Baby- Moon pt3

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*Bucky had his breakfast and leaves you on cloud nine

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*Bucky had his breakfast and leaves you on cloud nine. You are completely blissed out as he is kissing your inner thighs and up your stomach. He kisses you and then gets up.*
Y/N- where are you going?! *You sit up on your elbows. He smiles back at you.*
Bucky- I scheduled for breakfast to be delivered this morning. I heard the notification come through as I was *He smirks* well, as I was having my breakfast. *He winks and walks out of the room. You hear the door open and then shut. You sit up and prop yourself on some pillows, you pull on Bucky's shirt and wait for him to come back in. You check your phone and see about 12 missed calls from Nat and Steve. You get worried until you see a message from Steve that says, " ignore the missed calls. That was Winnie calling trying to get y'all to come home because we are "mean" and won't let her have ice cream for dinner. Everything and everyone is fine. Have fun!" You laugh and shake your head. Bucky comes back in and sees you looking at your phone.*
Bucky- hey! No phones!
Y/N- what? *he takes it out of your hands* wai- that was a rule! Gimme it! *He laughs as he moves to out of your reach.*
Bucky- a sexy vacation with your husband?! I think "no phones" is implied. *You laugh and pull him in for a kiss.* what were you looking at anyway?? Huh?! *He teases you as he looks at your phone.* you were lost in a trance, liked you had just seen something you really liked *He smirks*
Y/N- for your information I was only looking at it because I had missed calls from Nat and Steve, turns out it was just Winnie. *He laughs and nods.* then I started to miss the kids so I was looking at pictures of them. *Bucky smiles and kisses you. You get shy* I then started to look at pictures of you *You smile and laugh as Bucky unlocks your phone and sees the photo. He smirks and gives you the phone back*
Bucky- some of those I don't remember you taking *He kisses you*
Y/N- that's what candid means *You tease*
Bucky- I think you mispronounced "stalker"
*You hit his arm and laugh as he kisses you*
Y/N- I know you have some sneaky photos of me too!
Bucky- that I do! And they're my favorite! *He winks* especially the dirty ones you've sent me over the years! *You gasp*
Y/N- you saved them?!?
Bucky- hell yeah! Oh please, it's not like you haven't saved a picture of mine *He teases*
Y/N- well- yeah- I-I guess *He kisses your neck and you giggle* but not like a ton! *You look at him and blush* just the really good ones. *He laughs*
Bucky- well how about you promise not to look at the photos on your phone and I promise to let you see the goods "in person" *You laugh and kiss him as you whisper against his lips*
Y/N- we both know you are gonna show me them anyway. *You wink. He laughs and nods. He kisses you and then gets up and gets breakfast settled on a tray on on the bed.*
Bucky- here you go! Breakfast pancakes for my pancake. *You giggle and he kisses you and lays down beside you. You both dig in and eat till you're full.*

Bucky- okay! What's the plan today?! *He smiles and helps you up and out of bed.* I'm thinking a day full of HotTub fun! *He smirks at you. You smile and kiss him*
Y/N- that sounds amazing but I can't *You rub your belly* I can't risk it with the stowaway.
*Bucky smiles*
Bucky- okay, well then how about some movies and lots of this *He kisses you and rubs his hands down your body. You smirk against his lips*
Y/N- Mmhm that sounds amazing *You kiss him and pull back* we do have our massages this morning as well.
Bucky- well then, let's go!
*You go and get dressed*
Bucky- wait... how are you gonna *He pauses and motions to your belly* you can't *He pretends to lay down and then he points to your belly.* you know, lay down.
*You laugh and pull on your yoga pants.*
Y/N- they will have a little cut out for my belly. *You kiss his cheek* but I appreciate you being so concerned. *He smiles*
Bucky- I'd just hate for you to miss out on that too.
*He kisses you and you smile*
Y/N- come on, we gotta go.

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