Four Hours, Two Days

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*You get Winnie in her stroller and Grant walks beside Bucky, holding his hand

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*You get Winnie in her stroller and Grant walks beside Bucky, holding his hand. Bucky holds the door open as you walk in, Steve and Nat are close behind, Steve holds Sarah as they walk in. A women comes out of the office and introduces herself.*
-Hi there! I'm Lena and I'll be giving you your tour today!
Y/N- hi Lena, I'm y/n and this is my Husband James.
Lena- Nice to meet you *She shakes your hand and Bucky's.* and who are these two cuties?! *She squats down to talk to Grant and Winnie.*
Bucky- this is Grant and Winnie. Can you say Hi, Grant? Winnie?
*Grant waves and then hides behind Bucky's leg. Winnie sucks her thumb and looks up at you*
Y/N- they are usually never this shy but they also haven't been around strangers.
Lena- small family? *She smiles and stands up*
*You and Bucky laugh*
Bucky- oh no, we Umm ha! We live with quiet a few people, literally a village.
Y/N- but they've been around them their whole lives so.
Lena- Gotcha! *She looks behind you and sees Nat and Steve* are they a part of your village??
*You laugh and nod*
Y/N- yeah but they are also looking at enrolling their daughter. *They walk up and the women realizes who they are*
Lena- oh! You're Captain America and Black Widow! *She looks back at you and Bucky* and now I know why you two looked so familiar, Winter Soldier and Winter Widow! *You smile and nod, you look at Bucky. Tony and Pepper really pushed the PR of you and Bucky and how you're good now and with the avengers. More so for Bucky than you.*
Nat- yes and we were told you have worked with families of our, Umm caliber.
Lena- yes! Mr. Starks daughter was a student here for a couple years. We are aware of the possible dangers that may arise for them.
*You nod and look at Bucky. He rubs your back* so what is bringing you in now?? *You laugh*
Y/N- Umm well I am due at the end of may, with triplets *Lena's eyes get big and she nods* we would like to have a place to send Grant and Winnie once, maybe twice a week so we can focus on the babies. It wouldn't be all day, just a couple hours! We also want them to socialize!
Lena- Gotcha!
Nat- yeah we want Sarah to socialize with others outside of our Avenger family as well.
*Lean nods*
Lena- okay, well let's get started with this tour!
*Bucky picks Grant up and he smiles as he looks around the room. Slowly he is starting to warm up to the place. Looking through windows and waving at people they pass. Winnie looks around, quiet and just observing. Nat and Steve walk behind you guys and Sarah is just like Winnie, taking it all in.*
Lena- okay, this is our toddler class. This is where Winnie and Sarah would be.
*You and Nat look in, there is a cute little rug and tons of toys. A table where they eat with little chairs.*
Nat- They actually stay in the chairs??
Lena- not at first, there is definitely a learning curve but they get the hang of it. *You and Nat nod*
Y/N- How many kids are in this class??
Lena- with the addition on Sarah and Winnie there will be 10.
Nat- 10 toddlers?!? In this room everyday?!
Lena- No, not everyday. That's just how many will be in the class. Depending on the days you choose to bring the girls they may not ever be in the class with everyone.
Y/N- Gotcha!
Lena- they eat lunch here and have art time. They will go out on the playground when the weather is nice and the indoor gym when it's too cold or rainy.
Bucky- y'all have an indoor gym??
Lena- Yup! It's just a big room with balls and riding toys.
*Steve and Bucky nod.*
Bucky- so, where are the kids now??
Lena- Music class! Would you like to see?
*You and Nat smile and follow Lena down the hall. Bucky puts Grant down and pushes the stroller, Grant reaches up to Steve and Steve picks him up and follows Bucky. Grant looks at Sarah in Steve's other arm and just smiles, she giggles and hides her face in Steve's shoulder. *
Steve- okay Grant, keep the flirting to a minimum, we're in public. *Bucky laughs and looks back at Grant, he gives him a high-five and Grant giggles*
Bucky- just takes after his dad, can't turn it off. *Steve rolls his eyes and laughs.*
Lena- here is the music class. *You and Nat look in and you see little kids about Winnie's age dancing and singing to music. They are jumping around and having so much fun. It makes your mom heart happy. Nat looks and she laughs*
Nat- they're so cute!!
Lena- yeah they are, they love music and I'm sure your little ones will too! Okay, y'all want to see Grant's room??
*You all nod and follow Lena down the hall*
Y/N- so will Winnie and Sarah see Grant at all or will they be separate the whole time?
Lena- they may see each other in the halls but we try to keep the ages separated. They will overlap playground time for about 10 minutes though. Here is Grants room.
*You look in and you see all girls. Not a single boy in sight. You laugh and Bucky looks in.*
Bucky- ha! Umm will he be the only boy??
Lena- yes, this year our 2 year old enrollment for boys was down quite a bit. He would be the only boy.
Y/N- well it will get him ready for the triplets!
*Bucky laughs and nods* surrounded by girls!
Lena-He will get to play with some of the boys from the toddler class when they are outside together and then the three year olds will come out on the playground towards the end of his classes time, so he will be able to play with them as well.
*You and Bucky nod, Bucky just chuckles and looks at Grant*
Bucky- you're gonna be a real ladies man!
*Grant smiles and looks in the room, he sees all the girls and he smiles. He then looks at Sarah and blows her a kiss. She smiles and you all can't help but laugh*
Steve- are you teaching him this stuff?? *Steve says to Bucky as Bucky laughs*
Bucky- No, he's just a ladies man! *You laugh and tickle Grant and he giggles.*
Grant- Saaa!! *Sarah smiles and hides her face again. Winnie laughs and Grant smiles*
Lena- they are so cute and they seem to really love each other.
Y/N- you have no idea! *You all laugh*
Lena- Would you like to see the playground?
Steve- sure!
*She leads you there and Grant is itching to get down.*
Steve- can I let him down??
Lena- oh yeah! Let him explore!
*Steve sets Grant down and he looks at you and Bucky, you nod*
Bucky- go on little Wolf, go play!
*Grant smiles and takes off, he climbs up the ladder to the slide and slides down. He then runs around and does it again.*
Lena- Wow, he's really coordinated for a two year old!
Y/N- yeah, there is something I guess we should disclose.
Bucky- y/n maybe we-
Y/N- they should know, if we are going to send our kids here-
Bucky- okay, okay.
Y/N- so I don't know how much you know of Steve and Bucky's story-
Lena- Super Soldiers
Y/N- yes, well I am also a Super Soldier, and so are our children.
*She looks surprised*
Lena- you injected your babies?! *Trying not to sound too judgmental but not succeeding. You smile*
Y/N- No, see it changes everything, down to our cells and then some. So that means-
Lena- OH! *She understands now* Yeah- Yup! Gotcha, so Grant and Winnie are Super soldiers as well.
Y/N- yes, full blooded super soldiers. Needless to say they are both pretty fearless.
Lena- Gotcha! Well we will make sure we keep an eye on them. Is Sarah-
Steve- oh no
Nat- I'm not a super soldier so Sarah is just half. We're not quite sure what that means yet. *Nat smiles and Lena nods*
Lena- well I promise they all will be in good hands if you choose to send them here.
*She smiles and leads you all to the office. You didn't need to see the rest of the school because the kids wouldn't be on that side yet.*

Lena- okay, so what are you thinking??
*You look at Bucky*
Bucky- well, I think we were hoping to send them on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Lena- okay, sounds good! When do you want them to start? * You look at Bucky unsure, you rub your belly. Lena can tell that all of this is a little much for you.*
Lena- how about you take the forms home and bring them back when you have made a decision. *You nod and she hands you the forms* Natasha? Steve?
Nat- we will take some forms too, thanks!

*On the way home you look over the packet of forms*
Bucky- I liked it, looked fun for the kids and the staff seemed nice. *You hum* they will have music class and play outside.
Y/N- yup..
*Bucky looks in the rearview mirror and meets Steve's gaze, he nods*
Steve- yeah, and Grant will have plenty other girls to swoon over and leave my daughter alone. *He jokes and Nat laughs. Bucky smiles and looks at you, you just keep reading. You are quiet the whole way home, you get the kids down for nap, Bucky sits with you on the couch in your little living room, away from prying eyes*
Bucky- hey? What's going on in that pretty head of your, huh??
Y/N- our babies were taken when they were safely locked away here, what's to stop someone from getting them from that school.
Bucky- they kept Morgan safe-
Y/N- Morgan doesn't have all of Hydra looking for her.
Bucky- No she's just the daughter and sole heir to the Stark fortune. *You roll your eyes* and Hydra is gone-
Y/N- you and me know better than anyone that Hydra is never gone. *Bucky sighs*
Bucky- look, you've read this packet about 5 times, you know all their security measures and how detailed they are-
Y/N- I know but it doesn't make it easier, knowing they will be away from me and vulnerable.
Bucky- I know baby but this is the part of parenting where we have to let go a little. They will only be there for 4 hours a day, 2 days a week, we can do this. The triplets will be taking up so much of our time that they will need some extra cuddles from their teachers and friends at school.
*You sigh because you know it's true.*
Y/N- I know *You sit there and pout. Bucky chuckles and kisses your head. You look at Bucky*
Bucky- so gets do you say??
Y/N- get me a pen. *Bucky smiles and hands you a pen and the papers. You fill them out and set them down.* they can start on Monday. *Bucky sees you sink into the couch and he leans over and kisses your temple.*
Bucky- how about this weekend we take the kids to get lunchboxes and some new clothes and make it an exciting moment... what do you say?? *You look up at him and he smiles*
Y/N- yeah??
Bucky- yeah! I think it will help them too! Get them excited for it as well.
*You smile and nod*
Y/N- yeah, I'd like that.
Bucky- it's a family date! *You chuckle and kiss Bucky*

*Later that night at dinner you get everyone's attention*
Y/N- okay, so the kids are starting preschool on Monday. *Everyone cheers and Grant smiles and claps* we need to know who all is willing and able to be emergency contacts for them. And who is willing to be an alternate pick up person for them.
*Everyone looks around and agrees*
Bucky- so... everyone??
Tony- yeah, I mean in case of emergency they can't reach you guys they can call me or pepper.
Peter- yeah and I wouldn't mind picking Grant, Winnie, and Sarah up from school once in awhile.
Kate- I kinda just met you all but I don't mind helping out.
*Sam, Yelena, Clint, Bruce, and Thor all agree*
Bucky- thanks guys, it means a lot that y'all would all be willing to help out.
Tony- don't mention it Barnes, we're family.
*The night goes on and you get the kids down for bed. As you get cozy Bucky comes waltzing in and stands at the end of the bed. He smirks at you and you just laugh.*
Y/N- and what do you think you're doing?!
Bucky- I'm going to treat my beautiful wife to a massage, *He climbs on the bed and boxes you in with his body* how does that sound?? *He kisses you and you blush*
Y/N- that sounds impossible since I can't lay on my stomach.
Bucky- oh I've got ways Baby girl. *He winks and you laugh*

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