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‼️I've never seen this picture before! 😏🤤😉🥰❤️‼️

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‼️I've never seen this picture before! 😏🤤😉🥰❤️‼️

*You pull Bucky up off the bed and he towers above you, yet he is in the palm of your hand and ready to do whatever you say.*
Y/N- go over to the bar baby.
*He walks over and lifts his hands up, grabbing the bar. You smirk and trail your hands up his chest. Goosebumps appear under your fingers, a soft moan slips through his lips.*
Bucky- Mmhm
Y/N- that feel good baby?
*Bucky nods, he starts to drop his hands and you chuckle and guide them back up, moving your hands up his arms to place his hands on the bar.*
Y/N- they need to stay there baby
Bucky- okay *He lightly whimpers*
*You kiss his chest and tease his nipples, you rub your hands up and down his sides. He wants to grab you and just take you. His arms start to move again, He hums and just focuses on your lips on his body and wills his hands to stay on the bar.*
Bucky- Mmhmm baby please cuff me?
*You smile against his skin*
Y/N- you want to be cuffed sweetness?
Bucky- yes, I- Mmhmm *You tease his cage* I want to be able to- Mmhmm *You kiss his hips* to completely submit to you. *He can't take it and he lets his hands drops and he takes your face in his hands and he pulls you up. You laugh and grab his cage. He whimpers and tries to kiss you, you pull back and shake your head.*
Y/N- well you wanted to be cuffed and now that's what you'll get sweet boy.
*You smile and move his hands to the bar. He grabs it and you snap the cuffs around his wrist. You go back to trailing your hands up and down his body and he lets out a blissful sigh and relaxes. You laugh and kiss his hips.*
Y/N- Mmhm my good boy, so relaxed and ready for me.
Bucky- Mmhmm yes ma'am.

*Nat pulls Steve up and pushes him back on the bed. She guides him to lay down and then she plays with the waistband of his sweats*
Nat- are you wearing your boxers?
Steve- no ma'am, just my sweats.
Nat- Mmhmm good boy. Let me take a look *She smirks and she unties his sweats and pulls them down slowly. He gasps as the cool air hits his naked body.*
Steve- oh please-
Nat- trust me Stevie, I've got you. *She kisses his hips and his stomach. He moans and tries to play with her hair.* Stevie grab the headboard, or else I'll have to tie you up and you won't touch me at all. *Steve whimpers and scoots up the bed. He grabs the bottom of the headboard and just takes a deep breath as Nat goes back to kissing all over his body.*
Nat- Mmhmm so so so good. *She smirks and kisses/nibble his thighs. She spreads his legs a little and lays between them, Steve sits up on his elbows and watches Nat. She smirks*
Nat- don't you dare cum. *Steve whimpers and falls back to the bed as Nat finally touches him. Stroking him and teasing his tip.*
Steve- oh! Mmhmm *He bucks up into her hand and she places her hands on his hips and holds him in place.*
Nat- No moving sweet boy!
Steve- please please?! *He let's out a desperate cry* mommy?!
*Nat smirks and gives a little kitten lick to his tip. He is so turned on some pre-cum drips out of his dick.*
Nat- oh Stevie, is this turning you on?? *He whimpers* mommy teasing you, giving you the bare minimum attention to your pretty little cock. Huh?!
Steve- god yes!! Mmhmm please-
*Nat takes him in her mouth completely and Steve arches off the bed as he feels his tip hit the back of her throat. He lets out the hottest moan Nat's heard in awhile. She starts to ache and needs some attention as well. She pulls off with a pop and Steve cries*
Steve- oh please?!?
*She smiles and takes him back in her mouth and works him to the edge again. Then she pulls off again. She does this over and over as he begs and begs.*
Nat- so needy, huh?! *She pats his dick as it lays hard against his stomach.*
Steve- yes!! *He groans and looks down at her. She smirks and deep throats him again. She sucks so hard Steve thinks he gonna pass out. Steve gets too worked up and he lets go of the headboard, grabs Nat's head and pushes himself farther into her mouth. Nat gags and pulls off before he could cum. She grabs his base and looks down at him.*
Nat- bad boy *She squeezes and he whimpers*
Steve- I'm sorry- sorry mommy!! I just- Mmhmm-
Nat- don't apologize to me, you didn't hurt me baby, *Nat smirks* you know I can take all of you with ease *Steve whimpers* apologize to yourself cause you won't be cumming any time soon, if at all. *Steve whines and Nat just smiles*

Thunder's Throne Pt 1!Where stories live. Discover now