Brave Face

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*Bucky is just taking his time

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*Bucky is just taking his time. You moan and just smile, completely blissed out.*
Y/N- oh baby, Mmhmm
Bucky- Mmhmm so good y/n. *He licks his hands over your waist and keeps you in place as he sticks his tongue inside you.*
Y/N- Mmhmm I'm gonna cum-
*He moans against you and you cum. You grind against his face and he rubs your body as he works you through your high, taking everything you give him. He sits up, his eyes dazed with pure bliss, his lips red and swollen a little, his jaw shiny from your wetness. He kisses yo your body.*
Bucky- Mmhm god you're so beautiful. I think you get sexier with every baby.
*You giggle and kiss him, you palm his ass.*
Y/N- well then I must be sex on a stick at this point. *You tease and Bucky laughs and kisses you, agreeing against your lips*
Bucky- Mmhm you are, just pure sex and sensuality. *You smile and slip your hands down his boxers, you squeeze his ass and he smirks.* you wanna take them off?
*You nod and pull them down over his ass. He kicks them off and lays between your legs. He kisses you as he lines himself up. He slowly pushes just his tip in and you gasp. The sudden and very welcome intrusion, stretching you in a way you haven't been stretched in a month. He moans and smiles as he pushes the rest of the way in, just enjoying the feeling of his lover around him.*
Y/N- Bucky *You moan breathlessly as you run your hands along his chest, feeling his muscles and scars beneath your fingers. Moving your hips, trying to make Bucky get the hint that you need him to move.*
Bucky- I know baby, I'm sorry I was just enjoying finally feeling you again.
Y/N- it's okay baby, I just want to feel more of you. *He smiles and starts to move his hips.*
Bucky- like this baby?
*You moan and nod, he kisses you and speeds up at little.*
Bucky- don't want to get too rough, wanna leave some room for Winter tonight. *He winks and you smile. He sits back and looks down, he watches where you two connect. Watching as he disappears into completely, he moans as you clench around him a little. You grab your breast and squeeze as he slowly thrusts into you.*
Bucky- Mmhmm I'm not gonna last long baby.
Y/N- I know, I'm gonna cum too.
*He leans down and takes your face in his hands as he speeds up.*
Y/N- oh Bucky! Mhmm oh- baby! Yes, right there! Mmhmm *You cum and arch of the bed, your legs wrap around him. You clench around him and he just smiles and moans as you cum around him. He moans in your ear, it's so sexy and beautiful, he cums and fills you. You kiss him and rub his back as he comes down. He lays down while still inside you, not wanting to part. You lay there just blissed, rubbing your body and looking at Bucky as he comes back to himself. He smiles and looks over at you, he sees you rubbing your breast and down your stomach. He leans over you and kisses your hands as he pulls them above your head.*
Bucky- I believe this is my job *He winks* keep your hands up here, okay baby?
*You nod. He grabs some massage oil from your bedside table. You laugh*
Y/N- how did you know that was there?!
Bucky- because I know you, just like I know that little mind control toy is tucked away in there and you use it when you fly solo in the middle of the night. *You blush and he kisses you* which I will request again, just wake me up. I'd love to wake up for the sole reason of pleasuring you. *You blush and nod*
Y/N- okay Bucky *He kisses your nose*
Bucky- I mean it. Or else I'm hiding all the toys. And I mean it, you won't have a release unless I pre-approve it.
Y/N- yes, Bucky. I understand. *He smiles and kisses you*
Bucky- okay, where were we!?

*You lay on your back in the middle of the bed. Bucky is on his knees, straddling you. He  is standing at attention as well, and you can't help but lick your lips. He smirks because he knows you'd love to get your mouth on him. He spreads some oil over your body, cupping your breast with his hands and gently squeezing. He rubs down and rubs circles on your belly, rubbing over your c-section scar. It has faded now but it's still there. You watch as Bucky works down your legs, slipping his hands between your legs and massaging your inner thighs. He works his way down and massages your feet before he makes his way back up to your breast. He spends extra time just rubbing and teasing your nipples. You smile and play with his hair as he has his fun.*
Bucky- okay, let's turn you over.
*You flip over and he massages your back. Thankfully you aren't too far along so you can be on your stomach for a little bit. He works down to your ass and then surprises you with a spank. You jump a little and you hear him chuckle under his breath.*
Bucky- it was right there I had to! If not for all this oil I would have bitten you a little too.
*You smile and wiggle your ass. He laughs and spanks you again. You feel him spread your ass, you get instant butterflies. A finger brushes along you as you feel his tongue lick your pussy.*
Y/N- oh Bucky
Bucky- you want more baby? *He asks with all sincerity.*
Y/N- yeah, just a little more. *He agrees and kisses your ass as he bites it a little. The massage oil does not taste that great but your you get will endure it. He presses his finger against your ass and right as he's about to press it in your phone starts to ring.*
Y/N- ugh! No! *You cry and Bucky rubs your ass*
Bucky- just ignore it, they will call again if it was important. *You nod and focus on the incredible sensation he is creating. Then his phone rings. You whine and he laughs under his breath and pulls away. He wipes off his hands and face. He kisses you*
Bucky- I'll see who it is.
*Bucky answers the phone*
Bucky- Hello? *His face is stoic and just taking everything in. Then he loses it* is everyone okay?!?  *He is in disbelief and a little bit of anger. You automatically think Grant has done something or maybe the triplets.* okay, yes. We will be right there. Thank you! *He hangs up and runs into the bathroom to start the shower.*
Y/N- Bucky?! What happened? What is it?!
Bucky- Umm the kids are okay but there was a situation at the school. Someone jumped the fence and was looking for them.
*You shoot you and just start throwing in clothes when Bucky stops you*
Bucky- hey look at me, they are okay. Okay! They are all in the office with the resource officer. They don't know who the man was but they have a description. They will catch him.
*you cry and nod* now let get showered and we will go. *you agree and hop in the shower*

*Steve is starting to really treat Nat, he is just doting in her and taking her in. As he kisses her and starts to trail his hands down her body his phone rings.*
Steve- shit
Nat- Just leave it baby,
*It won't stop ringing and they keep calling. Steve sighs and gets his phone. He keeps teasing Nat and actually slips a finger inside her as he answers the phone. She quiets her moans as he curls it against her.*
Steve- hello? *He gets the same call as Bucky. He stops his movement and Nat knows somethings wrong. She sits up, pulling his hand away from her.* okay, we will be right there. Thank you!
*He tells Nat what happened and she was the one to jump up and start their shower. She just washes off and gets dressed with her hair still wet. Steve washes off and throws on some sweats and a t-shirt.*

*You four walk to the front door at the same time. Nat and you just cry and head to the car together. Steve and Bucky put on a Brave face for you two and the kids.*

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