A Busy Day

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*You two get out and Bucky sees you(Odette) looking out the door

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*You two get out and Bucky sees you(Odette) looking out the door. Waiting for the kids.*
Bucky- watcha doin' *He asks teasingly*
*You(odette) turn around and smile*
Odette- I just- I wanted to see them. Even if you don't let me talk to them right now, I just want to see them. *You(Odette) instinctively rub your belly. Bucky smiles, you don't even notice your doing it.* Where's Grant?! He's gotten so big- I just- *You(odette) quickly stop, not wanting to upset Bucky. Still unsure of how he is 100%of the time. You never would have guessed about "Daddy" so you(Odette) don't really know how he gets when someone is pestering him with questions. You(Odette) look at your feet. Bucky lightly laughs and puts his arms around you. Your heart flutters and he lifts your face to look up at him.*
Bucky- hey, don't be afraid to ask for what you want. When you're with me you have all your freedom. *He kisses your(Odette's) head*
Odette- I would like to see them, maybe say hi. Then I won't ask for anything else, please Bucky?!
Bucky- y/n and I haven't discussed it yet. Let us talk it over and I'll let you know.
*Your face falls and he kisses your(Odette) head again. Bucky looks into your eyes and says your word.*

*Black room*
Odette- please y/n?! Please I-
Y/N- I know, I'm fine with it. *You take her hands* I know you'd never hurt them, I trust you. I trust you more than Winter. *You smile and so does she.* you weren't evil Odette, you were made to be that way. You've done the work and are better now. I trust you. *You rest your forehead on hers and she places her hand on your belly, feeling Ben kick*
Odette- thank you y/n

*You open your eyes and smile at Bucky. You kiss him and he laughs against your lips*
Bucky- good to see you too!
Y/N- she can meet them, I want her to meet them.
*He nods and kisses you again*
Bucky- see you in a bit *He winks and says you word again, Odette opens her eyes and sees Bucky. She smiles and kisses him*
Odette- thank you Bucky! Thank you!
*He laughs and kisses her cheek.*
Bucky- come on, let's go find the kids.

*You(Odette) have to hold back your excitement. Even though you "met" the girls, you haven't really been able to meet them as Odette. And to see Grant, the last time you(Odette) really saw him he was basically a baby, Winnie too!*
Bucky- you excited or something?! *He teases as you basically jump up and down*
Odette- yes!! I'm getting to see my babies!
*Bucky smiles, years of conditioning and hatred cant stand against a mothers love.*
Bucky- Peter is bringing them up now.
Odette- who is Peter?! Is he good?! Are we sure he's not with them-
Bucky- shh shh yes Odette, he is the best of the best. You will love him, you've met him before, think.
*you(Odette) do, you remember the sweet kid who you terrorized.*
Odette- oh *You are a little embarrassed* that Peter! He's okay, he's good.
*Bucky laughs and kisses your head. The kids come running in.*
Jonnie- mommy!! We found the shoe!!
*You(Odette) laugh. Bucky picks Jonnie up,
He looks over at Winnie and Grant who are whispering and nodding as they look at you.*
Bucky- Grant? Winnie? Come say hi *He nods at them and they walk over. Grant whispers*
Grant- we know it's Odette and not mom.
Winnie- we know it's basically still mom, we just wanted to be sure she was okay.
*You(Odette) hear all this*
Odette- Grant, I'm okay sweet boy. I promise, thank you for being concerned. *You stretch out your hand and he smiles and takes it. He hugs you.*
Grant- you hug like her
*He lays his head on your shoulder and a tear escapes your eyes. Winnie hugs you as well and you squeeze them both tight.*

*The rest of the day is spent by the river with the kids. You play and swim with them. The kids get to know Odette and you get to see your babies.*
Grant- Mama Odette watch this!! *He does a flip off of a tree limb and into the water below. You gasp and look at Bucky. He just laughs and shrugs.*
Odette- y/n let's him do that?!
Bucky- yeah, he's a super soldier as well.
Odette- does he know that?!
Bucky- he knows he is different yes. The others are also but they don't know yet and we'd like to keep it that way as long as possible
*You(Odette) nod*
Odette- wow Grant! That's awesome but let's not do it again!
Grant- okay!
Winnie- Mama Odette! Come swim!
*You(Odette) smile at Bucky and head to the water. You climb in and swim with Winnie. Jonnie sits on the bank with Bucky. Little Odette follows you around like a little shadow and Elizabeth is just quiet and takes it all in.. Bucky sees the way Odette is so focused on the kids, he smiles. When you were with Winter he was with you and the kids swarmed, a real family and you getting a second chance with Winter. Right now it's all about Odette and the kids, it warms Bucky's heart.*

*You lay in bed later that night with all of the kids and Bucky. You've all showered and bathed.*
Odette- my fresh, clean little babies! *You snuggle them and Grant groans*
Grant-I'm not a baby! Or little Wolf! *You tease him*
Odette- you will always be mine and y/n's little wolf. *You kiss his head and he smiles and hugs you*
Grant- okay
Bucky- alright kids, it's time we get mommy back, say Goodnight and goodbye to Odette. You will see her soon.
Little Odette- but I'm not leaving!
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- mama Odette
*She smiles and kisses you*
Grant- bye Odette
Winnie- bye mama Odette
Litttle odette- I'll miss you!
Elizabeth- bye, love you!
Jonnie- bye bye! Mmmwwah!
*Odette cries and kisses all of them. She kisses Bucky's cheek and nods. He says your word*

*Black Room*
Odette- thank you y/n, our family is wonderful. *You smile and hug her*
Y/N- they really are.

*You wake up with your arms full.*
Y/N-well hello my loves! Did you like Odette?!
Grant- she was nice!
Winnie- so much fun!
Odette- not scary at all!
Elizabeth- a lot like you!
Jonnie- I missed you though mommy.
Y/N- I missed y'all too. But I'm glad you liked her! *You hold them for a bit*
Bucky- okay, time to get my wolves into bed, let's go! *They all hop up and run around and out of the room, howling and giggling. He looks at you and shrugs. He holes and cheeses them, you laugh and rub your belly.*
Y/N- oh Ben, you are in for a treat.

*Bucky comes back in*
Bucky- all wolves are accounted for and in bed asleep.
Y/N- good job daddy
*He chuckles and lays in bed*
Bucky- nothing compared to you mama
*He pats your leg and then leans over to kiss you.*
Bucky- hi
Y/N- hi *You smile*
*He pulls you close and rubs your back.*
Bucky- you know what I realized today? *You hum* that what Odette and I have is purely a control/sexual relationship. Like we never interacted unless it's for sex. Whereas you and Winter had an actual relationship. You two can sit here and talk about the future and the past and actually do life together, there is more than just the physical. I understand more now why you wanted him to stick around. *You gently smile.*
Y/N- do you want that with Odette?
Bucky- No, what we have is enough. I have you for everything else. And that's all I need. I like being able to help her heal and discover differnt parts of herself, help her be free. But today helped me realize this arrangement when it comes to Odette, this is for her and the kids.
Y/N- do you're saying you don't get anything out of this?! *You tease and smile. He laughs*
Bucky- I mean I get crazy sex! *You laugh and he pulls you closer.* you get winter and the relationship you had with him, he gets to heal and be a father. Odette gets to heal and be a mother, and I get you. *He gently smiles and says with all sincerity.* that's all I need. *He kisses you and tears slip down your face.*
Y/N- I love you so much Bucky. *You whisper* and so does she, she just doesn't want to admit it yet. *He gently smiles and kisses you.*
Bucky- let's sleep baby. You've had a busy day.
*You smile and fall asleep in Bucky's arms.*

‼️Sorry it's later than normal. I was out and didn't have service lol 😅‼️

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