Let The Games Begin

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*You get to the jet, Yelena and Peter help you guys get settled

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*You get to the jet, Yelena and Peter help you guys get settled.*
Y/N- how is Sam??
Yelena- he is good, at home resting. They released him the day of the accident. They felt once he got fluids he would be okay, he wanted to come get y'all with us but he needs to rest.
*You smile and nod*
Steve- are you comfortable?? Do you want me to hold him?
Nat- I'm okay Steve, thank you baby. *She kisses him.*
*Y'all head back to the compound.*
Bucky- I'll get your car replaced-
Y/N- and the carseats. We need new carseats for all the kids.
Bucky- okay, I'll get on that.
Y/N- thank you baby *You kiss him*
*You rub your belly and Bucky puts his hand on your inner thigh and you lean against his arm. You land and get inside, the kids are occupied so you can get settled before they come in and crowd you. Sam walks down the hall and sees you, he hugs you.*
Sam- I'm glad you're okay.
Y/N- you too!
*Nat walks up the stairs, Steve behind her holding Samuel. Sam walks over and Nat hugs Sam, she cries a little.*
Sam- how are you?? How's the little guy?
Nat- I'm good, better than good! And He's perfect!
Steve- you wanna know his name? *He nods* It's Samuel Peter Rogers.
*Sam nods and tears up a little. He hugs Steve and looks down at Samuel.*
Sam- you're gonna be the coolest! *He laughs as Samuel smiles in his sleep.*
Steve- you saved him and Nat. You're a true hero Sam, thank you. *Sam nods and hugs Steve and Nat again. Y'all go your separate ways for a bit, you settle in your room and they get Samuel settled.*

*The kids find out you are home and they are waiting by the door to see you*
Grant- mom?! Are you in there??
Winnie- mom?!?
Odette- are you okay?!
Elizabeth- are you still hurt??
Jonnie- do you want cuddles?!
*You smile and look at Bucky. You kiss him*
Y/N- let the wolves in.
*He laughs and kisses you as he hops up. He walks out in the hall to talk to them all first.*
Bucky- okay, mommy is in there. I need you all to be careful around her, her leg is still a little hurt and so are her ribs.
Grant- is the baby okay??
Bucky- yeah bud, the baby is okay.
Winnie- is aunt Nat's baby in the room?!?
Bucky- Umm no, he is with Aunt Nat. You can see him later. Okay you ready??
*They all nod, Bucky let's them in and they walk over to you on the couch.*
Grant- mommy??
Y/N- hey Little Wolf! Come here, I've missed you! *You pull him into a hug, he is a little scared to hug you.*
Grant- I missed you too mama!
*Winnie climbs on the couch and snuggles up next to you.*
Y/N- hey Winnie boo!
Winnie- I love you mommy
Y/N- I love you too
*The triplets scream their "I love you's" and blow you kisses, they then draw on your cast with markers. You just laugh and sit there holding your babies.*

*Sarah, James, and Anthony come in and they are super quiet and they smile and just aww seeing their brother again*
Anthony- we get to keep him?!
*Steve and Nat laugh*
Steve- yeah, yeah we do!
Nat- for forever!
James- yay!!
Sarah- can I have a sister next?? *Sarah smiles and asks as she looks down at Samuel. Nat starts to tear up, not expecting that question. She didn't think she would have to explain all this so soon. Nat just says*
Nat- we will see, sweet girl. I kinda like that you're my only girl, it's special! *She smiles*
Sarah- well I like being special! *She smiles and sits next to Nat. Steve wipes a tear and kisses Nat's head.*

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