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‼️Time jumps‼️

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‼️Time jumps‼️

*It is the train anniversary which means it's also Bucky's slow Fuck day. Steve helps by watching Grant while Winnie bothers Thor all day and Peter watches the triplets. You and Bucky are going at it, slowly of course, passion filled and just sensual as it can be. Naked bodies moving as one, Bucky's behind you and his chest is laying on your back. His real arm wrapped around your breast and his metal one propping himself up. Your head is tilted to the side and Bucky kisses your neck and whispers to you as you speak calming, sweet words back.*

Grant- Uncle Steve I left my Wolf in my room, can I got get it?? I want it for nap time.
Steve- No bud, I'm sorry. You can use one of Sarah's stuffies if you want.
*Grant pouts*
Grant- okay.
*Steve puts Grant down for nap, along with Winnie and the triplets. They all crash on Nat and Steve's living room floor. Steve heads downstairs to work, Grant is so worried about his wolf that he wakes up and goes to find it. He walks into the family suite and goes to his room, he passes out on his bed holding his wolf. When he wakes up he hears a noise coming from your room, he walks to the door and opens it. In his little 5 year old mind it looked like Bucky was hurting you and he could not stand for that.*

*You and Bucky are so in it you don't hear the door open, you are moaning as Bucky is getting you closer and closer to the edge. Both of you, eye closed and on the edge of pure bliss.*
Bucky- oh I'm cum- *He is cut off by the feeling of a tiny hand slapping his thigh.* oh fuck- Grant what the-
*You are instantly out of the moment and you look to the side and see Grant. His face mad as he keeps hitting Bucky's leg. You finally hear what he's saying.*
Grant- stop hurting my mommy!! Get off! No No No!!
Y/N- oh my god!!! *You and Bucky quickly cover yourselves. Bucky gets up and grabs his sweatpants and gets your robe. He tosses it to you and you slip it on as he gets Grant, who is still "yelling" at Bucky*
Grant- My mommy! No no! You hurt her!
*Bucky has so many emotions running through him at this point. He wants to be mad because he was having some of the best sex he's had in weeks. But he also finds this situation a little funny. And in the next few days it will probably become hilarious.*
Bucky- okay Grant *Grant hits his hands as Bucky reaches for him. Bucky laughs and picks him up anyway.* Grant listen to daddy.
*Grant stares him down*
Bucky- I really appreciate your enthusiasm to protect mommy but daddy wasn't hurting mommy, I would never, ever hurt mommy. *He sits on the bed next to you once you get your robe on*
Grant- she was hurt!
Y/N- I promise Grant I am okay and daddy wasn't hurting me.
Grant- then what was he doing?! *He crosses his arms*
Y/N- Umm well- *You look at Bucky and Bucky smiles and laughs*
Bucky- Umm we- we were- Umm wrestling.
Grant- wrestling?? Like how I wrestle with you?
Bucky- Umm no, not quiet. That's very very different wrestling. Mommy and Daddy were special wrestling.
Grant- oh, is that why you were nakey?
*You are probably 10 shades of red and Bucky is stunned. You were both very, very naked when Grant charged in but you both hoped he didn't notice. But he did*
Bucky- y-ye-yeah, yup! But let's not talk about that. Why were you in here??
*Grant starts to tear up and cry*
Grant- I wanted my wolf for nap time and uncle Steve said I couldn't get it. I couldn't sleep without it so I came I here to find it and then I fell asleep. I'm sorry, I didn't want to disobey but- I- *He starts to cry even harder. It's so sad and so sweet. He is such a rule breaker yet he can't take it when someone might me mad at him.*
Y/N- oh Grant it's okay, you're not in trouble.
Bucky- well I mean- *You shirt him a look and Bucky whispers* well he did disobey
Y/N- you aren't not in trouble Grant, I promise.
*You whisper to Bucky* he wasn't told to come in here, he was just told no and no real reason. He wanted his comfort toy, which came from you by the way, so be nice.
*Bucky nods and then rubs Grants back.*
Bucky- okay, okay. Let's get you back with uncle Steve.
*Bucky and you walk out of the room with Grant and you find Steve.*
Steve- what- where was he?! They aren't even up yet.
Bucky- well he is! And I think we found the reason why the kids start to leave the house on this very day.
*Steve is still a little confused*
Grant- Mommy and Daddy were special wrestling! I thought Daddy was hurting mommy but he wasn't!
*Steve looks at You and Bucky and he tries to not laugh*
Steve- I'm so sorry- I- ha! It won't happen again and next year I will take them out.
Bucky- thank you, now if you'll excuse us we have some special wrestling to finish! *He teases and you smile. Steve takes Grant, making sure to keep an eye on him as you and Bucky finish out Bucky's day.*

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