Shut Up And Don't Talk About My Husband Like That

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*You spend the day with the kids, you walk in town and down to the land by the river

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*You spend the day with the kids, you walk in town and down to the land by the river. The kids keep dreaming up their rooms and what the house will have. Bucky does his best to get back in your good graces. You were just joking about him being in trouble but if he keeps doing this you may have to keep pretending that you're angry.*
Bucky- you want any water or snacks??
Y/N- No baby, I'm good *You kiss him* thank you.
*He runs around with the kids and plays tag with them for awhile. When the kids go find a tree to climb Bucky comes to sit next to you. He sits down pretending like he's out of breath.*
Bucky- these kids are gonna be the death of me!
*You laugh and pat his face. The kids are having so much fun and you just love to see them playing together.*
Y/N- honestly, having the kids unplug for the time we are here has been nice. They are super tired and they are playing so much-
Bucky- and eating a ton! *Bucky says as he rolls his eyes. You laugh and hang on his arm. You rub your belly.*
Y/N- I hope they all get along. I mean they seem to get along as they are older and they are slightly nice to each other now but I really really hope we don't have rough years coming up. *Bucky laughs and wraps his arm around you*
Bucky- we have 4 girls close in age... they will hate each other in a few years. *You shake your head and poke his side. He watches the girls play and giggle. They spin around and do cartwheels, Bucky tears up a little. He takes out his phone and records them. You look at him and gently smile, you wipe away the tear and kiss his cheek.*

*The y'all head home and get dinner. The kids get bathed and then head off to bed. You give Peter the night off, MJ has to go back home while Peter stays so you wanted them to have some time.*
Y/N- thanks again Peter *You wave as you shut the door.*
Bucky- they are definitely having sex-
Y/N- stop it! That's gross, he's too innocent.
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- yeah and I have all of my sanity *you roll your eyes and shove him* he's about as innocent as you!
*You laugh and smirk at him*
Y/N- anyway! *You move closer and trail your hands up and down his body* I'm gonna go shower and get ready for bed.
Bucky- funny! I was about to do that same thing! I'll join you, save water and stuff-
Y/N- Nope *You put your hand on his chest and he looks down at it.* I'm showering alone.
Bucky- you were serious about the doghouse?!? *He actually looks sad, you can't help but smile*
Y/N- No baby! *He gets a big smile and moves closer and you stop him again.*
Bucky- babe?!
Y/N- Babe?! *You kinda tease and Bucky pouts. You kiss his nose and he pulls you close.*
Bucky- let me have you! *He smile as he kisses you, you giggle*
Y/N- you've had me the whole time we've been here. Now I need some time where my body is just mine. *He looks down at your belly and you give his shoulders a shove.* as "mine" as it can be. *You kiss him again and he pouts and gets grumpy.*
Bucky- fine I guess. *You laugh and walk into the bathroom*
Y/N- you know it's not cute when a man gets upset that a women won't sleep with him. *You tease and wink. That snaps him out of it.*
Bucky- excuse me?! I'm not one of those whiny bitches okay. I know "No" means "No!" *You smiles and pull him close. You kiss his cheek and rub his back.* but I have every right to be sad I won't get to see your perfect ass, incredible breast, and indescribable smile when you're completely blissed out. *"Fuck" you think. You kiss him and rub his back.*
Y/N- fine, you can look but you can't touch *You walk away and Bucky laughs to himself.*
Bucky- No baby, go ahead. I just tease. I mean I want to see all this *He motions to your body* but I'm a big boy and I can handle a night without seeing it. Go have your alone time, I actually need some too. *You smile and look up at him. He pulls you close and kisses you* I'll be on the balcony when your done. Come get me when you get out and I'll get in. Okay? *You smile and nod*
Y/N- okay Bucky. *You walk to the shower and strip as you do. You hear him groan and you giggle to yourself.*
Bucky- I will be holding you extremely close to my body all night long. *You laugh and with that he was heading out of the bathroom.*

*You shower and let the water just wash over you. You sit on the bench and rub your belly.*
Y/N- you are so lucky Ben. You have an amazing Daddy who loves you so much.
Your siblings are so sweet and I'm sure they will be excited to meet you. *He moves around and you laugh. He moves again and you just smile and cry a little*
Y/N- I never thought I'd have this and when we thought we'd lost you, I- I'm just so happy to be your mama. Your brother and sisters drive me insane but I wouldn't have it any other way. Are you gonna be like then or will you be my mellow one??
*No movement, you laugh and rub your belly. He flips around.*
Y/N- I love you Ben
*He presses his hand against your hand, like he was saying "I love you too"
*You get out and get dressed. You get the shower ready for Bucky. You go find him on the balcony. He is hunched over and you can tell my the way his shoulders are moving that he is crying.*
Y/N- Bucky?! Baby what's wrong?! Is it your arm or-
Bucky- No baby, no- I *He shows you his phone. He was watching the video he took earlier. The girls dancing and Grant pretending to fight. You smile and look at Bucky, he wipes the tears*
Y/N- what are you feeling? Tell me baby
Bucky- For so long I thought I wasn't worthy of this- that I didn't deserve this! But one by one they each have shown me the power of unconditional love and forgiveness. I'm just overwhelmed with how much love has been gifted to me, from the kids, from our friends, *You looks at you and take your face in his hands.* from you. *He kisses you* I love you so much, y/n. You are my world and I just- I will always be amazed at your love for me.
*You tear up and kiss him. You pull him out of the seat and guide him to the room while kissing him.*
Bucky- Mmhmm *You kiss him* Mmhmm baby- *You slip off his shirt* baby what-
Y/N- I'm amazing you with my love. *You smile and giggle as you kiss him. He laughs through the tears and picks you up.*
Bucky- hold on- hold on- *You look concerned* I don't want you to think I did this because of earlier- I'm not trying to get in bed with you-
Y/N- I know baby, if you were doing that you would have literally just shoved your way into the shower with me. *Bucky laughs* you would have made me swoon until I gave in or you would have made me hot and bothered and ready to beg. Crying and being emotional isn't your "default get me into bed" although it works like a charm *You tease and he laughs through the tears. He kisses you*
Bucky- I'm so undeserving-
Y/N- Shut up and don't talk about my Husband like that. *You say as you kiss him and continue to undress him. He laughs and nods*
Bucky- yes ma'am

‼️I mean y'all can guess where this is going tomorrow lol 😂🥰🥰❤️‼️

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