Whole World

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*Steve grabs the chocolate and whipped cream

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*Steve grabs the chocolate and whipped cream. He starts to spread it all over Nat as he licks it off her. She smiles and takes it from him.*
Nat- my turn *She flips him over and she starts to drip chocolate along his abs and down his body. Some chocolate drips on his dick and Nat smirks. She leans down and gently licks it off, Steve moans and plays with her hair. She sprays some whipped cream with the chocolate and just starts going to town on Steve, sucking and licking his dick as he lays back and enjoys it. She stops and Steve pulls her into his arms.*
Steve- Mmhmm come here, I need these lips on mine
Nat- oh really?! I thought you'd much rather they be-
*Steve cuts her off and she smirks against his lips. He moves her to her stomach and he settles behind her. He spanks her a little and then soothes the welts with kisses, his tongue drawing over them, soothing the sting.*
Steve- Mmhmm what would you say to a little change of scenery??
Nat- lead the way Captain
*Steve smirks and pulls her up and into his arms and throws her naked body over his shoulder, she squeals and laughs. She spanks Steve and bites his ass. He spanks her and laughs as he heads downstairs and outside.*
Nat- Steve!?! What- No! No!!!
Steve- oh yes!! We're going swimming!! Woohooo!
*Nat screams as Steve runs towards the end of the dock and he sets her on her feet. He takes her hand and she screams as they jump in the water.*
Nat- I'm cold!! *She laughs*
Steve- ha! Come here, I'll warm you up. *He pulls her into his arms and kisses her. She wraps her legs around his waist.*
Nat- Mmhm Stevie *He disappears under the water* Steve what- oh ssshit! *She is cut off when Steve stats to eat her out from under the water. She laughs and moans.*
Nat- Mmhmm yes!! *She cums and Steve pops back up out of the water.*
Steve- wow, I think that's a new record. *He teases and Nat pulls him close. He kisses her and rubs her body. They get out and the warm May breeze drys them off as they lay on the dock.*
Steve- this was well worth the wait *Nat smiles and kisses his chest.*
Nat- Come on, let go get a shower. I smell like lake water. *Steve laughs a they stands up, lifting her into his arms again. They shower and Steve cleans up the bed. He throws the sheets in the washer so he can get them cleaned before they leave again.*
Nat- you know, you weren't very dominant tonight *She smirks*
Steve- I know, I just felt this night deserved something a little better than me roughing you up and telling you you're my dirty little slut. *Nat laughs and Steve pulls her close.*
Nat- well thank you, that's sweet. *She kisses him and then climbs in bed.* it feels weird that we don't have Sarah with us.
Steve- I know, we've never really left her overnight.
Nat- Yeah, *Nat gets a little sad*
Steve- but hey, we get to sleep in and have morning sex! We never get morning sex anymore. *Nat laughs and agrees* I'll cook us a nice breakfast and then we will head home and see her. *Nat kisses him and then drifts off to sleep.*

*Nat wakes up to Steve kissing her cheeks and slipping his hand lower and lower down her body.*
Nat- Mmhmm Stevie??
Steve- Shhh just let me take care of you *She smiles and let's Steve have his way. After Nat is thoroughly taken care of she returns the favor and then they head down to eat breakfast. Steve makes a whole meal and Nat enjoys every bite. They clean up and get the trash out. Steve grabs the sheets out of the dryer and puts them away. They leave the house ready for when they come back next month. Steve and Nat hold each other on the way home, his hand on her thigh and her arms wrapped around his.*
Nat- I'm gonna go see if they are up
Steve- okay, I'll get the bag unpacked. *He kisses Nat and she goes to walk away and he pulls her back* hey, thank you for the night away, it was wonderful
Nat- Thank you too Stevie. You are too good
*Steve blushes and kisses her. They walk upstairs and go their separate ways. Nat knocks on your door and she hears little giggles on the other side, her heart could burst.*
Nat- Sarah, we're back.
Sarah- mama! Mmwwahhh *She kisses Nat and Nat hugs her tight.*
*You walk out of your room*
Y/N- hey! So how was the night away?!
Nat- So good and I'm sure there's more to come tonight
*You laugh and Nat smirks. You look at her shirt*
Y/N- is that my shirt??
Nat- Yup!
Y/N- where was it?!
Nat- At the cottage
Y/N- tell me is that where all of my missing clothes are??
Nat- Yup! *She smiles and you shake your head.*
Y/N- I want them back
Nat- of course *She smiles and takes Sarah back to their room.* look! Who's that?! Is that Daddy?!? Go get him!
*Sarah squeals and runs to Steve*
Sarah- Dada!!
Steve- oh Sar bear! Did you have a good night?!
Sarah- ya!
Steve- have you had breakfast?
Sarah- ya!
Steve- you wanna play??
Sarah- ya!
Nat- are you just gonna say ya no matter what we ask?? *She laughs and giggles. She wiggles out of Steve's grasp and she runs away. Steve and Nat chase her as she squeals and giggles. Steve catches her and they all lay on the couch, Sarah curled up in Nat's arms and Nat in his, everything he ever wanted right here. His whole world in his embrace.*

‼️Short and sweet‼️

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