Flirty Fun

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*You wake up in the morning and Bucky has already gotten the kids up and ready for the day

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*You wake up in the morning and Bucky has already gotten the kids up and ready for the day. You get ready and Bucky helps you downstairs, Peter is watching the kids while you go to the doctor.*
Y/N- okay, y'all be nice for Peter! We will be back soon! *You blow kisses and the kids say bye. You and Bucky get in his car and make your way to the doctor. You are cleared and they cut you out of your cast, it's been two weeks since you got it on so you needed to shave. Bucky wanted to hit the ground running and you kept pushing him away.*
Y/N- Buck- *You laugh* Bucky stop *He kisses you* you're gonna lose the bet! *That got his attention. He smirks and pulls away, he opens your door and you slide in the car.*
Bucky- god I can't wait to absolutely wreck you. *He kisses you and shuts the door. You moan as you watch him strut around to the other side of the car. You can't get home fast enough, you don't want to lose the bet but you remember that you have one free pass and you intend to use it, now!*
Y/N- Mmhm Bucky pull over
*He does*
Bucky- you feeling sick?? What's going on- *He is cut off by your lips on his. He chuckles and smirks against your lips* oh, well okay then! Come here *He takes you by the back of the neck and pulls you close. You grab his shirt as he takes your face in his hands. You pull back and look down at his lips and then his eyes.*
Y/N- take me in the backseat, now.
*Bucky smirks and kisses you.*
Bucky- don't have to tell me twice!
*You climb back there and Bucky squeezes back. You both laughs as you squeeze into this small little backseat in his 4 door car.*
Y/N- side note, when we get my new car, *He kisses you* Mmhmm you're getting a bigger car as well! *He kisses you and he smiles and nods*
Bucky- Mmhmm you got it baby girl. Anything if it means we can do this in the backseat. *He smirks and pulls you into his lap. He spanks you and you yelp and smile.*
Y/N- you know this counts as my pass, right? *You smirk* I'm not giving in. *Bucky laughs*
Bucky- oh you're giving in, but I won't hold it against you.
*You smirk*
Y/N- well please hold something against me!
*Bucky kisses you and grabs your ass. All the sudden there is a knock on the window. You and Bucky are startled, the window are so tinted the cop didn't see You and Bucky in the backseat. You climb out of Bucky's lap and he rolls down the window.*
Bucky- can we help you officer?
Officer- oh! Umm sorry Sergeant Barnes! I thought this was an abandoned car. Umm are y'all okay??
Bucky- oh ye-yes! Yeah we are good! Umm the Mrs. got her cast off today from the accident a couple weeks ago and she was needing to stretch it out. I didn't want her to be lonely here in the backseat.
*The officer nods*
Officer- Umm Sergeant Barnes, next time y'all want an afternoon delight pull off the road more. *He nods and walks back to his car and drives away. You are beet red and Bucky just laughs.*
Bucky- how about we head home?
*You nod and get back in your seat and y'all head home.*

Y/N- we're back!!
*The kids come running to you*
Grant- Yay!!
Winnie- did it hurt?!
Odette- you're not broken anymore!
Elizabeth- my pretty pictures are gone!
Jonnie- did you find the Pennie I stuck in your cast? *You shake your head and pull it out of your pocket and hand it to her. She runs off.*
Nat- hey! You're free!
Y/N- yes!! *You wiggle you're leg and end up twerking a little, Bucky smirks as he watches you and gives your ass a smack.* Now that I'm free we will need to go celebrate my birthday, even if it's 2 weeks late!
*Nat laughs*
Bucky- well you have your son's eighth birthday to celebrate as well. *You gasp and grab his chest.*
Y/N- I didn't forget! I promise I didn't, oh crap! *You dash off to the room and Bucky sighs.*
Nat- what's wrong with you??
Bucky- well I just cock blocked myself... *He nods and walks away, Nat laughs and shakes her head. She hears Samuel cry over the monitor so she heads up to get him. Samuel is a month old now and he is already in a schedule. He is by far Nat and Steve's easiest baby.*

*Bucky finds you on the floor in the bedroom, you have your computer out and you are ordering things and calling people on your phone. He laughs to himself and he closes the door behind him. He walks over and pulls the computer away from you. You try to get it back but you can't. He takes the phone from your hand.*
Y/N- h-hey! Bucky?!
Bucky- she will call you back. *He hangs up and kneels in front of you, with his high he is still towering over you as you sit on your bottom. You look up at him and suddenly you're feeling very... submissive.* you said you wanted your free pass, then get your pretty little ass on the bed for me and maybe give it a little shake for me while you do. *His stare is intoxicating and you will do anything for him to say "good girl"*
Y/N- y-yes *You jump up and get on the bed. He clears his throat and you look back at him, wondering what you might have done wrong. You shake your ass a little and Bucky smirks, you feel relief and continue to move up the bed, giving him a little show. You lay down and Bucky starts to climb on the bed, raking over you with his gaze. He runs his hands up your leg, you become super aware that you didn't shave. You pull away*
Y/N- oh let me-
*He grabs your leg and pulls it back down. He gently runs his hand up it.*
Bucky- don't move
Y/N- but my leg- I haven't shaved-
Bucky- y/n look at my hand on your leg.
*You look and realize it's his metal hand on your leg. You cover your face and just laugh*
Bucky- I'm not bothered in the slightest! But also I can't feel it anyway. *He smiles and jokes about his metal arm. You smile and rub the side of his face. He smirks and kisses you.*
Bucky- now may I continue??
*You giggle and nod. Bucky kisses you. He lets your body as he kisses you, laying down between your legs. He puts a little pressure on your leg.*
Y/N- oh! Ouch!
Bucky- are you okay?!
*He looks you over, worried he's hurt you.*
Y/N- just the pressure on my leg-
Bucky- I thought you were okay and all healed?!
Y/N- I am! It's just a little sore, the doctor said it would be.
*Bucky nods and looks you over again*
Bucky- you're sure you're okay?!
Y/N- yes baby! Please before the kids find us!
*Bucky laughs and nods, he kisses you and settles back down.*
Bucky- how about we compromise, *You start to pout* If you're gonna be bratty-
Y/N- NO! *You blush, not meaning to have shouted. You laugh* No, I'll be good. *You smile and Bucky kisses your nose.*
Bucky- good girl *Your stomach flips and you want him even more now. He smirks, knowing what that just did to you* we will make out for the next *He looks at his watch* 30 minutes, we'll get real handsy *He winks* and this won't even count as your pass. Just some flirty fun now and then some filthy fun later, that will count as your pass. Then full steam ahead on our bet, huh?! What do you say??
Y/N- just kiss me! *Bucky smirks and kisses you. You moan and wrap your arms around his back, he pulls you close as he lays on his side. He rubs your body and smiles. He pulls you on top and sits up. You straddle his lap and your lips never leave his, just letting him have control and have his way. He rubs your back as he kisses down your neck and to your chest. You moan and play with his hair as he sucks on your neck, leaving a purple bruise. He pulls back looking at his work. You kiss him and start to grind in his lap as he palms your ass. Your kiss down his neck and bite his shoulder as he unbuckles your bra from under your shirt. It falls slightly and Bucky kisses your breast through your shirt. You get frustrated and you rip your shirt off and your bra along with it. Bucky gives you a look, and you blush. You lift his off as well and pull him into your arms, your breast pressed firmly against his chest.*
Y/N- Better?? *You smile sweetly and Bucky laughs. He kisses you*
Bucky- just don't touch my pants, this was suppose to be flirty fun and it turned rated R real fast.
*You giggle and press your breast together. Bucky looks down at them a licks his lips.*
Bucky- Mmhm fuck! *He kisses the top of your breast.* god I love these. *You laugh and he smiles* My girls *He winks and you blush as he sucks on them* gonna start getting bigger any day now. *You shake your head and pull his face back up to yours. You kiss him and he smiles and moans.*
Y/N- you like my breast baby?? *He nods* I thought you loved my mouth, *You lick up his neck to his ear* I though it was a "fucking dream"?
Bucky- oh your mouth does wonders baby girl. Mmhmm fuck! *He kisses you and you giggle and scream as you both fall back and your back lands on the bed. You wrap your legs around Bucky's waist and you two end up making out until there are tiny little knocks on the door. Bucky and you look up and back at the door. He lets out a breathy laugh and rest his head against your breast.*
Bucky- okay, go get dressed and I'll handle the little drill sergeant.
Y/N- you don't know that's Winnie
Winnie- Mommy?! Daddy?! Hey I know you're in there! *You and Bucky laugh he gets up and you get dressed as Bucky opens the door.*
Bucky- may I help you?? *He leans against the frame and looks down at Winnie as he crossed his arms and stares her down.*
Winnie- yes! Can I be with you?!
*Bucky smiles*
Bucky- who?? Me or your mom?
Winnie- you!
Bucky- well what do you want to do??
Winnie- I don't know *She shrugs her shoulders* can we swim?!
*Bucky laughs and looks back at you as you are slipping your bra back on. You smile and nod*
Bucky- yeah Winnie boo, we can go swim. You wanna go let you sisters and Grant know?
Winnie- do I have to?! I wanna be with you!
*You pop in the doorway once you're dressed*
Y/N- you want some quality time with Daddy huh?? *She nods*
Bucky- okay Winnie, I can be just us. We will go during the girls nap time, okay??
Winnie- Okay!!
*She runs off*
Bucky- and you can spend some time with Grant.
Y/N- perfect! *Bucky goes to walk away and you pull him back and kiss him.* thanks for the flirty fun. *You wink and Bucky smirks and spanks you as you walk away.

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