A Mama Wolf

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*You wake up to the feeling of Bucky next to you, his arm draped over your waist but still giving you space

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*You wake up to the feeling of Bucky next to you, his arm draped over your waist but still giving you space. You smile and pull him close, you hear him hum at the feeling of your body against his.*
Y/N- Mmhmm you feel so good baby
*He hums again. You rub his back and kiss his shoulder. You start to play with his hair as you rub his back, he shifts a little because this was one of the many signs you two used when you wanted sex. You didn't and that was not your intention, you just want to feel close to him. You keep doing it though, not even thinking about it. Bucky finally sits up and looks down at you. His hair all fluffy and his face a little sleepy and confused as ever.*
Bucky- are we doing this right now?!  Like you really want to- cause I'm gonna do what I never do and say, absolutely not. No way, you are no where near ready and I am too tired to even think about an erection-
Y/N- erection- what?! No- I *You realize what you were doing* oh baby I'm sorry! *You lightly laugh* I just wanted to be close to you, get some innocent physical touch in, that's all. *Bucky let's out a sigh of relief.*
Bucky- oh thank god, cause if you had really wanted it then we would have had some issue, especially in my performance.
*You kiss him and he pulls you to his chest*
Y/N- No baby, just you arms around me, that's all I need right now. *He kisses you and you smile up at him. Ben starts to cry and you sit up. You get him in bed with you and Bucky. He lays on Bucky's chest and does some skin to skin with him. It's incredibly sweet and he looks absolutely delicious. You okay with Bucky's hair and then rub Ben's back*
Y/N- hey little man, my little baby.
*He looks at you when he hears you talk. He watches your every move and tries to smile*
Bucky- yeah, you like listening to mama, huh?!
*He grunts and stretches*
Y/N- he's so noisy
Bucky- I know *Bucky laughs* even when he sleeps. Depending on how tonight goes we may need to put him in his nursery. Cause his grunting kept me up and I know it kept you up.
*You nod*
Y/N- I can't tell if somethings wrong though. Like gas or reflux.
Bucky- oh I think he'd let us know if it was any of that.
Y/N- yeah I guess
*He starts to get upset and hungry.*
Y/N- okay bud, I hear ya.
*You nurse him as Bucky gets up to check on the kids. They all woke up from their naps and are playing in their rooms.*
Bucky- the wolves are up, I'm gonna check the laundry. Do you need anything.
*You gently smile and shake your head. He nods and start to leave. Then he pops back in*
Bucky- ugh I completely forgot this *He walks back over and you think he's gonna take his phone or grab a discarded burp cloth to throw in the washer. But instead he walks up to you takes you face in his hands and give you a long, sweet, deep kiss. Your head spins a little and your breath is taken away. He pulls back and rubs your cheek with his thumb*
Bucky- I love you. *He gently smiles and you just melt.* I can't believe I forgot that. *He tease as he stands up and walks out. You look down at Ben and he is staring up at you as he clings to your chest.*
Y/N- your daddy is something else. *You tease and he kicks his feet like he's agreeing.*

*That night you try a bath. Once he was in his little tub and had his Paci in, he was fine. You washed his hair and he loved it. His eyes roll back and he just relaxes. He relaxes so much he owes, everywhere.*
Y/N- oh my god!
*You were quick enough to move but Bucky got a direct hit. You tried to not laughs as he stood their with a wet shirt.*
Bucky- yeah yeah, just laugh.
Y/N- both of our sons have peed on you!
Bucky- yeah, weird accomplishment but whatever. *You laugh and kiss him. It was weird Nat and Steve weren't there to take pictures pictures and see him in his wolf towel, they were there for all the others, they should be there for this.*
Bucky- I know, but I still got some cute photos of you. *He winks and you smile.*
Y/N- thank you baby.
*The kids were there though. They saw his tiny hands and feet stretching out as you washed him. They laughed when Ben peed on Bucky. They ooh and aww at how cute he is all wrapped up. Winnie brings you the onesie while Odette brings you the diaper. Elizabeth brings you the lotion and cream for his bottom and body while Jonnie grabs his swaddle. Bucky gets the room ready with his noise machine and his defuser while you get him dressed and ready for bed. They each hold him and tell him Goodnight before you take him to feed him.*
Winnie- he's so cute! I don't want to sleep I just want to hold him!
Jonnie- I know!! *The two girls watch you sit down and nurse him. The other two were getting ready for bed and so was Grant.*
Y/N- girls what ar e you doing?
Jonnie- just watching, what's he doing?
Winnie- he's eating!
Y/N- yeah, this is how some babies eat.
Jonnie- how else do they eat?
Y/N- from a Bottle or with formula.
Jonnie- so what's he eating?
Y/N- milk
Jonnie- like a cow?!
*She is so sweet and her little innocent face was the only thing keeping you from thinking she was calling you a cow. Thanks hormones!*
Y/N- yeah sweet girl, very similar. *She smiles and slips off, Winnie follows behind. Bucky walks in*
Bucky- did I hear her correctly?
Y/N- yeah, she compared me to a cow... so there's that! *Bucky kisses you and whispers*
Bucky- not a cow baby, a mama wolf. Protecting and providing for her young. *He smiles and goes to get this kid sun bed as you finish up with Ben.*

*The 2 days go by and Steve and Nat are getting ready to come home. Yelena and Sam are still waiting for the birth of their son. The birth mom was having gals labor so they came home to wait. Ben is on a schedule and is eating every 3-4 hours and sleeping in between. Before you know it, it's been 2 weeks.
Y/N- my little baby is almost a month!! It's going by too fast, I can't! *You start to cry, Bucky kisses your forehead and rubs your back. You stare down at Ben as he sleeps.*
Bucky- I know baby but don't worry, you still have 2 weeks before that happens.
*You cry and sniffles as Bucky holds you. He just smiles and rubs your back as you work through this hard time.*

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