Crazy Night Out

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*You and Bucky get ready for your night out

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*You and Bucky get ready for your night out. You wear a pair of tight jeans and a low cut blouse. Bucky's in all black jeans and a dress shirt half unbuttoned. You give the babysitter the instructions and make sure Peter knows what to do with the tippets.*
Y/N- okay, call if you need us!
*You wave as you leave the room*
Grant- bye mama!
Winnie- mmwwahh!
*Bucky blows them a kiss and shuts the door*
Bucky- alright, *He wraps his arm around your waist.* do we have any idea what's going to happen tonight??
Y/N- No but I have a feeling we may need Wanda to wipe our minds after.
*Bucky laughs, you meet up with Steve and Nat by the door. Steve's dressed similarly to Bucky, he just has more color and Nat is sporting her classic jeans and with a white blouse. Seems you all were thinking alike.*
Y/N- alright, where too?
Nat- we are going into the city
Steve- I'll drive
Bucky- in your dreams *He grabs the keys and they "fight" on the way to the car. Nat loops her arm in yours and you make your way over. You all get settled and Bucky speeds off down the road.*
Nat- Here, bottoms up!
*Nat hands you a bottle of something*
Y/N- wow Nat, you really meant that this was gonna be a wild night huh?!
Nat- Yep! And that's some Asgardian liquid courage so go easy on it. *She smiles and you laugh, you take a sip and hand it to Steve.*
Steve- oh I'm good, last time I had that I didn't come down for a whole day.
Bucky- you also drank the whole bottle.
Steve- I'll be DD.
Y/N- party pooper!
*Nat has a tiny bottle of vodka and she drinks the whole thing.*
Bucky- Nat maybe you should slow down a bit-
Nat- Maybe you should have let Stevie drive and then you could be having some fun with us!
*You laugh and sit up to kiss Bucky's cheek*
Bucky- are you already drunk?!
Y/N- No! But I do feel warm and fuzzy! *You kiss his cheek again, he laughs and stares straight ahead*

*You get to the restaurant and hop out, Bucky throws the keys to the valet and you all head inside. Dinner is normal and completely average, the Conversations are all over the place.*
Steve- So have y'all thought about schools for Grant?
Nat- Sarah finally stopped having accidents, we're going on almost a month now!!
Bucky- Odette just started walking and she's already trying to climb the couch and stuff
Y/N- Peter swears he and MJ haven't done anything but I doubt that's true,  he's 22, they've definitely done something!
*You talk and enjoy each other's company. It's been too long since you've been able to hang out with both of them and have no screaming kids.*
Y/N- I can't believe that we are parents
Steve- you're telling me! I never thought I'd see the day.
Nat- excuse me?!
Steve- not like that! I always wanted one but before the serum it never seemed like it would happen. Then after we were at war, then after that I froze and woke up in the future, I just never thought I'd have a normal life. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I'm not dreaming and that this all is in fact real. *She smiles and Steve and he leans in and kisses her.*
Bucky- I know what you mean, when I was drafted I honestly thought I would die in the war. Sure I had hope that maybe I'd get out but I knew the chances were slim, especially once I was captured. And then I did die and continued to die everyday for years... until you. *He takes you hand and kisses it.* the day I met you was the day I decided to live again. *You can't help but gush over Bucky, you kiss him and snuggle up next to him.*
*Steve and Bucky pay the bill and y'all head out to the next place.*
Bucky- where to??
Nat- I'll tell you the way
*Bucky shakes his head and follows Nat's step by step directions. You pull up outside of a club, lines of people outside, music filling the streets.*
Steve- uhhh Nat? Are you sure we can get in??
Nat- just follow me Stevie!
*Nat talks to some guy at the front and he lets all four of you in, Nat makes her way to a booth in the back, they bring you bottles and drinks*
Nat- cheers! *Nat downs a drink and Steve just watches her and laughs* let's go dance Stevie! *She drags him to the dance floor, you and Bucky watch and laugh as Steve looks so out of place. He finally gets the hang out it when Nat takes his face in her hands and whispers something to him.*
Nat- it's real easy Stevie, just move like you do when you wanna make me scream. *She smirks and Tirana around and presses her ass against him as she sways her hips, and that's all he needed.*
Y/N- Damn whatever Nat said must have flipped a switch.
*Bucky smirks and whispers in your ear*
Bucky- you know what this makes me think of?? That night in Paris, you were Odette, I was Winter. We had just-
Y/N- murdered people and were on some weird Bonnie and Clyde high *He laughs*
Bucky- Umm yeah, but let's forget the murder part. We snuck into a club, bummed some drinks and found a dark corner and just went to town on each other. *You look up at him, the room is so dark it's hard for you to even see him but you know he's got that devilish grin on his face. You take another swig of the special bottle Nat brought for you all and so does Bucky. You straddle his lap and kiss him as he palms your ass.*
Y/N- Mmhmm maybe we should recreate that night, without the murder of course
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- this Asgardian liquor will murder our livers and our will to live tomorrow, so there that!
*You laugh and kiss Bucky, you  drag your hips along his lap, slowly moving over his bulge. He moans and pulls you down hard.*
Bucky- do it like you mean it princess. *He slaps your ass and you giggle. You look around and no one is watching and the music is so loud no one can hear you two anyway.*
Y/N- you got it Daddy, tonight you're handing out the orders.
*you kiss him and start grinding against him, you basically start to give him a lap dance and he is loving every minute of it. Steve and Nat are making out and dancing in the middle of the dance floor. Thankfully it's so dark no one can even tell who they are. Steve is groping Nat's ass and she is kissing his neck as they grind together, completely lost in each other, it's actually kinda hot.*
Bucky- Mmhmm eyes on me princess *He turns your face to him and he kisses you and you moan. Damn these jeans, why did you decide to wear the most restrictive pair of bottoms. You run your hand down Bucky's chest as you grind to the beat of the music, the liquor in your system finally working and making you feel a little fuzzy. You smile as your finger tips graze Bucky's bare chest, you lean down and kiss his neck and down to his collarbone, nibbling on it when you get there. He smirks and kisses your head. You move your hand lower and tease him through his pants when you feel a slap on your ass, it wasn't Bucky though. You turn around and see Nat smirking at you as she sits, you blush and slightly move off Bucky, Still entangled with him though. You take another shot to the Asgardian liquor and so does Bucky. Steve decides to loosen up a bit and does the same. Nat takes another shot of vodka.*
Nat- Mmhmm Damn I needed this!
*You smile and nod. You snuggle closer to Bucky and look up at him, he kisses your nose and whispers praises in your ear. Nat sits on Steve's lap and he just rubs up and down her thighs as she plays with his hair.*
Y/N- let's go dance
Bucky- you got it baby!
*You dance and have so much fun, you can't remember when you were able to just be with Bucky and not worry about the kids or anything else, you definitely needed this night.*

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