You're Making Me Horny

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‼️TW- spotting, slight mention of trauma, but not really

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‼️TW- spotting, slight mention of trauma, but not really... idk you'll understand it when you get to it.‼️

*He spins around and drops you to the bed, he lays down on you and kisses you.*
Bucky(White Wolf)- you remember my White Wolf rules?? *He narrows his gaze and poised his dings right above your clothes clit but he doesn't actually touch it. You nod and Bucky laughs* I need words baby
Y/N- yes sir, *He slowly applies pressure to your clit and you gasp.* I- I need to be loud. *He nods and starts to circle his fingers*
Bucky(White wolf)- what else?
Y/N- oh Mmhmm I- I don't hold back and just have fun. *Bucky smirks and speeds up his movements, adding more pressure*
Bucky- what else?
Y/N- I c-call you- Mmhm sir!! Or Master!
*He gives an approving hum and he leans down and pulls you underwear to the side and blows air over your clit as he rubs his fingers through your folds, and poise then at your entrance. He looks up and meets your gaze, he smirks.*
Bucky- what else? You're missing one big rule. How about I help you out, remind you. *He pushes three fingers inside you as he rubs your clit with his thumb while also teasing it with his tongue. He is not gentle in his strokes or his oral, he has one goal and that's to make you cum, now! You see stars as he hits your g-spot inside and out. You arch off the bed and fuck into his hand and mouth as you breath out*
Y/N- I can cum whenever I want!!
*Bucky smirks and nibble your clit. You scream as you start to cum when Bucky ruins it and pulls away. You gasp and give him a death glare. He laughs and moves to kneel over you the side of you.*
Bucky(White Wolf)- calm down pup, I just wanted a better view of the fountain that's about to happen. *He smirks and gives you pussy a slap before he slams his three fingers back in you and rubs your clit with his thumb like there is no tomorrow. He moves his fingers inside you so fast you hear how wet you are, soaked actually. He is basically man handling you by your pussy. You scream as your orgasm comes back harder than before. You start to lift your hips when Bucky places his metal hand on your hips and keeps you in place. He leans down and opens his mouth as you cum, squirting everywhere. He catches some of it in his mouth and he just smirks as he keeps you Cumming. You are gasping for air as pleasure keeps washing over you, your pussy clenching tight around his fingers.*
Bucky(White Wolf)- Mmhmm fuck! You're so tight pup! Might have to fist you a little later! You scream as you cum again.*
Y/N- Mmhmm fuck!!! Sir!! Yesyesyes!!
*Bucky just smiles as he wrecks you with just his right hand. You fight to get your shirt and bra off. You throw them off the bed.*
Bucky(White Wolf)- damn! All this with just my right hand!! Can't wait to get you on my dick. Maybe throw this metal hand in the mix!
Y/N- fuck yes!!! Please?!
*Bucky stops and looks down at you, you gasp and let out a disgruntled noise. Bucky just laughs*
Bucky(White Wolf)- what's my name??
*You lean up a little and he leans in right to your lips but doesn't kiss you. His fingers are still inside you, they slowly start to move a little and they speed up the closer you get. You say breathlessly*
Y/N- yes, Master *He smirks and pulls out all the stops. He grabs the back of your neck and keeps you inches away from his face. Your face slowly contorts as you get closer and closer, no noise just pleasure washing over you face. Bucky smirks and licks up your lips, he then dives in and kisses your neck, nipping and growling at you*
Y/N- I'M CUMMING!!! *You cum with a shout and squirt everywhere. You pull his hand form you and cross your legs, you slowly grind against the air, moving your hips. You slowly bring yourself back down and just moan and pet your body as you do. Bucky watches you and just takes in the effects he had on you.*
Bucky(White Wolf)- how you doing pup?? *He smirks and kneels over you.*
*You can't talk you just smile and give a thumbs up.*
Bucky(White Wolf)- you ready for more??
Y/N- Ohh Mmhmm *You squeeze your breast with you hands and your legs together as you moan. Bucky smirks.*
Bucky(White Wolf)- safe word??
Y/N- Build a Bear, but- I- I'm ok. *You just lay on the bed. Not moving.*
Bucky(White wolf)- you sure?? *He laughs*
*You nod and throw your arm over his leg and pat him.*
Bucky(White Wolf)- well then, let's get up, pup!
*You whimper and moan, Bucky moves you around like a doll, taking off your shorts and underwear. You just smile as Bucky places you between his legs and he leans back against the headboard. He spreads your legs and slips his metal hand between your legs. The cool metal against your skin, soothing your aching center. He gently rubs your clit, slowly at first and then he speeds up. You try to wiggle out of his grasp but you can't, but that doesn't stop you. You keep wiggling and Bucky laughs and just slings his legs over yours. Trapping them in place and spread out before him. He growls in your ear.*
Bucky(White Wolf)- you disobeying?? You really don't want to do that pup! I plan to breed this pussy of yours well into the morning but if your bad then that will all be in your mouth or your ass, understand??
Y/N- Mmhm yes Master! Mmhmm please breed me!
*He rubs your growing baby bump. He kisses and then licks your neck.*
Bucky(White Wolf)- I agree, this isn't enough. You definitely need more.
*You moan and whimper as he spreads your pussy open with his metal hand.*
Bucky(White Wolf)- So! Fucking! Tight! *He emphasizes his words with the addition of a finger. You arch and try to fuck down on his fingers.*
Bucky(White Wolf)- looks like Daddy's little slut is making an appearance.
Y/N- Ohh! Mmhmm n-No!! I- I'll behave! *Bucky smirks and adds a fourth finger.*
Y/N- oh Master please?!? Do what you said!
Bucky(White Wolf)- and what was that?? *He narrows his gaze and snakes his hand up your body and gently grasps your neck.*
Y/N- breed me *You say Breathlessly and not because of Bucky hand around your throat, because your about to cum again.*
Bucky(White Wolf)- you gonna cum?? As I'm talking about what a slut you are, your gonna cum on my fingers?! *Bucky is smirking as he fights your legs. Still trapping them in place as you try to get more friction.*
Y/N- I- I need m-more!
*Bucky bites your neck and speeds up. You scream as you cum and soak the mattress under you. Thank god for mattress protectors. You can't move as you just feel like jello, pleasure and submissive nature washing over you, feeling light headed.*
Bucky(White Wolf)- oh that was a good one!! Mmhmm *Bucky smirks and brings you down from your high. He releases your legs and they just fall to the sides and you just lay there, spread open and shaking as you are over sensitive.*

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