Benjamin Nate Barnes

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*You lay on the couch and just breath as contraction after contraction comes

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*You lay on the couch and just breath as contraction after contraction comes. The pain is almost too much it then it will stop and the contraction will pass. You get up and walk around to try and take your mind off of it.*
Y/N- Mmhmm Bucky tell me something.
Bucky- what do you wan to know?
Y/N- just tell me something, anything!
Bucky- Umm okay, the kids are standing at the top of the stairs and waiting to get word to come down.
Y/N- what??
*He points and you look. You see the 5 kids sitting nicely at the top of the stairs. All waiting. You smile and laugh as you walk around.*
Y/N- come down
*They all walk down the stairs and stand behind the couch.*
Grant- mama? Are you okay?
*You nod as a contraction starts.*
Bucky- she's okay bud, just working at getting your sibling here!
*He rubs Grant's head.*
Winnie- it sounds and looks like it hurts.
*You groan and nod.*
Bucky- it does Winnie boo, it does. *He sighs as he looks at you. You walk around and just groan.* y'all wanna stay down here for a bit? I think mama would love it if y'all could distract her from the pain.
*They all smile and are excited. You hold onto the table and groan. Bucky jumps up and walks over to you. He rubs your back*
Bucky- I know baby, just breath. *He kisses your back*
*Steve and Nat walk out and watch as Bucky helps you and the kids look on. Nat gently smiles and nudges Steve.*
Nat- go get the camera from upstairs, I think this will be a moment they will want recorded. *Steve nods, he grabs the camera and hands it to Nat, she sets it up and then they head back upstairs with their kids for a bit.*

*As you are laboring Bucky stays by your side. He rubs your back and gets you cold wash cloth for your neck. You just groan and rub your belly as your contractions get closer and closer together.
The kids just watch in awe. Grant sees how Bucky helps you and holds you up. How you lean on him when the pain is too much and how he comforts you. A few tears start to well up in his eyes but he wipes them away. Winnie sees how Bucky puts you first in this moment, if one of the kids needs something he gets them to ask Steve or Nat because he needs to focus on you. He explains that it's not because he doesn't care, it's because right now his job isn't to be a daddy, it's to be whatever mommy needs. It makes Winnie smile and love her daddy even more. The triplets watch you as you let Bucky help. They love how even when you look uncomfortable you let him rub your back or help you up. How even when you shed a tear from the pain, you let Bucky wipe them away. You're not afraid to show your emotions to him and he does the same. He shows you how he is hurting for you because you're in pain. He lets tears fall and doesn't try to hide them. He laughs and smiles while making sure you are okay, and that makes them happy. All of these wonderful moments are caught on camera and you will thank Nat for that for years to come.*

Grant- Dad? Can I help with anything?
Bucky- yeah bud, can you get mama some water?
*He nods and grabs a bottle of water. He hand sit to you and you thank him*
Winnie- how long does this go on for?
*She looks at Grant who shrugs. Nat comes down to check on you*
Nat- hey, how you doing?
Y/N- I don't know, I feel like I need to push though.
Bucky- you want me to check? *You nod. Nat gets the kids out of the room for a moment while he does.* you're about 9 centimeters!
Y/N- ohhh okayyy. Wow! *You laugh nervously. Bucky rubs your leg and kisses your hand*
Bucky- you've got this, it's gonna be okay.
*You nod and take a deep breath.*
Y/N- okay
*You lay down and Bucky sits on a stool in front of you. He looks back at the stairs and then looks at you.*
Bucky- should we let them be in here?
*You look back and then at Bucky.*
Y/N- Would it be too much?
Bucky- I don't know baby, I mean you are giving birth. Do you want them here?
Y/N- yes but I don't want to scare them. Just leave them upstairs with the triplets.
*Bucky nods and quickly gets Nat and Steve on the same page. Thankfully their kids are all passed out for nap time and they left some music playing loudly so any screaming won't wake them. A contraction hits and you can help but scream.*
Y/N- sssshhhhi
Bucky- I know baby just breath, you've got this!
*The kids get settled and Nat is in there with you. She holds your hand as Bucky sits on the stool again*
Bucky- okay y/n, on the next one push.
*You nod, the contraction hits and you scream as you push. Steve is upstairs with the kids, he is trying to distract them but it's not working. Grant and Winnie keep trying to get downstairs to you.*
Steve- Look I know you want to check on her but they need you to stay up here for right now, oaky?!
*They nod and look so scared and sad. Steve realizes that keeping them from you is just making their worries worse. At that moment Nat yells for Steve*
Nat- Steve we need your help!
*Steve looks at Winnie and Grant*
Steve- do not follow me, understand? *He winks and Heads downstairs. Grant and Winnie look at each other. They sneak to the stairs and the triplets follow.*

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