A Very Good Day

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*You start to get up and get dressed when Bucky wraps you in his arms and pulls you back in bed

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*You start to get up and get dressed when Bucky wraps you in his arms and pulls you back in bed. You giggle and Bucky kisses your neck.*
Y/N- come on Bucky! We've got kids to feed and reprogramming to get to-
Bucky- Nope *He whispers as he trails his hand down your body.* they are all taken care of and will be until we get back *He kisses your cheek* and I decide when that is. *You smile*
Y/N- well we've already had sex this morning so what else are we going to do? *You tease*
Bucky- I'm thinking a swim would be nice *Before you know it he has you lifted into his arms and he is walking out of the hut with you.*
Y/N- Bucky!! *You squeal* what if someone sees!?!
Bucky- well first, no one will. There isn't anyone for about 3 miles in any direction. And secondly, let them! You are smoking hot-
Y/N- and you don't care if other see me?
Bucky- of course I do! But still you're smokin hot! *He winks*
Y/N- No I'm really not, *You get down out of his arms as he climbs into the river. You cover your breast as you stand on the bank and watch him sink down in the water. You hope no one else comes down for a swim.* I'm huge, pregnant, and a mom!
Bucky- excuse me?! *He stands up in all his glory, butt naked and completely exposed to the world. You try not to smile, you don't want to encourage him.* now I know you are not talking about my wife! *He walks towards you.* you are incredible y/n, and I mean it when I say you are beautiful inside and out. *You smile at him* and I can say that because I've literally seen your insides. *He teases and you gasp, you smile and push him into the water. He falls back laughing and disappears under the water. He pops up and splashes you, the water is cold so you scream and Bucky just laughs.*
Y/N- you're a weirdo!
Bucky- yeah but you love me, now get your perfect ass in this water before I come up there, spank you, and then put you in this water myself! *You smirk and stand your ground* oh it's on!! *He laughs and he chases you around the field. He catches you and you laugh, trying to get out of his grasp. He spanks you like he said he would and then he lifts you in the air and walks into the water with you. He walks out to where it gets a little deeper*
Y/N- don't you dare- Bucky! *He just smirks* Bucky Barnes!- *He keeps walking* James! *He dunks you under the water. You pop up, freezing and grabbing onto him. He just laughs and holds you close*
Bucky- oh come here!
Y/N- fuck off! *You tease and Bucky grabs your waist and picks you up, your legs wrap around him. He rubs your ass and kisses you.*
Bucky- never, you're never getting rid of me. *He says with all sincerity, you gently smile, water dripping off your nose and chin. He kisses your nose and you blush.* thanks for humoring me *You giggle and rub his back*
Y/N- thanks for dragging me along. *You kiss him and moan as you feel him against you. You pull back and look down.* as much as I'd love to have sex with you in this beautiful river, I don't think that would be best for little Ben here, cause I'm freezing and I think I feel him shivering from the inside. *Bucky laughs and nods, he kisses you and keeps you in his arms with your legs wrapped around him as he walks back into his little home. He lays you on the bed and turns on the HotTub- tub. You both climb in and pick up where you left off in the river. Hands holding on to each other and just loving every moment of being together.*

Y/N- okay, now we really need to get going, it's already- oh, wow it's only 8:30am!
*Bucky chuckles*
Bucky- yeah, we probably woke up around 6 when the sun began to rise. *You hum and rub his chest. You start to get dressed.*
Y/N- well let's get a move on, I don't want anyone seeing me do the walk of shame in last night dress. *you tease and Bucky laughs.*
Bucky- it's only the walk of shame if you are ashamed. Are you smashers of what happened here? *He smirks and takes your face in his hands.*
Y/N- never, ever, ever. *You kiss him over and over.* but I am ashamed that we didn't think to pack some more comfy clothes.
Bucky- well have no fear, part of Winnie's job when helping me get ready for last night was to grab clothes for you. *You laugh and take the bag that Bucky is handing you. Inside is one bra, a shirt, and some shorts. You laugh and shake your head* what?! She did her best. *Bucky smiles and you nod*
Y/N- I know she did, but I have no shoes and these shorts are my special shorts.. *Bucky looks and laughs*
Bucky- oh, yeah you're not wearing those through town. *They are lace and see through, they also have no crotch. Winnie must have not noticed that part when she grabbed them.*
Y/N- just zip me up and I'll throw on my shirt over it. *Bucky zips your dress and you wear the t-shirt Winnie got you. You slip on your heels. You turn around and see Bucky dressed. Even at 8:30am Bucky looks delicious. His jeans and his button down shirt. Except his shirt is only buttoned half way and it's tucked into his jeans. He tosses his hair in a bun and looks over at you. He gently smiles*
Bucky- you ready? *You nod*

*You and Bucky walk back to the palace and get inside before anyone sees you. You get a proper shower and try to get dressed again but Bucky has other plans.*
Bucky- Mmhmm I don't know baby, you're just- ugh!!! *He grabs you and kisses you* I see you and I just can't help but want to have you, right here, right now! *You giggle as he kisses you all over.*
Y/N- did my hormones rub off on you or something?! *You laugh and Bucky teases you by nodding*
Bucky- you know what else I want to rub off on me-
Y/N- Ha! Bucky Barnes!
Bucky- what?! No one's around and who knows when Peter will be back with our kids! Let's enjoy ourselves! *He pushes you against the doorframe and kisses your neck, you moan*
Y/N- Mmhmm Bucky! We enjoyed ourselves all night and all morning!
Bucky- No enough, never enough!
Y/N- my god you're like the energizer Bunny!!
*Bucky laughs and nods*
Bucky- so true! I never run out of power or stamina! *He winks and you kiss him*
Y/N- that's my new name for you, when you get like this! *You point your finger at him and he takes it in his mouth and sucks on it. You squeal at the sudden motion and pull away. Bucky laughs and tickles you.*
Bucky- come on, let me put it in, just this much! *He holds up his hands and it's basically his entire length. You laugh*
Y/N- so the whole thing-
Bucky- Yup!
*He moves you to the bed and you just laughs as he acts like a kid in a candy store. If he is literally begging, you won't say no!*
Bucky- Mmhmm you feel so good *He is kissing down your body as the front door opens and you hear screaming giggling kids run in. Bucky cries against your inner thigh and you laugh. You play with his hair as you sit up.*
Y/N- what do you say to letting me take care of you tonight? Once the kids are in bed and the rest of the world is dead to us, I'll take care of my boy, huh? *Bucky's eyes light up and a real submissive demeanor comes over him. He nods* good boy. *You whisper in his ear* mommy's got you. *You nibble along his neck as you tease him. You stand up and leave him there hard and needy. You get dressed and urge him to hurry up.*
Y/N- I thought you were gonna be a good boy for me?
*Bucky jumps ups and runs to get dressed.
He even goes the extra mile and he pulls out one of the few toys you brought. Well he really packed them, you didn't see them till you were unpacking here. You see the one he picked up.*
Y/N- you wanna wear that all day?
Bucky- please?! *You smirk.*
Y/N- well since you asked nicely and your being such a good boy. *You take the cage out of his hand and slip it on. You lock it and take the tiny key and slip it on your locker chain so he can see it all day, know that you're in control of when it comes off.*
Bucky- I can already tell it's gonna be a good day. *He moans as you tease his tip through the cage.*
Y/N- oh yeah baby, a very good day. *You kiss him*

‼️I've teases long enough... next chapter will include some sub Bucky😏😉‼️

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