Daddy Is Something Else

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*You get home and Bucky brings both kids in

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*You get home and Bucky brings both kids in. Grant looks around and finds his wolf.*
Winnie- P!?! P!!
Y/N- Bucky I put her piglet in her crib, could you grab it??
Bucky- yeah baby, their snacks are on the table. * you packed them lunch at school and they are it but you wanted to give them a snack to make sure they are full for nap*
*Steve gets Sarah a bottle and then head upstairs.*
Y/N- where's Sarah??
Steve- Nat already took her up, got her changed and ready for nap. *he crosses his fingers * heres to hoping she is so tired she passes out!
*You smile and nod, Steve heads upstairs*

Y/N- you want some puffs Winnie boo??
Winnie- p!! *She whines and rubs her eyes*
Y/N- I know baby, daddy went to get her. Can you eat some puffs?
*She pouts and eats them as she watches the stairs. When she sees Bucky walking back down she smiles, he hands her piglet and she squeezes it and happily eats the rest of her snack. Grant ate his bar and drank his water, he rubs his eyes and looks at you*
Grant- nap mama, I ired.
*You smile and kiss his head, you clean him up and Bucky lifts him out of his chair.*
Y/N- come on, let's go nap.
Grant- hold me mama?!
Y/N- I can't hold you baby but I'll snuggle with you once we get upstairs, okay?
*He nods and toddles over to the stairs and walks up them, you follow*
Bucky- I'll get Winnie boo- * he looks and she's already asleep, puff still in her hand, Bucky laughs and cleans her up and follows you and Grant upstairs. Winnie whines as she is laid down but very quickly stops and curls up with her piglet. Grant lays in his bed and puts himself to sleep*
Y/N- they are so cute I could die.
Bucky- I know, Grant's little voice saying he's "ired" *Bucky holds his heart and you squeeze him and nod*
Y/N- so stinking cute!!
*You and Bucky settle in your living room. You look at Bucky and rub his chest, he hums and looks down at you. He smiles and kisses you*
Bucky- you okay?
Y/N- yeah, I'm just really happy and really lucky. *Bucky kisses you*
Bucky- how are the girls? *He rubs you belly*
Y/N- good, heavy.
Bucky- yeah? Can I help with that??
Y/N- ha! Not really. But thanks for asking. *You snuggle closer and Bucky just rubs your belly. He talks to the girls and they all settle down, you fall asleep at the soothing sound of his voice. Bucky grabs his phone and googles how to help you with the heaviness of your belly. Google and different mom groups gave him a lot of different ideas.*

*You wake up just before the kids. You see Bucky is asleep and you gently wake him up, you kiss his chest and he shifts awake*
Bucky- Mmhmm
Y/N- come on, I need help up. *You laugh and Bucky chuckles. He stands up and helps you up. You give him a kiss and you see in his eye how tired he is. You rub his arms*
Y/N- go take a little nap I can handle them alone for an hour.
Bucky- No baby, I know you can but you shouldn't-
Y/N- hey once these little ones are born you will be pulling double duty. Because for at least 6 weeks I won't be able to lift Grant or Winnie or anything heavier than the triplets. But I'll still need your help with the triplets so you'll be doing a lot more than me-
Bucky- look, I'm okay. Yes I'm tired but it good practice. *He smiles and you shake your head.* you go nap, I mean it. Go. Climb in bed and just pass out for a bit. I want to spend sometime with my babies. *He kisses your nose and you blush*
Y/N- Bucky Barnes you are a unicorn among men. *Bucky laughs*
Bucky- go, when I come in there I better see you asleep. *He winks and you nod*

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