Lets Get To Work

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*Bucky kisses your neck and you wrap your legs around his waist... you moan and Bucky nibbles on your neck*
Y/N- Mmhmm baby. I've missed this *You kiss him and you head Winnie start crying... you look at the monitor and she is sitting up and crying while looking at the door.* no no no... *You pretend to cry. You start to get up and Bucky keeps you where you are*
Bucky- No No, she's fine. She'll go back to sleep. Remember, crying it out worked on Grant, and it works on her too. *He kisses you again and you giggle*
Y/N- No, I need to get her. She didn't eat well-
Bucky- she's gonna be okay. *You look back at the monitor and Bucky pulls your face back to look at him* Hey, we were rallying.
*You pout and whine as you kiss him*
Y/N- I know baby, I know but- *Winnie screams even louder* I need to get her-
Bucky- going on two months here baby... two months since we've seen each other naked and our beautiful naked bodies have touched-
*You laugh and kiss him again*
Y/N- I know baby but she needs me- *Winnie screams even louder* see!
Bucky- okay, she did that on purpose! She's got this radar that goes off whenever I touch you. *You giggle and move him off*
Y/N- Yeah well the raft is going off and she's gonna wake Grant if I don't get her now.
*Bucky pouts and lays back down.*
Bucky- Thats a lie, the rooms are soundproof.
*You laugh and give him a kiss. You into Winnie's room and she stops crying when she sees you.. she lifts her arms and you walk over and pick her up. She clings to you, she acts like she can't get close enough. She is scared about something.
Y/N- Hey Winnie boo... I'm here, mamas here. I've got you baby. *She clings to you even more*

*You walk back into your room and Bucky is still pouting. You chuckle, you've missed your alone time with Bucky as much as he's missed it but the minute he sees how scared Winnie is he is right into dad mode. It melts your heart and makes you wish Winnie would just fall back asleep so you could swoon over your husband and let him have his way with you. He sits up and the concern in his eyes is so sweet*
Bucky- hey what's wrong?! Oh Winnie boo!
*She buries her face in your chest and reaches her hand out to Bucky. You sit on the bed and Bucky scoot right next to you. She grabs Bucky's shirt and tries to pull him closer. Bucky's heart breaks to see her so scared*
Y/N- I think she had a nightmare.
Bucky- yeah, oh poor Winnie, come here.
*You start to hand her over and she won't let go but she pulls Bucky even closer.*
Bucky- okay, Winnie. Okay. *You lay back in Bucky's arms and he holds you and Winnie. Winnie still has his shirt in her grip and her head buried in your chest. She drifts off to sleep and Bucky looks down at you*
Bucky- Well, we've waited longer than 2 months before. *You chuckle and Bucky kisses you* I wish we could figure out what was going on in her dream.
Y/N- I'll ask Wanda tomorrow, maybe she can work some magic. *Bucky smiles and settles down in the bed with you. You look down at Winnie* wow she is out!
Bucky- Wanna try to lay her down??
Y/N- No, I don't want her to wake up.
*Bucky nods and holds you close.*

*You sleep like that till early morning. Bucky lifts Winnie off you and she whines.*
Bucky- really Winnie boo?! What's going on??
*He sits down in the rocking chair and she curls up against his chest.* you just wanna be held, huh?! *She coos and falls back asleep. Bucky holds her for a bit and then turns on the heating pad in the crib... it warms up nice and then he turns it off and slips her back into her crib. It's all warm and toasty and she stays asleep. Bucky could almost scream, he walks back into the room. Bucky slips in bed and wraps you in his arms... he kisses your neck and you moan as you wake up*
Y/N- Mmhmm where's Winnie??
Bucky- asleep in her crib. You *He kisses you're neck* are all *He kisses your cheek* mine. *He kisses you and slips his tongue in your mouth and you kiss him back*
Y/N- Mmhmm
Bucky- our sex drought ends this morning. *You giggle and Bucky slips your pants off... as he moves down the bed. He slips his off his pants and you bite your lip and slip your shirt off. Bucky looks down at you and audibly whimpers. He lays down and kisses you and then your chest and down your body.*
Bucky- Mmhmm I've missed you, I've missed you! *He kisses your breast and you chuckle. He looks up at you* do you have to nurse her this morning or-
Y/N- yes I do so that is a no go baby... *Bucky pouts and then tongues your breast before moving down your body. He lays between your legs and pushes your thighs farther apart. He kisses the inside of your thighs and you smile as he gets closer and closer to where you need him. You feels his breath against your skin and you just need him to close the distance. He wraps his hands around your legs and locks them together on top of your waist. He presses a firm lick against your clit and you gasp a little. It was is sudden and it feels so good! You slowly move your hips along with the movements of his tongue as he circles your clit and dips it inside you.*
Y/N- oh Bucky! Mmhmm
Bucky- so good... *He pulls you closer to him and speeds up a little*
Y/N- oh baby, please?! *Bucky sits up and kisses you.*
Bucky- you don't have to beg me y/n. *He kisses you and he pushes inside. It's been so long that you need a moment. You arch off the bed and grab his forearms. One strong, warm, and soft, the other Hard, cold, and firm. He kisses your neck and slowly starts to move. You are so tight around him Bucky doesn't want to move because it feels too good where he is, but he knows it's about to be even better.*
Bucky- oh y/n... Mmhmm I love you baby.
Y/N- I love you too..
*He kisses your chest and you place your hands on the side of his face and play with his hair. He kisses you and rests his forehead against yours and starts to move in and out of you. He hits your sweet spot every time and you run your hands down his back. Over his muscles and his ass, you moan into his mouth and he speeds up. He sits back and pulls you into his arms, your chest is pressed against his and his hands roam your back. He slides farther into you and you gasp. Bucky smiles and kisses you, you smile against his lips as he thrusts up into you. He lays you back down with his arms wrapped around your back. Bucky whispers sweet nothings in your ear and he feels you start to clinch around him.*
Bucky- cum for me y/n, I love you baby.
*You cum and arch off the bed*
Y/N- oh Bucky! Mmhmm oh baby!
Bucky- mhmm so good *He makes the sexiest moan and you kiss him.*
Bucky- I love you so much y/n
Y/N- I love you too Bucky
*He kisses you and lays down on you and then rolls you over. He stays inside you and holds you close. He kisses your head and rubs your back. You get goosebumps as he rubs up and down your arms. He chuckles and holds you close.*
Bucky- getting a little chilly?!
*You laugh and nod. Your breathing finally calms down, you move so Bucky pulls out of you. You kiss Bucky's chest and sit up. Your mind already moving on to what you have to do all day*
Y/N- I'm gonna go shower and then I'll get Winnie up and fed if you'll get Grant. Oh and we have Grant and Winnie's swim lessons today and then we need to buy more diapers-
Bucky- y/n y/n y/n... Shhh *He pulls you back down and traps you in his arms* We just had amazing sex *You smirk*
Y/N- that we did!
Bucky- like pretty amazing! Maybe not the best we've ever had but at least top 30 *You laugh and Bucky chuckles and kisses you*
Y/N- at least!!
Bucky- and you're already starting our day of swim lessons, snacks, tantrums, and snotty noses!?! Live in this moment baby! We've still got at least an hour before they wake up and that's if they wake up early! Lay here with me and let me take care of you... I've missed this so much and I just want to feel your body against mine, memorize how it feels. So soft and warm. *He moves down and snuggles his face against your breast. You giggle and he kisses your breast.* are you gonna just be with me??
*You lift his face to yours and kiss him*
Y/N- I'd love to just be with you-
Bucky- I can feel the But coming... *Bucky snarks and you laugh*
Y/N- but can we "just be" in the tub? Like we usually do??
*Bucky smiles and shoots up. He kisses you and climbs out of bed. He pulls you to the end of the bed by your feet and you squeal and laugh. He throws you over his shoulder and walks into the bathroom. He fills the tub with hot water and lavender and bubbles. You slip in and Bucky stays on the outside*
Y/N- ummm excuse me sir?!? My back is cold and I need of your rock hard abs to keep it warm... *You pull him close and kiss him, he chuckles*
Bucky- I'm gonna clean up the bed and then I'll be in. Keep it warm for me. *He winks*

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