Warm And Fluffy

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*You wake up after your little cat nap and you see that Bucky is still asleep

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*You wake up after your little cat nap and you see that Bucky is still asleep. Poor guy, so tired. You chuckle and give him a kiss, you stand up and Bucky shifts around, making grump faces as he try's to get comfortable again. He lays down and grabs a pillow, hugs it to his chest as he falls back asleep. You smile and kiss him again, your big teddy bear.*

*You take the monitor with you downstairs and find a little snack. Nat and Steve come walking in.*
Nat- she took over an hour to fall asleep, I- I'm at a loss Steve, I'm gonna lose it.
Steve- I know baby, I'm sure it's just sleep regression. She will be back to normal-
Nat- when?! Because I'm literally losing my mind! She's up all night and all day. *Steve hugs her*
Steve- I know baby, shhh I know.  *They see you*
Nat- y/n did Grant or Winnie go through this?!
Y/N- yup! And it's like Steve said, it just takes time. Also with her starting school on Monday
I'm sure she will be so tired she'll pass out!
*Nat nod and rubs her eyes*
Nat- I hope so or else I will result to melatonin gummies. *You chuckle and Steve rubs her back*
Y/N- in other news, when we were pick out the lunchboxes we found all the superhero ones. The kids loved seeing uncle Steve and aunt Nat on them but the cutest was when Winnie picked out one that had Thor on it. *You smile, Nat and Steve laugh*
Steve- oh I bet Bucky took that well
Y/N- he took it from her and put it back. He said it was too soon for her to be swooning over him.
*You chuckle and Nat laughs*
Nat- yet he encourages Grant to flirt with Sarah! *You all laugh as Bucky walks in rubbing his eyes, his hair all fluffy. He looks so cute, you can't help but stare and swoon*
Bucky- what are y'all laughing about??
*He kisses your cheek and stands behind you*
Steve- you not letting your adorable daughter get the lunchbox she really wanted. *Steve teases and Bucky let's out a loud laugh and shakes his head*
Bucky- Damn straight! *He rubs your shoulders. You laugh*

*About an hour later the monitor goes off with Grant calling out for you. His sweet little voice sounding so sleepy.*
Grant- mama?? Mommy?? *He cries a little, you look at Bucky and he knows somethings not right. You nod and he heads up the stairs as you slowly follow, you wanted someone to get to Grant quickly.*
Bucky- hey bud, what's wrong??
*Grant looks up and sees Bucky, he whines and reaches his hands up*
Grant- I want mama *He cries as Bucky picks him up, he feels that Grant is really warm. You walk in the room and Grant cries out for you*
Grant- mama mama mama! *Your heart breaks and you take him. You shouldn't be holding him given you're almost full term with triplets. But your baby needed you. You walk to the couch and sit down, Grant snuggles into your arms and cries.*
Y/N- Bucky can you go grab the thermometer?? *Bucky nods and gets it from your bathroom. He walks back out and you run it over his head. It registers 100.4, you look at him and he looks okay*
Y/N- can mama see your mouth? Can you show me your teeth Little Wolf?? *Grant opens his mouth a little, you slip your finger in and feel a little tooth poking through in the back of his mouth.*
Y/N- oh that's what it is, isn't it? *You look at Bucky, he looks worried. It melts your heart that he is so worried, he is such a hands on father.* he is cutting a tooth, I think it's one of his last ones for a while.
Bucky- oh bud, does your mouth hurt?? *Bucky crouches next to you and Grant looks at Bucky, he nods and whines* well what do you say we get a nice cold popsicle? *Grant just nods and reaches his hands out to Bucky.* okay, let's go.
Y/N- the fruit ones I made are in the little freezer in the garage. *Bucky nods and rubs your cheek.*
Bucky- okay, are you okay?? *He looks you up and down. He rubs your belly*
Y/N- yeah, I'm okay. They are moving around like crazy but we're okay.
*Bucky nods and kisses you. He heads back out with Grant, you hear Bucky talking to him and Grant answers back all whiney and soft. Your heart hurts at how cute and sad it is. Winnie starts babbling and calls go you*
Winnie- Mama? Mama?
*You walk in and she smiles. She lifts her hands in the air and you pick her up. You carry her to the living room and sit with her on the couch. You just hold her as she plays with your hair. She "talks" as she plays with it, she feels the triplets move around and she looks up shocked. She has a big surprised look and she puts her hand on your belly*
Winnie- issy!!!
Y/N- yeah! It's your sissys!
Winnie- Issy!! *She giggles and kisses your belly, you play with her little braids as she watches the girls move around, completely mesmerized. Bucky walks back in with Grant, he had his popsicle downstairs and now he wants to watch his show.*
Grant- mama?? Show?!
Y/N- yeah Little Wolf you can watch your show, what do you want?
Grant- Cars! *He whines and you smile*
Y/N- okay bud, we'll watch cars.
*Grant climbs on the couch and sits next to you and Winnie sits on the other side. Bucky looks at you and chuckles*
Bucky- well, I'm gonna go work downstairs, you okay? *You nod*
Y/N- okay, what are you working on?
Bucky- The flag smashers are still causing some trouble, Steve, Sam, and I are looking into it. *You nod and Bucky walks over and gently kisses you. You blush*
Y/N- you know you looked really cute during and after your nap. Your hair all cute and fluffy, it's really working for me. Makes me feel all sorts of things. *You whisper and Bucky kisses you again and smiles against your lips.*
Bucky- well I'll just have to see what I can do about that tonight, huh?! *Bucky whispers and smirks* are they dirty things your feeling?? *You smile and shake your head*
Y/N- warm and fluffy, with a little bit of sensualness. *You smile and Bucky bites his lip.*
Bucky- mmmhmm it's been kinda long since we've done warm and fluffy. *Bucky teases*
Y/N- I know-
Grant- Dada move! Ease!!!
Y/N- yeah Daddy move, please! *Bucky laugh and rubs Grants head and then head out of the room, you watch him leave and blush as he winks back at you. This man is something else*

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