I Will Be In Touch

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*Steve looks between Bucky and Daniel

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*Steve looks between Bucky and Daniel.*
Daniel- it's okay, you may leave us. *He motions to the bodyguards. The nod and leave, Daniel relaxes a little.* Bucky, life's been good it seems.
Bucky- yeah? You could say that.
Steve- Don't mean to interrupt but who are you?? How do you two know each other??
Daniel- I was a Hydra agent when Bucky, Y/N, and Nat were there. I trained with Nat quite a bit.
Steve- Wait- you're- you're Daniel?! Like the one that got them out??
Daniel- yes, and you are Steve Rogers. Tell me how is Natasha?
*Steve looks at Bucky and then back at Daniel.*
Steve- She's good, Umm she- we're having our fourth child, any day now actually.
*Daniel nods and smiles*
Daniel- I'm very happy for her, for all of you.
*Bucky nods, things seem fine but Daniel is still the person who stole the files.*
Bucky- look Daniel, we need those files back. Our children aren't a part of this and we need to protect them and the only way we can is to make sure all of their information stays secret.
Daniel- No need to worry about that-
Steve- Why?!
Daniel- Because I destroyed it, no one will ever see it or know about it. *Be hands Bucky the flash drive. It is what is left of the files. Bucky takes it and moves it around in his hand.*
Bucky- what about the buyers??
Daniel- just to save face..
Steve- why- why would you help us that way? Why did you take them to begin with?
Daniel- because I loved Natasha and her children should be protected. Y/N was the sweetest soul I knew and her children deserve a better life than she had. I was tipped off that Hydra had infiltrated the CIA and they were looking for these files. I arranged for the only copy of the files be sent to Sharon and then I arranged for them to be stolen. No one needs to know about your children until you see fit. We all know what Hydra will do to get what they want, god forbid they decide they want your children.
*Bucky and Steve look at you each other and then Daniel.*
Steve- so what the hell are we doing here still?!
*Bucky nods*
Bucky- I will never know how to repay you-
Daniel- I do, help me.
Steve- what do you need??
Daniel- help me wipe out these Hydra operatives? They've been a pain in my ass and I need them gone before they realize I use to be one of them.
*Steve and Bucky look at one another and smile*
Bucky- gladly
Steve- with pleasure

*You and Nat are getting the kids up and ready for the day and they are being extremely difficult.*
Odette- I want Daddy!
Y/N- yeah well so do I! *You say a little more aggressively then you meant to. You sigh and try to apologize to Odette but she just runs off.* Shit
Nat- she will be okay, I've already yelled at Sarah today *You rub your face and head downstairs. You help Nat seeing as she can't even see her feet anymore.*
Nat- I have an appointment today, I'll need someone to drive me.
Y/N- okay I'll get the kids-
Sam- Peter and I will take you two and Yelena and Kate are staying here with the kids. *You look at Nat and laugh*
Y/N- well I guess our chariot awaits.

*Bucky and Steve are lead to another back room.*
Bucky- is this place yours??
Daniel- yes, I own the club. You can tell Sharon to stop hiding, I know who she is and we could use her help.
Steve- Did you hear that?
Sharon- yeah *She makes her way down to the back.*
Daniel- good, now that we're all here let's get to work. There are 5 Hydra operatives currently in the city, they are all staying at the grand hotel downtown. They are having a meeting tonight so they will all be together.
Bucky- so we can't strike them all at once.
Daniel- precisely
Steve- Okay, are we just going in, guns blazing and ready to fight as ourselves or-
Bucky- well we won't be leaving any witnesses right??
Sharon- yeah but people will make the connection that 5 dead men turned up in a hotel room and the Winter Soldier was seen entering the hotel moments before.
Daniel- we will not be seen and wasn't that your specialty Sergeant? Making sure no one saw, heard, or lived to tell the story.
*Bucky shifts around, he hates that he will have to revert to his old ways to complete this but the fact that they are all Hydra, that makes him feel better about it.*
Bucky- when do we move in?
Daniel- we have 2 hours.
Sharon- whoa we are doing this tonight?!
Daniel- I want them gone as soon as possible and I figured you wanted to be on your way as soon as possible
Bucky- we do, 2 hours we'll be ready.
*Daniel nods and they head out. Bucky starts to call you when Daniel takes his phone.*
Daniel- No calls, not till we have completed this mission. They have eyes and ears everywhere. Lock these away, for your own safety. *Steve and Bucky share and exchange but then they hide their phones away in the jet.*

*Nat is on the way to the doctor when she starts to have some stomach pains*
Nat- Oh shit! Mmhmm Sam pull over-
Sam- I can't just-
Nat- pull over now!!
*Sam pulls the car over and Nat gets out, she walks around and you join her.*
Nat- shit shit shit *She whispers* no, not yet. No.
*She looks up at you, tears I her eyes*
Nat- my water just broke
*You smile and take her shoulders*
Y/N- okay, okay! You've got this, let's get back in the car and head to the hospital.
Nat- Okay- Ahhhhh!!!! *She clutches her stomach* I don't know if I'm going to make it!
Y/N- let's try, let's get in the car. Come on. Sam, we have a little emergency. Get us to the hospital as fast as you can.
Sam- is she- she's having?! Okay, let's go!
Nat- Call Steve! Please y/n?!
Y/N- okay! I'll call him.
*You call Steve and there is no answer. Nat is looking at you, waiting to see if he answers. You pretend that he did.*
Y/N- Okay Steve we just wanted to let you know that Nat is going into labor. Sam is driving us to the hospital right now. *You pause acting like he's talking to you.* yes she is okay, doing an amazing job.
Nat- Let me- ahhhhhh!!! *A contraction hits and saves you from your lie. You use this money to actually leave a real message for Steve.*
Y/N- this is for real Steve, she's having the baby now, maybe even in this damn car. If you can call us. Please!?
*You hang up and pay attention to Nat as Sam drives down the road. You forgot that Peter was in the car but there he is, sitting in the back seat, traumatized at what's happening. You laugh and pat his knee.*

*Steve, Bucky, Sharon, and Daniel make their way to the hotel.*
Steve- how well do you know this guy??
Bucky- he saved mine and y/n's lives. At one point in time I would have considered him a friend.
Steve- and now??
Bucky- I don't know, I guess it depends on how this goes.
*They get in and sneak up the hallway and to the top floor where the Hydra agents are renting a room.*
Daniel- okay, Captain you go straight in, Sergeant you go to the roof and come in through the window.
Sharon- everyone's coms on??
*They all check and make sure they can hear one another. They make their way to their assigned positions.*

Bucky- everyone in place? I'm not busting through this window till I know y'all are on your way in.
Steve- I'm in place
Sharon- I'm ready
Daniel- ready.
*Bucky counts down and he comes busting in the window as Steve breaks down the door. The agents hop up and go for their weapons but they don't stand a chance. Bucky takes out the two guys next to the window as Steve throws his shield and takes out one guy coming for Bucky. Bucky catches the shield and takes out the man coming out of the closet with a rifle. A big guy comes out and starts to fight hand to hand with Steve and Bucky. Daniel joins in and it takes all 3 of them to take this guy down. Finally they finally take him out. Sharon comes walking in*

Bucky- nice of you to finally join us!
Sharon- you had it handled
*Steve and Bucky rolls their eyes. Daniel starts to leave and Bucky stops him.*
Bucky- hey wait a minute, where do you think you're going?!
*He digs through their stuff and finds a flash drive.*
Daniel- alright, I've got what I need, these men are handled, and your family is safe. Tell Natasha and y/n I said hello.
Bucky- what was that?! Did we just kill these men all because you needed something they had?!
Daniel- yes and you helped rid the world of 5 more evil men, so be happy and go home to your families. *He nods and leaves. He calls over his shoulder.* I'll be in touch!!
*Bucky runs out of the room to follow him and he is gone.*
Bucky- Shit! *Bucky sighs and walks back into the room with Steve and Sharon* come on, we need to leave, now!
*They head back to the jet and get ready to leave. Steve checks his phone and listens to the message.*
Steve- oh shit!!! Nat's in labor!

‼️I know it's short, it will be longer tomorrow. I just didn't want Nat to give birth during this chapter so I had to cut it here! Lol also, what was in the drive that Daniel needed?! 😉😅‼️

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