Tell Us What You've Got

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‼️TW- period sex and other period related things... idk if that needs a trigger but if that weird you out I'll put a marker for when it's done.‼️

‼️Small Hawkeye spoilers... kinda ish.‼️

*Bucky kisses you and makes his way down your body. Then he sits up*
Bucky- hold on, let me go grab the stuff... *You smile and nod. Bucky runs to the bathroom and grabs a big towel and a wet one. He walks back out and pulls you up off the bed and throws you over his shoulder. You laugh and slap his ass. He chuckles and places the towel on the bed. He then lays you down and then settles on the bed between your legs. He pulls your shorts off along with your underwear. He kisses you as he lifts your shirt off and kisses your breast.*
Y/N- Bucky *You say Breathlessly*
Bucky- I know baby *He kisses you and you feel the warm towel between your legs. You chuckle*
Y/N- I thought you said you're not scared of blood...
Bucky- ha! I'm not! You're just always worried about how messy is can get so I thought I'd help ease your worries... *He starts to tease your clit with his finger as he rubs the towel between your legs, he leans down and sucks your breast, You moan and rub his back.*
Y/N- how is it that you can turn the weirdest situations into something sweet. *Bucky chuckles and kisses you.*
Bucky- because I'm just the sweetest. *Bucky removes the towel and kisses down your body. He attaches his mouth to your clit, he sucks and moans as you grind against his face.*
Y/N- oh ssshhhit!!! Mmhmm oh Bucky!!
*You cum and Bucky smiles against your skin. He kisses your thighs and sits up. He takes the towel and wipes of his face. He looks down and sees you still have a tampon in.*
Bucky- You want to take care of this or me?
Y/N- Now you're being polite?! *You chuckle and Bucky laughs*
Bucky- well yeah!
Y/N- you've put a tampon inside me before without asking-
Bucky- hey I asked you if you trusted me and you said yes, that's asking!
Y/N- not quite-
Bucky- okay, would you like me to take the tampon out of you or not?! *You hit his shoulder*
Y/N- Eww you weirdo! *You laugh and tease him. Bucky acts dramatic and kisses you.*
Bucky- you want me to take charge or what??
Y/N- just take charge baby! This whole situation was made weird when you started being polite. Just have your way with me and make me forget that my body is trying to kill me, all because I didn't give it a baby this month- *Bucky cuts you off with a kiss and reaches between your legs and pulls out the tampon and just shoves himself inside you, balls deep*
Y/N- oh Bucky!!!
Bucky- like that?! You want me to take charge like that?! Just make you mine and own you?! Huh?! *Bucky is thrusting into you and had you on edge in a matter of minutes. You smile and kiss him, it's hot and rough and just what you needed. Your orgasm hits and you arch off the bed and Bucky bites your neck. You whimper and grab his ass. He feels you clinching around him and he cums inside you. He slows his movements and looks down at you. He kisses you and you both just chuckle and let your hands roam each other's bodies. Bucky pulls out and grabs the wet towel, he cleans you up and cleans himself. You smile and just let Bucky take care of you, until you see he got the good towels.*
Y/N- Bucky Barnes?!? Why did you grab the Tiffany blue bath towels?! The rag ones were on the bottom shelf!!
Bucky- I was a little preoccupied with getting both of us laid and all!
*You shake your head and rub your face. Bucky leans down and kisses you all over your face and your neck.*
Bucky- I'm sorry baby, hey look I'll buy you 12 more, okay.. *He kisses you and you smile*
Y/N- those were a gift from Winnie... *Bucky gives you a funny look and you laugh* big Winnie! When she ruined my dress-
Bucky- don't mention that, I'm gonna get mad again- *You silence him with a kiss*
Y/N- she felt bad so after she replaced the dress she got me those blue towels. I thought it was a little weird but she said when she was little she always loved being wrapped up in one of our big fluffy towels and she wanted Grant and Little Winnie to have that as well.
*Bucky smiles and kisses you*
Bucky- I'm sorry baby, I'll get them clean, I promise.
Y/N- thank you baby, it's okay if it's not perfect.
*Bucky kisses your nose and hops up off the bed, he walks into the bathroom and grabs you a tampon. He walks back in and throws it at you.*
Bucky- since you got a little up in arms last time.
*You laugh and throw it back at Bucky*
Y/N- you said yourself you're not afraid of blood! *Bucky chuckles and helps you out. He kisses you and he slips it in and then throws you over his shoulder.*
Bucky- shower or bath?!
Y/N- shower!
Bucky- you got it! *He slaps your ass and you giggle*
‼️period sex is over‼️
*you are brushing out your hair as Bucky is letting the towels soak over night, the bed is cleaned up and Bucky is already laying down and falling asleep. You smile and climb in bed with him. You kiss his chest and he smiles and wraps his arms around you.*
Y/N- wow, already so tired.
*Bucky hums and kisses your head*
Bucky- fending off the lady at swim class and taking charge with you just wiped me out. *You laugh and he smiles and holds you tighter. Winnie wakes up again with another nightmare and ends up in your bed again. You hold her for a bit and then Bucky does. You are finally able to put her back down around 5am.*

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