Is That All They Do

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*The days and months go by, Winnie decided that crawling was more her speed and she stopped trying to walk, at least for now. Steve's birthday goes off with a hit and Bucky throws you a surprise birthday party. Bucky wanted to start Grant in preschool two days a week and you said no, not yet. Before you know it, Grant is two and Winnie is turning 1!*
Y/N- okay, Grants 2nd birthday almost killed me.
Bucky- yeah... who knew the terrible twos started the minute the clock strikes midnight.
*You chuckle and hit Bucky's stomach*
Y/N- stop he wasn't bad. It was because of all the sugar you gave him that day. *You pick up the monitor* look at him, my little angel! He's been a perfect little two year old! *Bucky laughs and kisses your cheek*
Bucky- okay, what are the marching orders today??
Y/N- you get the cake and balloons. I'll get the birthday girl picture ready and stay here to help decorate.
Bucky- okay, what time is the cake ready??
Y/N- 9am when the bakery opens.
*Bucky nods and kisses your cheek. He gets up to take a shower and get ready to go. You get up and check on the kids, they are still asleep, you see Bucky in the bathroom moving around and getting the shower ready. You and Bucky have had a dry spell recently, the kids have been taking up a lot of your and Bucky's energy and alone time. He looks up and sees you checking him out. He smiles and looks you up and down, he opens the shower door and walks in. You bite your lip and slip in the bathroom with him. You lift off your silk nightgown and drop it to the floor, Bucky sees that you weren't wearing underwear all night and he holds his hand up to his chest like he was wounded. You smirk and climb in the shower with him, he pulls you into his arms and kisses you as he moves his hands down your body.*
Bucky- Mmhmm I've missed you baby.
Y/N- I've missed you too, we've both been so busy-
Bucky- and tired! *You laugh and agree. You kiss him* but I'm wide awake now, you??
Y/N- wide awake baby..
*Bucky kisses you and lifts you in his arms. You wrap your legs around his waist and he pushes you against the wall.*
Y/N- Mmhmm Bucky..
*Bucky meets your gaze, he kisses you and it's sweet at first and then it turns desperate, he pushes his tongue in your mouth and you moan. Bucky chuckles against your lips*
Bucky- oh I've missed your beautiful sounds baby. *Bucky moves his hands along your body and that alone almost sends you to the moon, his strong hands just caressing your body. The warmth radiating through you and making you needier.*
Y/N- Bucky *You say breathlessly, Bucky has started to thrust up against you and his tip keeps brushing your clit. You whimper, it's feels so good, Bucky kisses you*
Bucky- Mmhmm what is it baby??
Y/N- I need you- I need more, please baby?!
*Bucky nods and pulls back a little, you whine at the loss of his body against yours. He lines himself up with you and slowly pushes in, you stretch around him, it's slightly painful but it's absolutely delicious as well. You let out an open mouthed gasp and Bucky takes full advantage and goes back to kissing you, swallowing your moans and making your mouth his.*
Bucky- you feel so good baby *Bucky gasps and there is vulnerability in his voice and it is so beautiful. He thrusts up into you and he moans as he bottoms out in you. You grab his back and his ass as you burry your face in his neck. You almost scream because it feels so good. Every inch of your body contracted to his, your chest moving against his, his hips meeting yours with ever thrust, your lips kissing his, you hands on his body and his on yours. You've missed this, but maybe the dry spell was worth it because this is amazing, earth shattering even. You don't realize it till you feel the cool air on your body but Bucky has turned off the shower and he is walking into the bedroom. He lays you on the bed, still soaked but neither one of you care. He never stops kissing you or pushing inside you. He slowly raises your hands above your head and leans down to kiss your chest and neck as he moves his body against yours. You can't form coherent thought or words, all you can do is moan and say his name*
Y/N- Bucky Mmhmm *You gasp as he hits your g-spot and slips a hand between your bodies to rub your clit.* Bucky!
Bucky- I love you so much, you are an amazing mother and an even better wife. I am amazed by you everyday and I never want this to end. You make me better, a better father, husband, a better man. *You moan take his face in your hands, you meet his gaze* you are my everything, my world, my home. I'm sorry I've neglected my home these past few weeks. *A tear falls from your face and you kiss him*
Y/N- don't apologize Bucky, just kiss me. I love you so much. *Bucky kisses you and speeds up a little.. you take his face in your hands and you hold his gaze as he gets close. His thrusts get sloppier and your grasp on each other get stronger. Your moans fill the air and Bucky whispers in your ear*
Bucky- My wife, my love, my y/n. *He moans and it sends you over the edge. You cum, not screaming or cursing, just complete bliss and pleasure washing over you as your husband adores you. He cums inside you with a moan and you feel a hot tear drop on your face, you smile and pull him into a kiss. He works himself through it and then lays down and pulls you into his arms, still buried inside you. Just needing to be close after weeks of nothing*

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