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*You wake up and start your day of re-programming

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*You wake up and start your day of
Shuri- I think we are done!
*You and Bucky look at one another*
Bucky- really?! That was fast!
Y/N- well Odette is way less stubborn *You tease and Bucky tickles your side.*
Shuri- there is only one thing that I want to do, and you may be mad at me for doing it, but I used Grant to establish a safe word. He is the only one it will work for. It is in case the other two get a little too comfy and won't turn you back. It's also in case you need to change but the other is unable to do so.
Bucky- so you experimented on our son?!
Shuri- yes and he is fine. I also believe that it worked.
Y/N- okay, Bucky- Bucky! *You hold him back* calm down. We will try it out-
Bucky- why did you-
Shuri- he asked me to, he came to ma and asked for a safe hold, a loophole. So I have it to him. He is a good kid and I believe it was a good idea.
Y/N- okay, let's just try it.

*Grant comes in*
Grant- Dad I'm sorry, please don't be mad!
Bucky- I'm not mad bud- I- I'm just glad you weren't hurt.
Grant- Shuri would never hurt me Dad, you know that.
*Bucky tears up and hugs him. He looks at Shuri, he mouths "sorry" and Shuri nods.*
Bucky- okay let's do this!
*He smiles and tickles Grant. He giggles and Bucky laughs. You watch and your heart is so full.*
Grant- okay, are you ready??
Y/N- yeah Grant, we're ready.
*Bucky nods*
Bucky- you got this, Little Wolf
*Grant takes a deep breath*
Grant- Alpine
*You and Bucky switch and look at each other.*
Odette- Winter?
Winter- Odette?
*They smile and Winter pulls you(Odette) in and kisses you*
Winter- it's good to see you!
Odette- you too!*You both look at Grant and smile. They crouch down and Grant smiles and waves*
Grant- Hi, do you remember what happened??
Winter- we sure do Grant, your so smart! Thank you for doing this.
Odette- thank you Grant, you're always thinking ahead.
*Grant smiles*
Grant- okay, time to go. *You both wave and smile.* Alpine.
*You switch back and smile. You pull
Grant in and kiss his head* you're so smart! How did you now about Alpine?!
Grant- I needed a word that meant something to Odette and Wintef. He had his cat in Hydra while you were both turned. I figured it would work and it did! *You smile and Grant smiles*
Bucky- come here bud, give me a hug. *He hugs and kisses Grant.* thank you bud.
Grant- you're welcome, Dad. I love you.
Bucky- I love you too!
Grant- I love you, mom.
Y/N- I love you too!

*You head back to the room and the kids ask you a thousand questions.*
Winnie- so can we turn you?!
Jonnie- I have a question for Odette!
Odette- I'm right here!
Jonnie- not you!
Elizabeth- where winter?!
*You and Bucky just laugh and let them keep asking their questions. They eventually get tired and run away.*
Bucky- well, now that everything is settled I guess we should decide when to head home. *You smile and curl up next to Bucky*
Y/N- we can let Tony know to go ahead and head back. Get packed up tonight and tomorrow and then head out once Tony's had a day to rest.
Bucky- sounds good to me baby girl.
*You kiss Bucky and then text Tony.*

***at the compound***
Tony- okay guys!! I got the text from y/n. I'm gonna head out tomorrow to go get them. So Nat, your up!
Nat- okay everyone this has to be the best Baby shower ever! It's the last baby so we have to make it count!

‼️Embarrassingly short!! 🥺😭❤️ sorry! A longer one to come tomorrow! This is my last week of work for a bit so the following week we should be back to much longer chapters because I'll actually have time to write them! 😅‼️

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