A Beautiful, Calm Day

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*A couple weeks go by and Bucky actually looked at buying you two a boat. You convince him not to do and instead he buys you almost an entire store worth of Lingerie. He says it was for you but it's really for him. You don't mind though, you love the awestruck look he gives you when you give him a little fashion show. Another package arrives at the front door*
Y/N- really Bucky?! At this rate I will never have to buy new underwear ever again. *You stand up and walk to the door, you grab the package and open it. It's a set you already have* babe, I already have this one.
*Bucky looks up and laughs*
Bucky- oh, Umm that's not- *He stands up and takes it from you and slips it back in the bag.* this is for someone else.
Y/N- you got a girlfriend I don't know about. *You cross your arms and Bucky chuckles*
Bucky- No, I was buying it for you a couple weeks ago and Nat apparently saw it over my shoulder. She mentioned to Steve that she wanted something like it. So to surprise her Steve had me buy it and he paid me back. It's a gift for her from Steve, I'm just the middle man. *He kisses your cheek* but you're really cute when you're jealous. *He taps your ass and you blush*
Y/N- well that was nice of you. Also stop buying me lingerie. I have enough. *You kiss him and he smiles*

*Tony broke ground on the expansion and they already have the frame up. Grant loves to sit outside and watch as they work, he will sit there for hours just watching it all.*
Y/N- what are they doing?!
Grant- ony!! Peeeee!  Boom!! *He points and you laugh*
Y/N- yeah, uncle Tony and Peter are making lots of noise.
Grant- boom! *You laugh*
*Bucky walks outside*
Grant- Dada! Boom!!
Bucky- yeah Little Wolf, it's is loud! *Grant runs over and Bucky lifts him into his arms. Winnie is standing up and hanging onto your leg. She is starting to cruise around and take steps. She lets go of your legs and looks at Bucky, she lifts her arms in the air. You look at Bucky and try not to squeal. You take out your phone and start to record. Bucky squats down*
Bucky- come here Winnie boo! Come here! *She smiles and goes to step and falls to the grass. Her lips starts to quiver and she pouts and starts to whine*
Y/N- you're okay Winnie boo! It's okay! Yay!!
Bucky- you're okay sweet girl, let's try it again!
*You help her up and hold her hands and she walks like a pro. You laugh and she smiles, Bucky cheers her on and so does Grant*
Bucky- yay yay yay Winnie!!
Grant- Yyyaayy!! innniii!!
Y/N- Aww that so sweet Grant! *You pick Winnie up and she lays her head on your shoulder. Grant gives you a cheesy smile, something gets his attention though, Nat is walking out with Sarah and Sarah is laughing. Grant gets shy and hides in Grant's shoulder. Then he pops up and calls for Sarah*
Grant- Sssaaaa!!! *Nat smiles and waves Sarah's arm and Grant fights to be let down. He runs over and looks up at her in Nat's arms. Nat squats down and let's Grant see Sarah. Grant smiles and kisses her cheek, Nat chuckles and Steve walks out*
Steve- hey! Keep your little lips to yourself! *Steve teases and Grant squeals and runs away, Steve chases after him and catches him. He lifts him in the air and tickles him.*
Steve- What are you doing?!? Huh?!
Grant- Ssssaaa! *He smiles and Steve chuckles*
Steve- yeah I know, She's pretty great Little Wolf. *He smiles and kisses Grants head and then sets him down. You all stay outside till the sun goes down l, you have a quick dinner and get the kids in bed. Bucky gives Steve the package and he surprises Nat with it later that night. She was extremely thankful and showed her appreciation in the way of a little show that ended very quickly. You and Bucky curl up in bed and watch the TV till you both fall asleep. It was a beautiful and calm day*

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