It Is Okay To Be Sad

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‼️Sorry it's short, I'm on vacation and I'm trying to write and post when I have time

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‼️Sorry it's short, I'm on vacation and I'm trying to write and post when I have time. I may not update everyday but when I do it WILL be longer than this! 😅❤️‼️

*You clean up the kitchen with Nat and while everyone is occupied with the kids or just talking you, check on Nat.*
Y/N- hey, how are you feeling?
Nat- I'm fine *She says shortly*
Y/N- cut the bullshit and tell me really. *You lean back and cross your arms. She sighs and faces you. You can tell she's trying not to cry.*
Nat- She didn't even tell me. *Your demeanor softens* she got married and she's adopting and she didn't even tell me.
*She starts to cry.*
Y/N- oh Nat
Nat- I know it's silly to be upset-
Y/N- No it's not. Your feelings are valid.
Nat- I am happy. I just wish I had known, like why couldn't she have told me?
Y/N- you heard what she said, it was last minute and it was out of necessity.
Nat- I know, I just missed so much of her life- I hate that I've missed something else.
Y/N- well maybe you can throw her a wedding party! Celebrate this new stage of life she's in. *Nat gently smiles*
Nat- yeah, I could do that. What I don't understand is how she can adopt but I can't.
Y/N- that I couldn't tell you, but you have 4 beautiful children-
Nat- and that's all I'll ever have. If I ever wanted more I couldn't have them. I can't adopt and I can't have more.
*You hug her*
Y/N- if you wanted more I'd gladly carry your baby. *She hugs you tight and just cries. Steve comes in and sees you two. You motion for him to come over and he does. He hugs Nat.* you should talk to Yelena as well. Let her know how you feel.
*Nat nods and Steve rubs her back. You let them have a moment while you find Bucky.*

Bucky- hey baby *He says quietly as you walk up behind him and slip your arms around his waist.* how's Nat?
Y/N- she's been better. Sad she didn't know about the wedding and the baby.  *Bucky nods* I then said I'd carry another baby for her and that seemed to cheer her up.
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- well let's get this one baked first, okay?! *He pats your belly and you laugh and kiss him.*
Y/N- I know, I know.
*You sit there for a moment and then look at him.*
Y/N- would you actually be okay with that?
Bucky- I want to say yes but I'm not sure. ultimately it's your decision.
Y/N- yeah but it's one that would effect you too.
Bucky- I don't know. *He looks at you* is it really something you'd consider?
Y/N- maybe *He nods*
Bucky- if they ever approach you about it then we will talk.
*You nod*
Y/N- okay
*The kids come sit near you and listen to the stories everyone is telling. You snuggle close to Bucky and basically have to fight off Winnie and Jonnie just so you can.*
Bucky- now now, there's enough of me to go around. *He jokes and you hold his arm close. He looks at you and you smirk and kiss him.*
Y/N- I know, I'm just really possessive of you. *He winks and you smirk. He whispers to you.*
Bucky- I'm all yours baby, caged and cuffed tonight. *He kisses your temple and you smile.*
Y/N- sounds like a dream
*Bucky laughs and finally lets Jonnie pull herself up into his lap. He holds her close as sits on his other side.*

Steve- talk to me baby
*Nat looks up at him.*
Nat- I'm just sad that I didn't know, my sister didn't even tell me she's was married and getting a kid.
Steve- oh Nat
Nat- I know, I know. I'm just sad, I'll be okay soon enough. I'll talk to her and we will work it out. *Steve kisses her head* I'm also sad that they could adopt a kid and we couldn't. What was so bad about us that they said no-
Steve- nothing, nothing baby. We are great parents and any kid would have been lucky to have been welcomed into our home. But for some reason we didn't seem like the right fit. That doesn't say anything about us as people or as parents.
*Nat nods as silent tears roll down her face.*
Nat- this is so stupid, I shouldn't be upset, I should be celebrating with them.
*Steve takes her face in his hands and kisses her. He meets her gaze.*
Steve- it's okay to be sad about it, understand?
*Nat nods and kisses him*
Nat - thank you Stevie, I love you so much.
Steve- you're welcome Tasha, I love you too.
*Once she calms down she comes back to the living room and joins everyone. She walks by Yelena and just rubs her shoulder. Yelena meets her gaze and gently smiles. Nat nods and Yelena holds her hand. She gives it a squeeze and then Nat walks to sit with Steve and the kids.*

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