A Good Kid

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*You wake up before Bucky, you can tell he didn't sleep well while you were gone. He never moved throughout the night, on his side, head right above yours on the pillow, chin resting on the top of your head. You are sweaty and hot but you'll live because Bucky is too cute right now. Your soft, sweet, teddy bear of a man, just needing to be held and loved on. You hum and kiss his chest, the sun peaks through the window and lights up his face. He moves a little and pulls you closer, he rubs your back and slowly opens his eyes. He looks down at you and smiles. He speaks softly.*
Bucky- I was so scared I was gonna wake up and last night was gonna be a dream. *You gently smile and kiss his chest*
Y/N- Not dream baby... I'm here.
Bucky- have the kids-
Y/N- shhh don't worry about them. They are still asleep and I'm only focused on you right now.
*Bucky smiles and kisses you. He rolls you to your back and moves on top of you. You smile and run your fingers through his hair, he leans into your touch and closes his eyes. He kisses you and you wrap your arms around him*
Y/N- how are you feeling this morning??
Bucky- good, so good. *He chuckles and lays down on you, his weight crushing you a bit but you don't mind.* you've ruined me..
Y/N- Ha! What??
Bucky- I could sleep by myself before I met you, there was never an issue. Then you came along... *He walks his fingers up and down your chest and between your breast and back down again as he talks* and I found it hard to sleep without your warm body next to me. *He rubs your stomach and your breast* then we were separated and I learned to sleep without you but it was never a restful sleep. *He looks up at you* but the first night I held you in my arms again, I could finally rest. *You smile and pull his face up to yours, you kiss him and he smiles against your lips* that's how I slept last night, you in my arms again.
*You smile and chuckle*
Y/N- so when you're on missions without me-
Bucky- I hardly sleep, ever. Why do you think I'm always sexting or calling you??
*You smile and kiss him*
Y/N- well I'm here and who knows when my next all girl mission will be. *Bucky kisses your cheek and then holds you close.* Hey, what would you say to taking a bath?? A morning bath before the kids wake up. *Bucky smiles and nods*

*You get the bath ready with bubbles and relaxing oils, you light some candles and turn off the light. The sun starting to peak over the mountains illuminates the room along with the candles . You and Bucky climb in and just sit in the silence and the beauty of the morning.*
Bucky- have I ever told you how much I admire you? *You nod*
Y/N- but I'd love to hear what you were gonna say. *You smile and Bucky chuckles and kisses your cheek*
Bucky- everything that you do to keep our family afloat., I don't know how you do it! All the snacks and diaper changes and feedings and nap times. *Bucky leans his head back against the tub.* you are incredible and I know I'm still here day in and day out and we usually tag team it but on days where you are by yourself... *Bucky looks at you* you're amazing and I am just mesmerized by you. *You smile and kiss him. You turn around in his arms and he pulls you onto his lap. You settle down and feel him against you. You wrap your arms around his neck and he slide his hands down your back and pulls you closer y the small of your back, your center sliding against him. You softly gasp and Bucky kisses you, he leans his forehead against yours and kisses your nose as he very slowly grinds up against you. You let your mouth fall open as you breath through his slow movements.*
Bucky- I love you so much y/n *He kisses you and you quietly moan*
Y/N- I love you too Bucky *He starts another slow grind against you and you lean your head back and he kisses your neck. You meet a Bucky's gaze and you two are about to start something when the baby monitors go off. You chuckle and Bucky looks like he's about to cry, you rub his back and kiss him.*
Y/N- it's okay Bucky, I'll get them. You stay and relax, okay. *You kiss him and stand up. You go to climb out and Bucky holds you in place above him. He leans forward and presses a kiss between your legs and rubs your butt. He looks up at you and you play with his hair and look down at him.* I know baby, I know. *You kiss him again and then climb out, Bucky leans back and closes his eyes. You shut the door as you walk out and dry off and get dressed. You get GrNt first and he is so happy to see you it almost makes you cry.*
Grant- mama mama mama!! *He jumps up and down and squeals*
Y/N- Hey Little Wolf!! Mommy missed you!!
Oh my little man! *You scoop him up and hold him tight. You walk back into your room and then over to Winnie's, you put Grant down and you see Winnie sitting up. She pulls up when she sees you and she coos and squeals.*
Y/N- Hey Winnie Boo!! Hey sweet girl! I missed you!! *You pick her up and hold her tight. You pick Grant up again and walk back to your room, you climb in bed and Grant sits next to you and holds onto you. You nurse Winnie and and talk to both of them. Grant answers back as best he can and Winnie just stares up at you and stops nursing every so often to smile or coo. Grant gets down and knocks on the bathroom door, he knows Bucky is in there.*
Y/N- Grant, leave Daddy alone. Come here, come snuggle with Mommy!
Grant- Dada!
Y/N- I know but I've missed you!
Grant- Dada!
Y/N- He will be out soon but come here, come snuggle with me!
*Grant looks at the door and then back at you. He walks over and crawls up on the bed and lays next to you. You wrap him in your arms and kiss his head*

*Once Winnie is done nursing you get them dressed and you head out to the kitchen. You get them settled in their high chairs and Nat walks in with Sarah*
Y/N- hey! Where is Steve??
Nat- sleeping! Bucky?
Y/N- taking a bath! *You both chuckle* actually I need to go check and make sure he didn't fall asleep. *Nat nods*
Nat- I'll watch them, go on.
*You knock on the bathroom door and you open it to see Bucky wrapped with a towel around his waist and brushing his teeth. You smile and walk up behind him. You kiss his back and then stand on your tip toes and rest your chin on his shoulder*
Y/N- you want pancakes and bacon??
*Bucky smiles and nods. You go to leave and he catches your hand and pulls you back. He gives you a minty fresh kiss and you chuckle*
Bucky- thank you for this morning baby, I needed it. I promise I'll get the hang on this "single dad" thing. *You chuckle and kiss his nose*
Y/N- I know you will. You're a rockstar baby.
*You slap his ass and walk out*

*Bucky comes in and takes over cooking*
Bucky- Hey! Get out of my kitchen! What does she think she's doing?!? *He says really silly and tickles Grant and Winnie, they both squeal and laugh*
Y/N- what?!? Little traitors!!! *You attack them with kisses and they laugh. You give them their fruit and cut up their pancakes and bacon.*
Bucky- a pancake for my pancake. *He kisses your cheek, Steve walks in and yawns as he kisses Nat's cheek and Sarah*
Steve- pancake?! Is that some new nickname we have to be weirded out by??
*You and Nat laugh and Bucky throws a pancake at him. Steve sits down and looks between you and Nat*
Steve- So, Nat says y'all did some bonding over your trip! *Steve raises his eyebrows and Bucky drops the spatula and turns around to face you*
Bucky- Umm what?!?
*You look at Nat and she laughs and you roll your eyes*
Y/N- yeah, we sat in the jet each night and looked at pictures of our babies and husbands while we pumped to help us pump what we needed to.
*Steve and Bucky look a little disappointed and you can't help but laugh*
Y/N- okay, be honest though, if we had "bonded" in that way would you two actually be okay with it?!? Like no notice first, not proof for you, you two not getting to watch. You'd actually be okay with it?!
Steve- yes
Bucky- 100 percent
*You roll your eyes and Nat pats Steve's face*
Nat- in your dreams...
Steve- Umm yeah!
*You look at Grant*
Y/N- don't ever be like them... understand. *You smile and kiss his nose and he smiles and laughs*
Bucky- see he was laughing at that request, he's more like me than you'll ever know.
*You laugh and nod. You sit and eat and Bucky speaks up*
Bucky- well I'm glad you and Nat were able to spend some time together, some mom time. *You smile and kiss Bucky*
Y/N- it was nice, and weird *You laugh and Nat agrees*
Nat- speaking of we will have the milk in the cooler in the jet!
Y/N- shit!!
*You and Nat sprint out there and it's gone*
Nat- what the hell?!
*You head back inside and start looking around*
Y/N- you check with the other girls and I'll check the stuff in the garage.
*Just as you and Nat are starting to freak out Kate walks in*
Kate- hey guys... what's going on??
Nat- have you seen two coolers?? One blue and one pink? They were filled with-
Kate- milk? Yeah I put it all in the freezer.
*You sigh in relief and and walk over to Kate you pull her in a hug and then dramatically kiss her forehead.*
Y/N- thank you!!
Nat- god bless you!!
*Nat does the same thing and Kate is taken aback. She smiles and looks flustered and then leaves*
Steve- did you see that?! *He chuckles*
Bucky- yeah, *Bucky smiles and slips his coffee* she seems like a good kid
Steve- yeah.

*Peter walks in*
Bucky- speaking of good kids! Hey Peter.
Peter- hey buck
*Steve narrows his eyes at peter*
Bucky- how are the plans for the compound coming??
Peter- good! You and y/n wanna see your little suit??
Bucky- yeah, let me grab y/n and we will be right there. *Peter smiles and walks back out grabbing a pancake on the way. Bucky looks at Steve and sees his facial expression*
Bucky- what's wrong Steve??
Steve- when did He start calling you Buck???
*Bucky laughs and pats Steve's back*
Bucky- you jealous?! *Steve rolls his eyes and scoffs. Bucky laughs and smiles*
Steve- Nope! *He looks down at his coffee and Bucky smiles*
Bucky- awww I miss you too Stevie
*Steve laughs and rolls his eyes. Bucky pats his back*
Steve- just weird that the kid's calling you Buck. That's like him calling me Stevie..
*Bucky nods*
Bucky- alright, I'll tell him to call me something else. *Steve chuckles*
Steve- thank you! Only people who sleep with you or have known you for almost 100 years can call you Buck.
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- so which one are you?? *Steve smacks him and Bucky laughs and agrees. They are silent for a bit*
Steve- he is a good kid though...
Bucky- yeah, he's grown on me *They both laugh and then gather their kids and wives and head to the planning room*

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