Pretty Good So Far

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‼️I just found this Picture on Pinterest and

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‼️I just found this Picture on Pinterest and... 🥵🤤😉😅❤️‼️

*You get home and Grant starts to crash a little. This was the first day he hasn't had an afternoon nap. Thankfully he still napped when the girls did but since he's in schools now he can't do that and if he naps when he gets home he won't sleep at bedtime.*
Grant- I'm so tired mommy!
Y/N- I know baby, but you wanna go play outside? Maybe that will give you some energy!
Grant- No, I just want to cuddle with you. Can I?
*You heart is about to burst. You wrap him up in your arms*
Y/N- yeah baby, I'd love to cuddle with you. *He snuggles close and starts to close his eyes. You give in and let him sleep a little because this was just too special.*
Bucky- come on girls, let's go play outside. I think the trampoline is still up!
Winnie- yay!! *They run outside with Bucky but Sarah stays back with you.*
*Steve and Nat come down the stairs*
Steve- hey Sarah!
Nat- hello sweetie!! How was school?!
Sarah- I had so much fun! We played and colored and then I went outside and played princesses hero's with Winnie!
*They laugh and hug her*
Steve- you wanna go play with Winnie or coke spend some time with mommy and daddy?
Sarah- I want to be with you!
Nat- okay sweet girl. Come on, we will watch a little show together and you can tell me all about your day, how does that sound??
Sarah- yay!

*Bucky is jumping on the trampoline with the girls. He is bouncing them all around and they are squealing and laughing. When he falls they climb all over him until he shakes them off. You watch and laugh, Grant wakes up and wants to join them.*
Y/N- okay, let's go bud!
*Grant climbs on and goes crazy, doing flips and jumping over the triplets. You shake your head and try not to watch. Bucky pulls you up with him*
Bucky- come on mama! Everyone's jumping!
Y/N- I've had 5 children, if I start jumping I will owe myself. *Bucky laughs and kisses you as he whispers*
Bucky- I thought you loved to bounce. *He smirks and slaps your ass as he jumps away and you just gasp and laugh. You sit and the girls climb all over you and jump up and down. The breeze is so nice you all just end up laying on the trampoline and watching the clouds.*
Grant- that one looks like a plane!
Winnie- dat one looks like a doggie!
Odette- kitty!
Elizabeth- bird!
Jonnie- shoe!
*Bucky and you laugh and just listen to their giggles. He holds you as you watch the clouds go by. Soon it's time to make dinner so you all have to head in. The kids play downstairs with Morgan and Sarah while you and Bucky make dinner. Bucky uses every moment to brush up against you. "Needing" a bowl from the cabinet right above you. Or "needing" to squeeze by where you were instead of walking around the other side. You just play along and let him, the kids eat and you get them bathed and then down for bed. You crash on the couch, tired as ever. Bucky sits next to you and rubs your shoulders and kisses your hand.*
Bucky- you doing okay mama?
*You sigh and nod*
Y/N- yeah, still a little emotional over the day. It was just a lot.
Bucky- I know baby. *He kisses your temple*
Y/N- you? How's daddy doing??
Bucky- I'm okay, I wish Grant played as me as recess instead of Steve but I guess Winter Soldier or White Wolf is a little bloodier than Sparkly Captain America. *You smile and rub his face, you lean in and give him a sweet peck on the lips*
Y/N- you are his hero baby. Im sure he will be playing as you soon. *He gently smiles*
Bucky- my little man is growing up. I love my girls, I really really do. Grants my boy though, he's all I got.
Y/N- hey that picture says that we have another.
*Bucky smiles and nods*
Bucky- I know but Grant made me a dad. He made me realize what it means to be a father and he's the one that's growing so fast and I've got to keep up. Im scared he's gonna grow out of my knowledge, you know. Like at some point I just won't have the answers anymore.
*You snuggle close and take his hand in hours threading your fingers with his.*
Y/N- yeah but you know what we do when that day comes.
Bucky- Nope!
Y/N- we fake it till we make it! *Bucky chuckles and kisses you* I say we've both done a great job so far, considering you haven't been parented in almost a century!
*Bucky almost chokes on air at that realization.* and after my mom died and Johnathan I never had a parent, so cheers to us! *Bucky laughs and kisses you*
Bucky- yeah we've done pretty good so far!

*You and Bucky stay wrapped up in each other's arms until it's late. Bucky carry's you to the bedroom and it's something about the threshold of your bedroom that turns both of you into different people. Bucky sets you down and kisses your neck and whispers in your ear.*
Bucky-ты готова играть, принцесса (are you ready to play, Princess)
*You smirk and reach back, ghosting your hands along his hips.*
Y/N- Как хороший маленький ебаный кролик я (Like the good little fuck bunny I am)
Bucky-Руки и колени, открой свой красивый рот (hands and knees, open that pretty mouth of yours)
Y/N- Да сержант папа (Yes sergeant daddy)
Bucky-Моя хорошая маленькая принцесса (My good little princess)

‼️A short, sweet little part that ends on a dirty note! 😏😉 So as you can see, it's gonna get interesting tomorrow! 🥵🤤😏😉😅❤️‼️

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