Barnes Charm

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*You try to get in the car by yourself and Bucky rubs around

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*You try to get in the car by yourself and Bucky rubs around.*
Bucky- Nope, come here. *He lifts you up and places you in the car so you don't have to climb.*
Y/N- Bucky! I-
Bucky- Nope! You're not lifting a finger-
Y/N- or a leg apparently!
*He smiles and kisses your cheek. He buckles you in and you just rub your belly. You turn and see the girls all buckled in and they are watching you.*
Y/N- I'm okay girls, I promise.
Winnie- okay mommy. *She eyes you, she looks just like Bucky when she does that. You smile and reach your hand back and take hers. You squeeze it and she gently smiles.*
Y/N- I'm okay Winnie *She nods and wipes a tear.* look at me *She does* I'm okay and so is this one. *You pat your belly.*
Winnie- I was just so scared mommy
Y/N- I know baby, I'm so sorry that you got scared. *She starts to cry so hard.* oh sweet girl. *You unbuckle and get out of the car right as Bucky climbs in the other side.*
Bucky- y/n?! What-
Y/N- I'm being a mom, you wanna fight me on that?! *You stare him down. Him lifting you in the car and stuff is one thing but him trying to keep you from your "mom moments" just to protect you. He puts his hands up and you shut the front door and climb in the back. You pull Winnie into your lap and rub her back as she cries.*
Winnie- I *She cries* thought you *She sniffles* were dying! *Your heart breaks*
Y/N- look at me *She does. You take her hand and place it on your heart and then her other one on your belly.* what do you feel?
Winnie- a beat and kicks.
Y/N- do you know what that means?
Winnie- that you're okay?!
*You nod and hug her. You kiss her head and she sniffles. You sit like that for awhile, the triplets had been crying as well and Bucky got back there to help calm them down. They fell asleep and Bucky got back in the front. Winnie finally calms down and she lets you get back in your seat. You climb in and Bucky puts his hand on your belly and rubs it, Ben kicks and Bucky laughs. He then lays his hand on your thigh and heads home.*

*The girls get inside and go have their quiet time as you sit on the couch. Bucky gets all of the clothes in front of you and he sits down with you while you two get the tags ripped off and the clothes ready to wash. Bucky stops you for a moment and takes your face in his hands*
Bucky- hey, look at me. *You do, he just stares deeply into your eyes. He rubs your cheek with his thumb and looks over you. His soft gaze makes you tear up. You both had been so concerned with the kids that you two haven't stopped to talk about what happened. He wipes away the tear. You don't speak, he just kisses you and you cry. He cries too and just pulls you close. After a moment you pull back and look at him.*
Y/N- we're okay
*Bucky nods*
Bucky- yeah, we are. *You stare into his eyes again and he kisses you and then your nose.* okay, let's get these clothes washed.
*You nod and hand the hamper to Bucky*
Y/N- go on! Until Tony gets that washer installed up here this is all on you! *You smile and Bucky nods*
Bucky- Thats what I like to hear! *He kisses you and heads downstairs.*

*Grant sits next to Sarah as Steve is getting their ice cream. He is trying not to smile and Sarah is trying not to look at him.*
Grant- hey Sarah?
Sarah- yes?
Grant- do you like me?
*Sarah blushes*
Sarah- yeah
*Grant smiles*
Grant- I like you too
*She looks down and smiles. Steve walks up with their ice cream and notices their faces.*
Steve- we'll what happened here?!
*They both giggle and just take their ice cream. Thor laughs and sits down. Steve looks them both over and just shakes his head. He takes pictures of Grant and Sarah blushing and looking at one another.*

*you get a text from Steve and see the photo.*
Y/N- oh Bucky?!
*He comes running in*
Bucky- what?! *You show him the photo and he sighs* you can't yell like that. I thought- anyway. *He sighs*
Y/N- look at our adorable son turning on his "Barnes Charm!"
*Bucky laughs and looks at it.*
Bucky- that's pretty cute. Pretty soon it won't be though.
*You nod*
Y/N- yeah, I know.

*Grant comes running in and sits next to you. He pats your belly and Ben moves around. He smiles and give your belly a kiss. You rub his back.*
Y/N- did you have a good day?
Grant- yeah, I had lots of fun with Sarah.
*You laugh and kiss his head*
Y/N- what about uncle Steve and Thor?
Grant- they were fun too *He looks up at you*
Are you okay mama?
*You smile and nod*
Y/N- yeah Little Wolf, I just have to rest a little bit.
*He smiles and nods.*
Grant- I'm gonna go get a snack. Do you want one?
Y/N- yeah bud, thanks.

*You spend the day lounging on the couch. Bucky bringing you what you need in between his classes.*
Y/N- hey, how are they going?
Bucky- good just busy
*He gives you a kiss before he goes back to work. The kids play and try to be super helpful. Steve told Nat what happened and she comes walking in with Samuel in her arms.*
Nat- what happened?!? We need to put you in a giant bubble!
*You laugh and agree*
Y/N- yeah the more kids I have the more I think my body was not made for it.
*Nat laughs and nods*
Nat- well for the most part they've all been okay. It's just they all like to have a dramatic, fake entrance that makes you slow down.
Y/N- yeah *Nat sits with you and she lays Samuel on the couch between you two. You tickle his belly and he laughs.* did you see the pictures of Grant and Sarah?
Nat- yes! So cute!! *She laughs and picks up Samuel.* my little girl is growing up and all I have are my boys! *She fake cries and Samuel giggles.*
Y/N- oh I'm so tired Nat, when are we going to have a normal month?
Nat- when we stop having babies *You laugh and agree* speaking of.. *You snap your head to Nat and she laughs* Yelena told me why Steve and I weren't chosen to adopt. Basically it's because they think we are more important to saving the world than Yelena and Sam and we didn't need kids at home.
*You are shocked*
Y/N- well jokes on them!! *You tickle Samuel and he giggles again.*
Nat- yeah, *She lightly laughs*
*You hug her and she sniffles a bit*
Y/N- it's all gonna be okay
Nat- I know *She smiles*

*The day goes on and the kids finally go to bed. You get a shower and then get yourself in bed. Bucky finally climbs in next to you and it's almost 1am.*
Y/N- I've missed you
Bucky- sorry, I was finishing up the laundry and cleaned up the playroom. As well as got your favorite snacks up here for tomorrow, did all of that after I finished school.
Y/N- Mmhmm my hero! *You joke and pretend to swoon. Bucky kisses you*
Bucky- well where do you think Grant learned the "Barnes Charm"
*You giggle and kiss him*
Y/N- Mmhmm what were you doing for school?
Bucky- finishing a paper. Only have two more weeks then finals and I'm done. *You smile and kiss him*
Y/N- Mmhmm well maybe I'll feel up to celebrating when your done. *You wink and Bucky chuckles*
Bucky- Mmhmm *He kisses you* bunny *He warns and you give a sleepy laugh* slow down. We will celebrate when you are cleared. Now go to sleep, you need your rest.
Y/N- you're no fun *You snuggle up to him and kiss his chest*
Bucky- if it means your safe then I'll be as fun as watching paint dry. *You laugh and he holds you close as you drift off to sleep. He rubs your back and looks down at you in complete bliss and rest*

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