to help with your oxygen intake.*
Doctor- I will explain everything after right now my time is better served getting your baby out. Please sit down.
*Bucky sits, the nurses take Odette and put her in the warmer with Baby B, they end up intertwined and cuddling. The bonding actually helps bring baby B's stats up. Your heart hurts that you could hold her as soon as she was born. You got to hold Odette but little baby B and C probably won't get that time. Bucky kisses your tears and squeezes your hand*

*Back at the compound Winnie wakes up early. Thor hears her talking and figures she's fine for a bit, he falls back asleep for a couple minutes. Then she starts to whine and call out for you*
Winnie- mama?! Mama! Uddles!!
*Thor sits up and listens*
Thor- uddles?? *She whines again and Thor realizes what she's asking, cuddles* well that's not happening.
*He gets up and walks into Grants room, waking Peter. He pulls him out of the room*
Thor- Winnie's awake and wants cuddles so *He points to her room*
Peter- just go get her up, we are all helping out here.
Thor- I can't-
*Grant wakes up*
Grant- mama!? Dada!?
Peter- just go get her up and sit with her on the couch. Turn on the tv, just do something before she starts to cry.
*Peter walks in and picks up Grant, Thor sighs and opens Winnie door, he walks in and she sees him. She pouts and hugs her piglet tight and has her Paci in her mouth. She stares him down like "you're not mommy."
Thor- hello Winnie. Umm do you want to get out? *Thor swears Winnie rolls her eyes at him, she just climbs out of the crib herself and lands on the floor, she stands up and walks out of the room. Thor is shocked and just follows her, she sits on the couch and points to the TV, Thor turns it on and she lays back and watches a cartoon that was on. She looks at him and pulls out her Paci.*
Winnie- I ungry!
*Thor stares at her while she stares at him, neither of them really pleased with the situation at the moment.*
Thor- well what do you eat??
Winnie- anana, ilk, urt!
*Thor shakes his head*
Thor- didn't get any of that, sorry.
*She repeats it and Thor start saying words that sound like what she's saying*
Thor- Banana?
Winnie- yesss
Thor- Milk? *Winnie nods* yogurt?
Winnie- yesss *She points to the door*
Thor- Umm, okay. I'll go grab that for you then. Do you eat up here-
Winnie- eer *She pops her Paci back in and faces the TV again. Thor nods*
Thor- okay, stay here I guess.
*As Thor is gone Peter comes out and Winnie gives him the same look, Grant comes and sits with Winnie, he is already changed and dressed for the day.*
Peter- ok, Winnie let's get you changed and dressed. I won't make Thor do that cause I agree that's a little odd. *He changes Winnie and then gets her dressed in a cute little dusty rose colored shirt and black shorts. He tries to do something with her hair but he fails*
Peter- you'll have to wait for Aunt Nat. *Winnie's got bad bed head and she just looks at herself in the mirror, she gives Peter a stare and then gets her Paci and piglet and joins Grant on the couch. Thor walks back in with her food*
Peter- oh, y/n and Bucky try not to bring food up here, snacks is different but actually good they-
Thor- Peter, their room is covered in blood and smells like a hospital. I think a few crumbs are the least of their worries. *He hands Winnie her milk and banana. Peter shakes his head and then gets Grant breakfast and brings it upstairs. Winnie eats her banana and then wants her yogurt.*
Thor- can she do this herself?
Peter- she's one and a half *Thor stares at him* no, she can't.
*Thor nods and helps her with her yogurt. Once they are both done Peter cleans them up.*
Peter- okay, let's head downstairs.
Thor- okay, can you take her I- I need to shower and eat and-
Peter- Seriously?!? You can't handle this?? Weren't you going to have a baby??
Thor- yes Peter, with her! *He points to Winnie sitting on the couch. He raises his voice a little* so can you understand why I don't want to play dolls or cuddle on the couch with the child version of my future wife!
*Lightning starts to move between his fingers as he gets angrier. Winnie gets scared and starts to cry, she runs away and hides. Thor instantly feels like the biggest asshole in the world, scaring Winnie like that. Peter nods*
Peter- good going. *Peter goes to find Winnie, Grant stares up at Thor and he has a mean look on his face.*
Grant- I ont ike oouu! *He hops down and runs to find Winnie* Innie!?!
*Thor sighs and storms out of the room, running into Steve*
Steve- Thor?? You okay?!
Thor- No! Yes! I don't know, I'm leaving.
Steve- Thor?!
*He storms down the hall and Steve hears the front door slam shut. He walks into your suite and he sees a crying Winnie in Peter's arms. And Grant hanging onto Peter's leg*
Steve- what happened??
Peter- I may have pushed Thor a little too hard..
*Steve walks over and takes Winnie, he takes her back to his room and gives her to Nat while he takes Sarah to play with Grant.*

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