Lead The Way

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*The whole thing takes way too long

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*The whole thing takes way too long. The kids are starting to lose interest.*
Grant- mom? When can we go?
Y/N- Daddy hasn't even walked yet
Jonnie- yes he did, he walked in, we waved to him.
*You laugh and nod. She walks over and lays across your lap, Ben starts kicking and she laughs and looks at your belly.*
Jonnie- see! Even Little Wolf wants to leave.
*You look down at her and smile*
Y/N- what did you call the baby?
Jonnie- Little wolf
*She smiles and giggles*
Odette- you call us your wolves so we started calling the baby little wolf because the baby is little! *She smiles*
Grant- I said they could use my nickname of little wolf till the baby was born and we know the actual name. *He smiles. You tussle his hair and he laughs, the girls giggle.*
Y/N- well Daddy has to walk two more times and then we can leave. *Jonnie groans and you rub her back.*

*Bucky and Steve are just talking, not really paying attention*
Steve- so when are you gonna try and start the business?
Bucky- it won't be till Ben is in school. Just this way someone is already versed in the business world.
Steve- you'll be able to finish your doctorate by then as well! *Bucky laughs and nods.*
Bucky- I've been thinking though, she starts her self defense school. I could start some kind of bodyguard business. *Steve nods* or a security company! You know, have people pay me to test how good their systems are. My slogan could be "Winter Soldier tested, White Wolf approved!"
*Steve laughs and some people around him shush him.*
Steve- Thats pretty good
*They hear the part where their row needs to stand up and walk to the front.*
Bucky- this is it! Two 100 year old guys from Brooklyn graduating with Masters degrees.
Steve- here's to another 100!
*Bucky groans and then laughs.*
Bucky- hey if I have her by my side, I'll do it! *He looks back at you and the kids. You smile and wave.*
Steve- I get what you mean. *He waves at Nat*

Y/N- okay, this is it! Look for daddy!
*The kids stand up and watch. Once by one the people are called. It finally gets to Bucky.*
Announcer- James Buchanan Barnes
*The kids cheer and scream. You clap and smile, Peter is taking pictures for you. The crowd is cheering as well. Bucky smiles and walks across and gets his diploma. He looks up at you and you try not to cry. You are so proud of him, you wipe away a tear. The girls scream*
Winnie- yay Daddy!!
Odette- yay yay yay!!
Elizabeth- woohhooo!!
Jonnie- I love you Daddy!!
*Grant just waves and yells*
Grant- yeah!!!
Y/N- that's my White Wolf!!! *You whistle*
*He smirks and walks down the stage and goes to sit down.*
Announcer- Steve Grant Rogers
Nat- woooohoo!!!
Sarah- Daddy, yay!!!
James- ahhhhh!!!!
Anthony- dada!!!
*The crowd cheers and Nat just smiles. Tony yells*
Tony- Thats America's Ass!!! *He wolf whistles. Steve stares him down and sighs. He then just smiles and walks away.*
Nat- look at that Ass!!! Woohhooo!
*He tries to not blush. He quickly walks to sit down. Bucky is laughing and Steve just shakes his head.*

Grant- that was fun! Is daddy done now?
Y/N- almost!
*they all just slump in their seats and you laugh. They walk out and everyone stands and claps. You stay where you are and the guys find you.*
Winnie- Daddy daddy!! You were so cool!
Grant- yeah! You walked in a straight line *Grant says sarcastically. Bucky laughs and puts him in a headlock. He laughs and Bucky let's him go.*
Elizabeth- hey daddy!
Bucky- hey lizzy! *He kisses her cheek, Jonnie runs up and jumps in his arms. He laughs and hold her tight.*
Bucky- Mmhmm love you guys, thanks for cheering me on.
Winnie- I'm proud of you Daddy
*He gently smiles and kisses her forehead.*
Bucky- thank you Winnie boo
*He stands up and puts Jonnie down. He walks over to you and takes you in his arms. He rubs your back as he looks down at you. He gently smiles.*
Y/N- we are all proud.
*You kiss him and rub his chest.*
Bucky- thank you baby. I love you
Y/N- I love you too

*Steve walks up to Nat and she gives him a big kiss. He smiles down at her and then gives her a look.*
Steve- "look at that ass?!" *Nat laughs and kisses him again*
Nat- it's a pretty great ass *She winks and Steve laughs and takes Samuel. Sarah hugs him*
Sarah- you did great Daddy!
James- mommy wouldn't let me go down there with you *He pouts*
*Nat laughs and so does Steve*
Steve- well that was mean!
Anthony- yeah! I wan ooo go ooo!
*Steve laughs and looks at Nat. She shrugs*
Nat- I'll be the bad guy, it's fine. *She smiles*
*Steve smiles and looks down at Samuel. He smiles and reaches out for Steve's face.*
Steve- hey bud, did you have a nice nap? Did you wake up to watch daddy??
*He smiles and coos*

Tony- alright, big family picture!!
*You all get in and some stranger takes the photo. You all make your way to the car and it's start to snow.*
Grant- mama! It's snowing!!
Y/N- look at that!
*Bucky smirks and pulls you close. He kisses you as the snow falls.*
Bucky- Mmhmm let's get home, what do you say?
Y/N- lead the way baby
*Bucky helps you in the car and you buckle up. Bucky waves as Tony and the rest of them speed out*
Bucky- what were they in a hurry for??
*You shrug. Your phone rings.*
Y/N- it's my doctor *You answer* hey Doc!
Doctor- hey y/n, I just wanted to check up on you. How are you feeling?
Y/N- good! No bleeding or cramping. We've  been following your orders.
Doctor- even Bucky?! Wow!
*You laugh and Bucky shakes his head*
Y/N- oh yeah! He's been the one who's been laying the law down!
*The doctor laughs*
Doctor- okay, well I am comfortable easing up in some of your restrictions. I want to see if it was an isolated incident or if it is caused by something you're doing.
Y/N- okay, so what does that mean?
Doctor- go about your normal activities but don't go too crazy. Okay? Okay!
Bucky- okay, thanks doc!
Doctor- I'll see you when you come in two weeks.
*You hang up and Bucky lays his hand on your thigh.*
Bucky- so what about that reward tonight?? *He smirks and you blush. You look back at the kids and they are all passed out. You lean over and kiss him.*
Y/N- like I said, lead the way

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