Day Of Celebration pt2

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Y/N- Grant!! Where is your tie?!Grant- here mama! *He pops up behind you and you see it's tied around his head

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Y/N- Grant!! Where is your tie?!
Grant- here mama! *He pops up behind you and you see it's tied around his head.* oh lord, come here. *You pull it down around his neck and straighten it up. You kiss his nose and he laughs.*
Grant- mom stop it! *You laugh and hug him.*
Y/N- where are your sisters?
Grant- last I saw them they were playing with Sarah.
Y/N- and where was that?
Grant- Uncle Steve and Aunt Nat's room.
*You nod and head down the hall. You walk in and see Winnie and the triplets jumping around on their couch with Sarah leading the way. James and Anthony are following as well.*
Y/N- Barnes' Wolves! Come here please!
*They all giggle and the girls jump off the back and come running over.* go to our room, we need to get y'all dressed.
*They all run out. Sarah looks at you  and waves. She giggles as she continues to jump around until Nat poke her head out.*
Nat- Sarah! Have you lost your mind?!
Sarah- sorry mama! *She laughs and runs away, the boys following her. Nat looks at you and waves.* are your kids going insane as well?!
Y/N- yup!

*The girls had run back in the room and Bucky had a bath running for them in your room since it had the huge tub. It was going to be a late night so you wanted to bathe them before the graduation that way you can just lay them down when you get home. As you come back in the room you just take a moment to look at your family. Grant is sitting on the couch playing a game on your phone. The girls are running around laughing and screaming. You hear Bucky yelling from the bathroom for the next girl to get in the tub. You laughs a little and catch one of the girls, it's Odette.*
Y/N- go get in the tub, now.
*She giggles and runs off, you hear a splash and Bucky yell. You try not to laugh, Bucky walks out and his pants and the bottom of his shirt are soaked. You giggle and cover your mouth.*
Y/N- did you have an accident? *You tease and Bucky smirks and rubs at you. You scream and try to run away but he catches you. He picks you up and takes you into the bathroom. The girls giggle seeing you and Bucky. He walks towards the tub.*
Y/N- No!! No- Bucky?!?
*He drops you in the tub and you go under the water. You want to be so mad but your girls are so happy and laughing. Bucky is laughing so hard, he seems to have really let go of his pouty attitude about the day.*
Bucky- woohoo! *He laughs and helps you out. He kisses you and you wipe the bubbles off your face, You blow them in his and he laughs. The girls splash around and you turn on the shower head.*
Y/N- okay girl. Need you to get out and shower off here. Then go dry off and get dressed please. Mama has an unplanned and unexpected shower to take. *You look at Bucky and he winks and laughs. The girls wash off, grab their towels, and run to their room. You strip down and start to shower. Bucky watches you, he watches as the water pours over your body. The soap trails down your legs, Bucky walks over and kneels in front of you. He helps wash off the soap and kisses up your legs. You smile and pull him up, you kiss him and then smile. You push him away and he pouts.*
Y/N- go make sure the girls are getting dressed.
*Bucky smiles and nods. He kisses you and takes off his wet clothes. He puts on his sweats and a t-shirt and does as you asked.*

*He checks on the kids and the girls are already dressed and brushing their hair. Bucky pulls them all to the side and braids their hair in French, pigtail braids and then he blows them dry and then takes them down. Their hair is all wavy and cute. He grabs the hair spray and makes sure their hair will stay like that all night.*
Y/N- hey Bucky- *You walk out with your hair wrapped up and in your robe. You see him doing the girls hair and your heart just burst.*
Bucky- yeah babe? *He looks at you*
Y/N- nothing *You smile* just, you need to het ready soon.
Bucky- okay, thanks baby.
*You are slipping on your dress on and Bucky walks up behind you. He kisses your shoulders and zips it up. He whispers in your ear.*
Bucky- I can't wait to unzip this later. *He teases and you lightly laugh.*
Y/N- in your dreams *You tease back.*
Bucky- most definitely *He kisses your neck and then goes to get dressed.*
*You get your hair and makeup done and slide on your shoes. You walk up behind Bucky and slide your hands up his chest. He turns around and you fix his tie*
Y/N- Mmhmm you look so good baby. You ready?
Bucky- yeah, let's go *He kisses you. He grabs his cap and gown as y'all head to living room. The kids are down there and are sitting nicely for you and Bucky. Steve and Nat are walking down as well. Bucky sees everyone gathered and he looks at you.*
Y/N- yup!
*He smile and walks down the stairs as everyone cheers for him and Steve.*
Tony- oh there they are!
Peter- wooohooo!!
Sam- yes!!
*Steve and Bucky look at one another and smile*
Bucky- you ready for this?
Steve- not really!
*They laugh and head down the stairs.*

‼️I have the opportunity to submit Winter's Widow for a Watty..... should I?!? What do y'all think?😅🥹😭🥰❤️‼️

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