First Day Of School pt1

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*A few weeks later you are running around getting Grants first day of school outfit ready and making sure is lunch is packed

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*A few weeks later you are running around getting Grants first day of school outfit ready and making sure is lunch is packed. Getting Winnie and the triplets lunch ready for their first day back at preschool.*
Y/N- Okay, Grants clothes are laid out, Winnie and the triplets stuff is ready. Bucky we will need to leave here at 7 to get Grant to school on time so we need to be getting up and getting him ready by 6-
*Bucky kisses you*
Bucky- y/n, you've told me all of this all week long. I know baby. We will get him up at 6 and then the girls will be up when we get back at 7:30. Peter is going to listen out for them and make sure they stay asleep while we're gone.
I know all of this, now you need to relax and just be excited about tomorrow, okay.
Y/N- I can't relax-
Bucky- shhh baby, look at me *You do* go take a bath and just relax. You are an amazing mother and tomorrow will be perfect.
Y/N- see now that you've said that the girls will wake up screaming and Grant will throw up in the car and we will all be late and-
*Bucky kisses you again*
Bucky- stop, baby. You're gonna drive yourself crazy with all your worries. *You rest your head against his chest and he rubs your back.* you want me to help take your mind off it all, humm?
*You gently smile and nod*
Y/N- yeah but not like that, just be with me. Hold me, please, whisper sweet calming words in my ear. *Bucky kisses your forehead and lifts you into his arms. He takes you to the tub and turns it on. He fills it up with lavender and bubbles. He undresses you and himself, you slip in and he lays behind you. He wraps you in his arms and you lay back.
Bucky- this what you wanted baby? Just like this? *He kisses your neck and you hum and nod*
Y/N- yes, thank you baby. *He smiles and kisses your cheek as he rubs your body. Just feeling his hands on you and his heartbeat against your back, moving with his breath, you quickly fall asleep and Bucky just holds you and smiles. He stays like that for a bit before he lifts you out of the tub and lays you on the bed. He quickly dries you off and slips one of his shirts on you and a pair of his boxers. He tucks you in bed and kisses you. You gently smile in your sleep. He empties the tub and dries off himself. He pulls on his sweats and a t-shirt and slips out of the room, he slips into Grants room and sees him sound asleep. He smiles and rubs Grant's head, his brown hair moving under his hand. He picks Grant up and holds him tight, he shifts a little and lays his head on Bucky's shoulder. Bucky rubs his back and sits back on his bed. He whispers to Grant*
Bucky- okay little Wolf, tomorrows a big day. You're starting big kid school and your mommy and I couldn't be more excited. There will be tears but it's just because you're getting so big and we wish you could stay little forever. You're gonna make new friends and have so much fun, I hope you find a friend like I did in your uncle Steve and that you stick up for the little guy. *Bucky kisses Grants head and rubs his back one more time* I love you Grant, sweet dreams. *He wipes a tear from his eye and lays him back down. He leaves the room and climbs in bed with you, holding you tight. He had been telling you all night to relax and yet he's just as nervous as you.*

*The alarm goes off, you roll over and kiss Bucky and you both get up and get dressed. You sneak into Grant's room and gently wake him up.*
Y/N- hey Grant, my sweet boy. Come on, time to wake up. *You rub his back and he groans a little.* I know it's early bud but daddy's got breakfast going for you and you get to have eat with just mommy and daddy. Your special time with us, huh?! How does that sound?
*He smiles and nods. You lift him up out of bed and take him downstairs. Bucky is making his special pancakes and you get out his yogurt. Bucky makes some bacon and you grab out a cup of milk for him. You three eat and just talk with each other.*
Y/N- are you excited Grant?
Grant- ya, I'm a little sad doe.
Bucky- Aww why's that bud?
Grant- cause Winnie and Sarah won't be der.
Y/N- I know you'll miss them but you'll see them when you get home.
Bucky- and you're gonna meet so many new friends too.
Grant- really??
Y/N- oh yeah!
Bucky- and you're gonna get to do so many fun things!
Grant- like what? *He raises his hands to the sides of his face as he asks.*
Bucky- like music class and gym
Y/N- outside time and art
Bucky- lunch time, you'll get to do all kinds of things.
Grant- dat sounds fun
Y/N- oh yeah! And you know what the best part is?!
Grant- What?! *His face lights up*
Y/N- when Daddy and I come to get you after school we will have Winnie and the triplets and we are gonna go get ice cream and you can tell us all about your day!
Grant- yay!
*You smile and kiss his head*
Y/N- alright, are you all done??
Grant- Yep! All done mommy!
Bucky- okay, how about you go upstairs with mommy and get ready for school.
*He hops up and runs upstairs. You laugh and head after him.*

*Grant get dressed and gets his teeth brushed. You fix his hair and take some first day pictures. He heads back downstairs with his little backpack and Bucky is just waiting by the door.*
Bucky- wow, look at you little Wolf! So big and strong!
*You smile and walk over, Steve comes down the stairs looking tired as ever. James has been up every 2 hours on the dot. He sees you three and he gives a weak smile.*
Steve- oh yeah, first day of school. Have fun Grant.
Bucky- feeding time?? *Bucky smiles*
Steve- oh yeah, every two hours on the dot.
Y/N- his he sleeping at least??
Steve- yeah! He's doing great with the sleep but he just wakes up and screams when he's hungry. I forgot how tired we were right after Sarah was born. *You smirk and nod*
Y/N- well once we get back we can grab Sarah if y'all want, get her ready for school.
Steve- yes please, it will allow us to get ready as well.
*You nod and Peter comes down the stairs*
Y/N- hey Peter, we are about to leave. The monitors are on the table, they should stay asleep the whole time.
Peter- okay, see ya! Have fun Grant!
Grant- by Peter! *He waves*

*You and Bucky get Grant in the car and head off to school. You pull in and get him out. He gets his backpack on and looks up at you. You take his hand and he squeezes it tights as you walk into the school. He looks around and just takes it all in. Bucky is walking by you but he can tell that Grant is slowing down and he's about to start crying. You look at Bucky and he moves over and takes Grants other hand. Grant looks up at him and his lip starts to quiver. Bucky squats down and takes Grants hands*
Bucky- hey Little Wolf, what's going on?
Grant- it's so big, what if I get lost? What if you can't find me after?
Bucky- oh Grant, look at me. You won't get lost, but if you do, you look for one of these nice people with name tags and tell them your name and that you're lost and they will help you, okay?!
Grant- Okay, I'm Grant Buchanan Barnes *Bucky smiles and laughs to himself*
Bucky- yes you are bud. *He kisses his forehead* good job.
Y/N- are you okay Grant?
*Grant takes a shakey breath and nods*
Bucky- hey, it's gonna be okay. Who are you?? *Bucky narrows his gaze and smiles. Grant giggles*
Grant- I'm Little White Wolf! *He smiles and stands up taller*
Bucky- that you are, and that means you're strong and brave-
Grant- can I still be sad doe?
Y/N- Grant you can be sad but I don't want you to be sad all day. How about we go see your room and meet your teacher and then you can decide if you still want to be sad.. huh?! *Grant nods*

*You head down the hall to Grant's room. You meet his teacher by the door*
Wendy- Hi I'm Ms. Wendy, you must be Grant! It's so nice to meet you!
*You look down at Grant, he is holding your hand tight and he is hiding behind you. Bucky kneels down and whispers to Grant*
Bucky- say hi Grant, it's okay.
Grant- Hi *He peeps from behind you.*
*She smiles and kneels down too*
Wendy- you know, we have all kinds of toys inside, you wanna come check them out??
*Grant looks at you and Bucky. You nod and Bucky gives him a gentle nudge.*
Grant- okay, do- do you have legos??
Wendy- legos?! Of course I do! You wanna see them?? *Grant nods and walks inside still holding your hand. You gently smile and walk in with him. He starts to play and he finally lets go of your hand. Bucky wraps his arm around your shoulders and holds you, knowing you're heart is just bursting with sadness and happiness.*
Grant- look mommy! I made a car!
Y/N- I see that Little Wolf!
Bucky- so good bud!
*A little boy comes up and starts playing with him.*
Grant- hi, I'm Grant
Eli- hi, I'm Eli.
*They play and your heart is so full. Wendy nods to you two and you slowly back out of the room. Grant turns around and sees you, you wave goodbye and blow him a kiss.*
Y/N- see you soon bud!
Bucky- love you!
Grant- Bye mommy! Bye daddy!
*You smile and walk away, as you walk back down the hall your tears begin to fall. Bucky holds you tighter*
Bucky- I know baby, but he's okay. We need to stop by the office and go over their protection plans. *You nod and you head to the office. You give them the list of approved people to pick Grant up and you give them a plan on what to do if anyone else were to show up for him. You make you way to the car and climb in. As the door shuts you hear Bucky sniffle and you look over.*
Y/N- are you crying baby?! *You rub his shoulder. He looks at you*
Bucky- yeah a little. He's my little man, my little dude and he's so big. Soon he's gonna be sneaking out-
Y/N- stop I'm gonna cry more! *Bucky and you laugh through the tears*
Bucky- I'm sorry, I know. Come here *He kisses you and you take his face in your hands.* he's gonna be fine. He's growing up and he's gonna take the world by storm. *You nod and kiss him, you take a deep breath and sit back.*
Y/N- let's go home baby, we've got two more of these to do today.
*Bucky nods and heads home*

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