Nap Time

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‼️Short and sweet for your Monday morning!‼️

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‼️Short and sweet for your Monday morning!‼️

*You wake up to the kids hitting your bedroom door and Bucky waking up and groaning. He chuckles and kisses your neck and rubs your belly with one hand while he uses the remote to open the door with the other. The kids come running in and jump on the bed.*
Grant- Mama!? Can Eli and Nora come over and play today??
Winnie- When is Sarah gonna be back??
Odette/Elizabeth/Jonnie- Is the baby here yet?? *You and Bucky let out a sleepy laugh*
Y/N- I will call Eli and Nora's parents and ask, Sarah and them should be back before lunch and girls the baby won't be here till after Christmas and then some.
*Bucky just holds you tight and kisses your neck as the kids keep jumping on the bed and asking questions, they eventually realize that you two aren't not getting up at the moment.*
Grant- Can I go make some breakfast?
Bucky- No, not yet. It's only 7:00am, I'll make breakfast at 8, go play in your rooms till then.
*They all groan but do as they are told. Bucky chuckles and kisses your neck again. You turn over in his arms and scoot closer.*
Bucky- Mmhmm I love you, you're so warm.
Y/N- I love you too, and your arm is nice a cool against my skin. *He laughs and finally opens his eyes and looks down at you. He kisses your nose.*
Bucky- Good morning
Y/N- good morning
Bucky- why do I have a feeling they are destroying the whole room?
Y/N- because they probably are but I don't care, all I care about in Thor moment is that they are occupied so I can do this. *You lean in and kiss him, gently at first and then a little more heated. You rub the back of his head, running your fingers through his hair. You pull back and look at him, his eyes are still closed from the kiss and he gently smiles and rubs your back. He opens his eyes*
Bucky- Mmhmm you're lucky you already have a baby in there cause with that kiss I would have for sure put a baby in there with what I'm about to do! *He winks and you laugh and gently push back on his chest.*
Y/N- No not right now, I'm not really feeling it. But maybe later, yeah??
*Bucky looks a little sad but agrees*
Bucky- okay baby *He kisses you and just continues to hold you.*

*You eventually get up and start your day. The kids completely wipe out breakfast before you can even get a bite*
Y/N- anything left??
Bucky- I think there is some toast.
*You nod and start to look around the kitchen for something to eat.*
Bucky- what do you want baby, I'll fix it!
*You smile and kiss him*
Y/N- thanks baby, I'll take a smoothie.
Bucky- you got it!
*You sit on the back porch and watch the kids play in the grass. Winnie runs up to you*
Winnie- When is Sarah gonna be here??
Y/N- I don't know, I'll call uncle Steve and see, go play.
Grant- Can you call about Eli and Nora??
*You sigh*
Y/N- yes Grant, I'll call.
*Bucky hands you your smoothie*
Bucky- you want to call the doctor and make an appointment?
Y/N- yes, I'll add it to the list.
*You call Steve*
Y/N- hey! Where are y'all??
Steve- We are leaving here within the hour, had a slow start this morning.
Y/N- okay, Winnie is getting restless without her partner in crime *Steve laughs*
Steve- We should be there around lunch.
Y/N- okay, see you then.
*You sigh as you think about calling the other parents to invite their kids over. You know it's gonna get noisy and crazy and you just want a quiet day at home. Bucky takes your phone*
Bucky- I'll be the bad guy, you just rest, okay. *He kisses your head and then stands up, he acts like he's calling Nora and Eli's parents and then he acts like their parents said they were too busy today but maybe another day. Grant pouts but he quickly gets over it.*
Y/N- thank you baby *You kiss him and take your phone. You call the doctor* yes this is y/n Barnes, I need to make an appointment for an 8 week ultrasound. *Bucky looks at you and smiles. The nurses say something cause you laugh* yeah, this is the last one!
*Bucky rubs your leg and kisses your hand, he then gets up and heads to the garage with Grant, they've been building a go-kart from scratch. The girls tag along to watch. You finish your call and then lay back and bask in the sunlight. You hear everyone start to wake up and move around the compound and life starts.*
Yelena- I have to go to the store
Sam- okay, we need more soap
Peter- MJ did you grab the-
MJ- yeah you left it at the lake house but I grabbed it for you.
Kate- I need to train who's up?!
Tony- I've got an new model suite to build so I'll be in the lab all day.
Thor- I can train with you Kate
*You listen and smile as they all go about their business. At some point you fell asleep because you are woken up by Odette's little hands on your face and Jonnie and Elizabeth place kisses on your belly.*
Elizabeth- I'm gonna be the best big sister *She whispers*
Jonnie- No me!
Odette- I'm the oldest
Jonnie- No it's Grant!
*You laugh and tent notice you awake, you open your eyes and see all three girls smiling and then they run away. Bucky at some point made his way back inside and he is asleep on the other end of the couch. He put your feet in his lap as he lays back and just passed out to the world. You move around you your head is in his lap, he wakes up a little and shifts around, he looks at the time and sees it's Naptime, which is his favorite time of the day. He hops up and gathers the kids*
Bucky- alright, nap time /quiet time. Go to your rooms and either sleep of play quietly. If we hear you through the monitors your in trouble, understand??
*They all agree and head upstairs. He lays back down with you.*
Y/N- how long was I asleep for??
Bucky- morning snack, lunch, Steve and Nat getting home, Grant graduating college. *You laugh and hold him tighter.*

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