Jonnie Grace Barnes

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‼️TW- Birth, blood, other Birth trauma‼️

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‼️TW- Birth, blood, other Birth trauma‼️

*The Doctor starts to cut and the pressure is
almost unbearable. You groan and try to breath, the nurses put the oxygen mask back on.*
Nurse- you need to keep this on for a bit. *You try to fight it but Bucky keeps it on and whispers in your ear*
Bucky- I know but your stats are low, we need to keep this on. Do it for the kids, for me. *He kisses your temple and you stop trying to knock off the oxygen.* thank you baby.
*The Doctor works quick, it's feels like your insides are being ripped out except you can't feel the pain, just the pressure.*
Y/N- oh my god Bucky.
Bucky- I know baby, I know. *He peaks over the curtain and sees what's happening.* Wow, y/n you are so strong baby. I don't know how you're doing this. *The doctor sees him*
Doctor- Mr. Barnes I suggest you duck back around the curtain, it's about to get messy.
*Bucky nods and looks at you, his face has very little color in it.*
Y/N- Bucky?!? What is it?!?
Bucky- Oh nothing! I just saw your insides so that's an image that's now in my brain forever. *He kisses you and you can't help but laugh*
Doctor- oh mama, this little one is ready to meet you! *Bucky smiles. She pulls her out and you wait to hear her cry. She doesn't, you look at Bucky who is looking at Jonnie*
Y/N- Bucky?!?
Bucky- she's okay, quiet and just looking around!
*You cry and smile, Bucky laughs*

*Thor sits on the couch with Steve and Nat. The kids all play with Peter.*
Thor- have y'all heard from Bucky or y/n??
Nat- No, I've heard nothing.
Steve- it's been a couple hours, should we be worried.
Nat- No, we can't think that way. She's fine, they are all fine! I'm gonna go clean their room again, make sure it's all ready for them. Steve get Thor and get the seats in the car.
*Nat leaves and heads upstairs. Steve looks at Thor and waves him to follow. They get the car seats loaded into your car. Steve then heads upstairs to find Nat.*
Steve- Nat? Hey babe where are you?
Nat- I here!
Steve- hey *He looks at the mattress, it's still stained with blood, the carpet is too.* hey baby, I think it's time to call it quits.
Nat- No, I will not let y/n come back to a room stained with blood as a reminder of her birth trauma. *Nat keeps scrubbing the mattress and Steve takes the brush away from her. She looks like she could almost hit him. He calms her down*
Steve- okay, then I will do this. You go, go be with Sarah. *He kisses her head*
Nat- I need to do something, I can't just sit around and wait.
Steve- Well neither can I. I don't want to think about my best friends at the hospital possibly- anyway, I will take over here, you go get some clothes and overnight stuff for y/n and Bucky. They didn't grab their bag so they have nothing. Also the girls will need some clothes, maybe you can grab their going home outfits.
*Nat nods and thanks Steve. He pulls out his phone and makes some calls. He gets a professional crime scene cleaner to come clean the carpet and the mattress. Nat sees Steve sitting in the couch in your living room and she shakes her head.*
Nat- there is no way you got it cleaned
Steve- Nope, but they will!
*Same walks in showing the two guys where the mess was. They bring in all their equipment and get to work. Nat laughs and shakes her head.*
Nat- I could have done that!
Steve- well why didn't you?! *Steve teases*
*Thor comes walking in with Winnie toddling next to him.*
Thor- Umm she needs changing and that is so thing I'm sure as hell not doing. *Nat laughs and holds out her hands. Winnie runs over, laughing. Nat picks her up and tickles her*
Nat- let's go stinky!!
*She takes Winnie, Steve stands up and looks at Thor*
Steve- are you okay? We've all had quite a morning-
Thor- I'm fine, thanks. *He nods and Steve looks at him*
Steve- well if you need anything let me know.
*Thor nods and walks back out of the room*

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