The Tape pt1

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‼️His hair is still long in the story, these photos are just too good! 🤤😉🥵😏‼️

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‼️His hair is still long in the story, these photos are just too good! 🤤😉🥵😏‼️

*The kids are so happy to see you since they haven't seen you since yesterday.*
Grant- mommy!! *He hugs you and you pick him up*
Y/N- oh Grant!! You're getting so big! You're gonna be 4 in just a few days!! What kind of birthday party do you want?!
Grant- I want a Superman party!
*Bucky stops in his tracks and just stares at Grant.*
Bucky- excuse me?! *Grant smiles and giggles, Bucky acts like he's mad and a little crazy* you want what?! *He grabs Grant and tickles him, he squeals and wiggles out of his arms and rubs out the main door downstairs. You hear Steve say hi to him so you know he's good for now. Bucky looks at you, shocked*
Bucky- my own flesh and blood betrays me!
*You laugh and kiss Bucky, Bucky feels little hands pulling at his pants leg and his hands. You laugh and look down. The triplets and Winnie are fighting for his attention from you. You tease*
Y/N- well betrayal from 1 out of 5 ain't bad. *Bucky laughs and sits on the couch. The triplets climb up in his lap and Winnie climbs on his shoulders and rest her chin on the top of his head. You laugh and sigh*
Y/N- what?! No love for mama?!
Odette- dada!
Y/N- I know that's dads
Elizabeth- mmwwahh *She blows him a kiss*
Y/N- now you're kissing him in front of me?!
Jonnie- uve oooo
Bucky- I love you too Jonnie *Winnie giggles as she hugs his head, you barrow your eyes at him and he smiles ear to ear*
Y/N- well you're just in heaven, huh?!
*He laughs and nods*
Bucky- surrounded by my girls! What could be better?! *You shake your head and lean forward, you whisper*
Y/N- I could think of a few things. *You kiss him and the 4 girls all whine and push you away. You pretend to be a little shocked but yours be lying if you said it didn't hurt a little.* oh fine! You can have him! *You wave your hand at him and head back to the room smiling. You get dressed and ready for the day, as you are brushing your teeth Bucky slips in the bathroom, finally being free of his fan club. He wraps his arms around your waist and you pretend to be a little upset. He kisses your cheek and your neck over and over.*
Y/N- I thought I was your only Doll?! *You tease and Bucky smiles and sensually kisses your neck and then the side of your head*
Bucky- you are baby, that's why I set them all down and came to check on my best girl.
*You giggle as he tickles your sides.*
Y/N- I know their all daddy's girls but I wish they'd love me too-
Bucky- they do love you! Don't say that!
Y/N- since I stopped physically nursing them I feel I lost a little connection with them.
Bucky- you haven't, once you left all they said was "mama" and I explained that you were in the room and they just kept asking for you.
Y/N- yeah right, *You sigh and pat the side of his face* thanks for trying to make me feel better. *You kiss him and walk out of the room. Bucky hates that you feel disconnected from the girls and he knows there's nothing he can really do about it.*
Y/N- come on Winnie boo, Let's go get breakfast!
Winnie- Where's dada?! *You sigh*
Y/N- oh dada?! Winnie wants you.
*Bucky walks out*
Bucky- hey Winnie boo go on down with mama okay, I'll be done soon. Odette you go with mama too
Odette- otay
Winnie- okay *They both walk out of the room and you look at Bucky*
Y/N- the enthusiasm is just radiating off of them.
*Bucky gently smiles and follows in a bit with Elizabeth and Jonnie. Bucky was right and of course the girls are clinging to your side the rest of the day. Your heart is happy and you just remind yourself that they are babies and toddlers and that tomorrow their favorite person maybe Steve or Tony, and that has nothing to do with them "not loving" you. You get them all down for nap and Bucky comes walking into the living room in your suite. He looks sneaky and like he's got some ideas in mind, you laugh and hold up your hand*
Y/N- I am far too exhausted
Bucky- oh me too! But that doesn't mean we can't put on our new home movie and see where things go *He smirks and you laugh, you sit back and Bucky hooks up the camera and presses the playback.*

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