Sounds Of Family

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‼️Just some fluff to move the story along!🥰‼️

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‼️Just some fluff to move the story along!🥰‼️

*The week goes by and Grant has is Superman themed birthday party. Bucky and even Steve basically pout the whole party.*
Y/N- oh get over it, Superman is fake, let him live in his world where his superhero isn't also the person who puts him in time out or gives him his bath every night *You kiss his cheek* and you give Steve a little shove. He laughs and hugs you. You go find Grant, he is on a sugar high and going crazy in the bounce house.*
Y/N- Bucky! Grant just did a back flip!
Bucky- oh yeah! Peter, Steve, and I have been training him- *He sees your face* and we will stop instantly. *He shoots a look over to Peter who catches Grants legs mid air and sets him down.*

*The party is great and Grant has a blast, he crashes for his nap and so do the other kids. Winnie are cake and the triplets drank so much juice.*
Y/N- I'm a horrible mom!
Bucky- No you're not! It was a birthday party! Kids eat too much sugar at a birthday party, you'll make up for it when you give them broccoli and Brussels sprouts for dinner tonight. *You gently smile and he kisses your head.*
Y/N- I'm gonna go take a nap, I'm exhausted!
Bucky- okay baby

*The weeks go by and it's Winnie birthday. She wants a Tangled themed birthday again. So you get all the stuff from the year before and set it up. She has a ball and loves all of her gifts but her favorite is a soft rapunzle doll Thor gave her. She smiles and squealed as she held it close. She grabbed her piglet and the doll and ran away to play in the bounce house.*
Y/N- well Thor is just winning with these gifts!
Bucky- it's rigged!
Thor- I'm just better at gift giving
Tony- you gave me a book for my birthday
Thor- and you loved it!
Tony- yeah, it was mine! I gave it to you to borrow!
Thor- oh whatever, still counts!  *he smirks and walks away. Bucky laughs and Grant and Winnie run up to him.*
Grant- Daddy!? Hold my car please?!
Bucky- sure little wolf
Winnie- Daddy?! Hold my dolls please!?
Bucky- sure Winnie boo *She runs off, Bucky looks up and sees Tony, Steve, and Sam looking at him and you* What??
Tony- they call you daddy??
Y/N- yeah, what's wrong with that??
Steve- well don't you-
Sam- yeah isn't that weird?!
Bucky- Umm no, because they say it innocently and I'm their daddy. *You decide to tease the guys a bit. You look at Bucky and he smirks.*
Y/N- yeah when I say it, it's not innocent and usually I'm looking to be punished or rewarded. *Steve blushes and Tony clears his throat, Sam just looks away. You play it up even more* also when I say it I say it like Daddy *You emphasize the "a" in the word and you say it really seductively.* they say it like daddy *You say it filled with joy and just plain and simple* see the difference?? *You smirk and pull Bucky close, he looks really smug and smirks. Steve is still blushes and he shakes his head. Tony just hums and then goes to look for Pepper. Yelena walks by and sees Sam*
Yelena- are you sweating?! *Sam takes her hand and pulls her away. You laugh and Steve stares you both down*
Steve- really?! Why?! *He laughs*
Y/N- because I haven't see you that shade of red in a long time and I was curious if I could still make you blush *You and Bucky laugh, Nat walks up*
Nat- Oh! Who was flirting with Stevie?! He's so red!
*Steve sighs and wraps his arm around her. She smirks and gently pats his ass and he blushes even more. You and Bucky laugh and go find your kids. Peter and Kate have the triplets and Grant and Winnie are reeking  havoc, you love it.*

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