Odette Danielle Barnes

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‼️TW- mentions of Blood and other thing to do with birth

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‼️TW- mentions of Blood and other thing to do with birth. Also picture choice will make sense towards the end‼️

*Bucky guides you back to the bathroom.*
Bucky- see, it's storming outside baby girl. *You smile and pull Bucky closer.* and I have kept something secret from you. *You give him a look* I had Tony install a special something in our little suite *Bucky presses a button on the wall. It's one that you've never messed with because you didn't know what it did. You look up and the ceiling in the bathroom, closet and bedroom becomes see through. You see the rain falling down and the lightning flashing through the air, feel the thunder rolling. You look at Bucky completely shocked*
Y/N- what?!? *Bucky smiles and kisses you*
Bucky- I was waiting for the perfect time to show you.
Y/N- how can I hear the rain and Thunder?!
Bucky- so the sound proofing makes it to where we can hear what's happening outside but no one can hear what's happening inside. I don't know, Tony explained it way better.
*You smirk and kiss Bucky*
Y/N- you know what Thunder storms do to me. *Bucky rubs your back and laughs, he nods*
Bucky- I do. *He walks you back to the shower and presses you against the glass door* I also had Tony make these glass doors basically indestructible, I even tested them with my metal arm, not a scratch. *He kisses your neck and you moan. He smirks and pulls you along with him back into the bedroom* look up in that far corner. *You do and you see something you hadn't noticed before*
Y/N- is that-
Bucky- a suspension bar? Yes, it's made from Vibranium and so are the magnetic cuffs that go with it. *He nibbles on your ear, you smile and laugh*
Y/N- you secretly designed our room to be Winter Soldier and Odette proof.
Bucky- Yup and for when we get really rough. *He kisses your neck*
Y/N- why are you showing it all to me now? We can use the bar and you are not pinning me against the shower walls. *Bucky smirks against your neck as he plays with your hair.*
Bucky- I just wanted to show you what to be expecting once these girls get evicted. *You giggle as he rubs your belly.* we haven't been able to really have some crazy fun in over half a year so when we have the all clear, I'm going apeshit on you. *He squeezes your ass and you giggle* but as of right now, I'm going to take you in that amazing bathroom, put you in that tub and just make sweet, gentle love to you till you can't anymore. *He kisses you and he lifts his shirt off, dropping it on the floor. You are caught in his gaze as he walks you back into the bathroom. He hits the lights and they dim, he takes your face in his hands and kisses you. You moan as he pulls away, you slowly open your eyes and he is slowly pulling his sweats off, dropping them to the floor and stepping out of them. You put your hands on his waist and he presses you against the shower door again, he lifts your shirt off and tosses it behind him, he slips his fingers in the waistband of your pants and pulls them down, kneeling in front of you. He kiss each knees as you bend them, stepping out of your pants and underwear. He kisses your belly as he stands up and reaches behind you, y clasping your bra and letting it fall to the floor. The glow of the lights dance along his chest as he pulls you close, he walks you back into the shower and he backs you against the wall. He holds your hands above your head with one hand and kisses you as he turns on the tub with the other. As it warms up kisses you and rubs his hands down your body, he helps you in the tub and helps you sit down. He climbs in behind you and wraps his arms around you and leans you back. The tub fills up and starts to overflow, it just pours out into the shower, you smile as the warm water washes over your whole body. You turn around and sit in Bucky's lap, he kisses you and palms your ass. You moan and move your hands along his back.*
Bucky- I love you y/n
Y/N- I love you too Bucky
Bucky- are you okay with-
Y/N- yes baby, please. I need you- I
Bucky- shhh I've got you

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