Rehabilitation Facility For Villians

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*You and Bucky look at each other

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*You and Bucky look at each other. He gives you a look and you nod.*
Loki- the only good thing about this situation is that he isn't here anymore-
Steve- where did he go?!
Y/N- he's a time traveler *Everyone looks at you and Bucky* look I don't remember much because of the brainwashing and stuff, but he wants to rule the world, all of them.
Bucky- he is bad news, well from what I remember.
Steve- how do you two know him?!
*You and Bucky look at each other*
Bucky- we had a brief run in with him in Hydra. Hydra tried to capture him, he let them, and then proceeded to kill almost every guard that happened to be there keeping him hostage.
Y/N- he ran into me in the hall and he let me live, then he disappeared right in front of me.
Bucky- we were sent after him multiple times after that but we never came close and then our minds were wiped.
Nat- so you have no idea how to fight him
Y/N- No but I know he was ruthless.
*Everyone looks at each other*
Loki- well the good thing is he is not here anymore. In fact he's in the future in a different universe, so that's good for you. Just as a warning you need to be prepared because he's coming for you.
Tony- who are you know?! God of all time?!
Loki- it's complicated. Anyway, you have time to prepare and you need to.
Vision- I can do research on him and find out all that I can.
*Wanda rubs his shoulder*
Loki- on to another matter, you should see this. *He hands you a photo.*
Y/N- is this-
Loki- yes
Y/N- Bucky they have Daniel
Bucky- what?!
Nat- who has him?!
Loki- Hydra. They found him and they are not to found of him. Or the stunt you three pulled a couple months ago. They are looking to even the score.
Y/N- Bucky we have to save him-
Bucky- I know but I don't want to leave you-
Y/N- Bucky, please. *You start to tear up* he saved us, we owe him this.
*He takes you in his arms and kisses your head*
Bucky- I know baby. I just don't want to leave you.
Y/N- I know but I will be okay.
*Steve and Nat jump in*
Steve- Y/n, Bucky doesn't have to go. I can go and Sam. He doesn't have to do this.
Nat- yeah, and honestly even I can go. That way there is a familiar face-
Y/N- No, I can't ask y'all to leave Samuel-
Nat- he will be okay, this won't take long and I know you two will take excellent care of him.
*You look at Bucky and then back at Steve and Nat.*
Y/N- Okay

*Nat hugs Samuel and the other kids goodbye*
Nat- I love you guys! Be sweet for aunt y/n
Sarah- we will
James- when will you be back?!
Steve- soon bud, we promise. *He hugs him and Anthony. He kisses Sarah's head and tickles Samuel.*
Sam- we need to be loading up and heading out.
*Nat and Steve Nod. She hugs you*
Nat- we will get him, I promise.
*You nod and hug her. They load the jet and you all wave goodbye as they take off. Nat watches as they fly away and wipes a tear.*
Steve- you okay??
*She nods*
Nat- yeah, I just want to save him and get back.
*Steve hugs her and kisses her
Steve- we will, I promise.

*You get the kids settled for a snack as Loki comes walking in the kitchen*
Y/N- oh! I thought you would have left by now.
Loki- well normally I would but I've decided to stay for a couple days. Hope that's okay-
Tony- Nope, out!
Thor- Tony, come on. He has helped us time and time again. Let him stay.
*Tony looks at you and sighs*
Tony- fine! I guess this has turned into a rehabilitation facility for villains at this point, so what's the harm! *he says sarcastically*
*You smile and Thor laughs. Bucky walks in*
Bucky- what are y'all laughing about??
*Tony points at Bucky*
Tony- Case and point!
*He leaves and you laugh. Bucky looks confused*
Bucky- did I miss something??
*You laugh and kiss him, nodding*
Y/N- yes but it's okay. Loki will be staying here for a few days.
*Bucky nods and then sits down and takes Samuel from you. You smile and just watch him as he plays with him, your heart is so full and you can't wait for Ben to get here.*

‼️I know it's short, especially after the last few days of being MIA. Tomorrows will be longer and I will TRY to get a non canon chapter out tonight. I have also not forgotten about Captain's cause, just trying to finish it up and then post it. Love you guys, I'm good and my family is good. Everything is okay and Everything worked out the way it needs to!🥰🥰‼️

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