You Don't Have Time To die

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‼️TW- car accident, blood, birth

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‼️TW- car accident, blood, birth. 😬‼️

*Nat is trying not to scream as Sam speeds down the road. Contractions come one after another.*
Nat- agh!!!! Shit!!!
Y/N- you're doing great Nat! *Your phone starts to ring, it's Steve* hey look Steve's calling!
Nat- give it! *She takes the phone and starts screaming at Steve through the phone* Listen here Star Spangle Man, I'm about to have your baby on the side of the road! You better get your ass to the hospital now!! I don't care if you're still looking for that damn drive or what, when this babies massive head comes out of my body you better fucking be there to give me fucking ice chips and hold my leg!!! Aghhh!!!!! You did this to me!!!! *She hands you back the phone*
Y/N- did you get all that?? *You tease and Steve laughs*
Steve- yeah, I did. We got what we needed and we were leaving to head home but now we will make our way to the hospital.
Sam-SHIT!!!! *You look up and you see a car drifting towards you and they side swipe your car. Sam tries to keep control but your car flips and rolls into the ditch, it lays sideways.*

*Your ears are ringing and you are dizzy as you come to. You hear some mine screaming your name and you realize it's still Steve on the phone, No maybe it's Bucky. You can't tell. You see Nat, still in pain as the baby is coming even faster but now it looks like she has broken something as well. You are still dazed but as someone starts to move Nat out of the car you come back to earth.*
Y/N- hello?? *You pick up the phone*
Steve- Y/n what happened?!? Is Nat okay?!
Bucky- turn on your location, now!!
Steve- Turn on your location!
Y/N- I don't- Umm I-
Peter- ahhh! Y/n, you okay?!
Steve- Peter!?! Y/n give the phone to Peter!
*You do*
Steve- Peter where is Nat?
Peter- She's with Sam, he got her out of the car. I'm trying to get y/n, she- it's bad.
Bucky- how bad?! *Bucky's voice is steady, calm in a crisis.*
Peter- her leg is smashed between the door and the seat. Bucky there's blood.
Bucky- we are on our way, turn on the location for everyone's phone.
Peter- you're gonna land the jet on the highway?!
Bucky/Steve- yes!

*Peter does what they asked and then moves to get you out. Sam has Nat on a blanket on the side of the road.*
Nat- Sam please?! I- don't let me die- I- I can't-
Sam- you're not going to die, do you understand me?! You've got a little boy to deliver, love on, and raise, you don't have time to die. *That makes Nat laugh a little.*
Nat- Sam, *He looks at her* I really don't want to have my baby here.
Sam- Nat, I really don't want to deliver you baby here, or at all quite frankly *Nat laughs again and Sam takes that as a good sign.* but I will if I have to, so you don't need to worry about anything. *Nat nods*

Peter- okay y/n I'm going to try and lift the seat off your leg, okay?! *You nod. He pulls and the seat comes away. You move to out from under it and he sets it back down.* okay, don't worry, I've got you. *Peter climbs out of the side and is standing on the side of the car, he reaches down through the window and ropes you up with his webs and pulls you up and out. You get down and go over to Nat*
Peter- y/n you really shouldn't be walking on your leg
Y/N- I'm fine *You weren't, not in the slightest. You probably broke your leg but with all the adrenaline you can't feel it. You sit down next to Nat.* Hey! Hey, are you okay??
Nat- yeah, babies moving around like crazy.
Y/N- well that's good!
*Nat nods and then a contraction hits. She is in so much pain.*
Nat- oh my god!! Has someone called 911?!?
Peter- yes, they are on their way now.
Y/N- Peter are you okay??
Peter- yeah, I'm okay.
Y/N- okay, go check on that other car.
Peter- they hit us!
Y/N- Peter! Go
*Peter leaves and you look at Nat and she nods.*
Y/N- Sam you can choose to stay and help or go help Peter.
Sam- what are you about to do?
Nat- She has to check me, make sure I'm okay to push. *Nat starts to cry* god, Steve should be here! *You rub her back*
Y/N- he is on his way, I promise.
*Peter comes running back over.*
Peter- one person from the other car is gone.
Sam- and the other? *Peter just shakes his head.* okay, well Peter either of wait and watch for Steve and Bucky or get ready to catch a baby.
Nat- Ahhhh!!! Ssshit!
*Nat screams as bares down and tries to not push. You lay her down and move where Sam is. You get her pants off and you see the babies head.*
Y/N- oh Nat you're ready to push! I can see his head!
Nat- No!! No, Steve isn't here! He can't miss this, it's our last one!!
Y/N- Nat honey, I don't think the baby is gonna wait. He's ready, now!
*You cry as Nat just screams and pushes. She cries*
Y/N- I know Nat! It's okay, come on!
*Peter thinks quick and gets your phone. He FaceTimes Steve.*
Steve- Y/N?!
Peter- No it's Peter, look Nat can't wait for you, she's having the baby now. This seems to be like the best position for you to be a part of it.
*Steve nods and let's out a disappointed sigh. He's so mad at himeslef that he's not there for her. 20 more minutes and he would have been there. He moves to the back of the jet as Peter walks back over to where Nat is.*
Nat- No! No! I can't do it, not without Steve!
*Nat cries and closes her legs, trying to keep the baby in.*
Y/N- I know Nat but you have to-
Steve- Nat!! I'm here, we'll as best I can be!
*Peter hands Nat the phone and she sees Steve and cries*
Nat- you should be here!!
Steve- I know baby
Nat- This is our last, I didn't want you to miss it!
Steve- I know baby, I'm so so sorry!
*Peter holds the phone next to Nat so she can hear Steve. Steve can see Nat and you as you help Nat with the delivery. She screams and cries and Steve just keeps apologizing and telling her how amazing she is and how much he loves her. Peter and San start to notice that you're not looking too good.*
Sam- y/n, What's wrong? *You start to sway a little* y/n?!
*You pass out and dam catches you before you hit the ground.*
Nat- ahhhh!! Mmhm check her leg! It's probably her leg!!
*They look and they see that you've been bleeding internally. Your thigh is almost black with the amount of blood you're lost.*
Peter- oh my good
Sam- where the hell is that ambulance?!?
Steve- what's wrong with y/n?!
Bucky- y/n?!?
*The phone starts to break up and then it loses signal. Steve and Bucky end up screaming at a black screen.*
Bucky- No no no!!! They were suppose to be safe! That's why we left them! Steve what if-
Steve- don't say it! We're almost there.

Sam- okay Peter, how fast and far can you swing?
Peter- I'm a couple miles, why?
Sam- the hospital is 10 miles that way *Sam points* can you make it there?
Peter- With Nat delivering a baby?! No!
Sam- with y/n!
Peter- oh yeah! Yes!! I'll take her, are you okay here?!
Sam- yes, go!
*Peter lifts you over his shoulder and webs up a tree, he swings from it and makes his way. It's a lot harder to do this with dead weight and so he is really struggling. You come to a little but it's mainly to groan.*
Peter- I- I've got you- y/n. You're gonna be okay! *He is out of breath and using everything he had left. He lands at the edge of the woods next to the hospital. He runs inside with you still in his arms.*
Peter- hey!!! I've got an Avenger here who needs some help!! Please?!?
*Instantly he is surrounded and they take you and him back to a triage room.*

*Nat is crying as she pushes more. Sam is now helping deliver.*
Sam- almost there Nat! Come on!
*She screams as she pushes with all her might. She then lays back and just cries.*
Nat- I can't, I can't. Really I-
*She hears some one running up to the car, probably the ambulance finally.*
Steve- Nat?!?
*She looks back and just sobs as Steve runs up and kneels behind her, wrapping her in his arms. He is covered in dirt and blood, he still has his suit on and coms in. He kisses her.*
Nat- You're here!!
Steve- I'd never miss this, ever! *He kisses her again and she cries.* okay, let's have a baby!
*Bucky runs up*
Bucky- where is Peter?!?
Sam- he took y/n to the hospital, she was bleeding internally. It was her leg.
*Bucky just takes off running. Pushing himself on no sleep, no food, right at the brink of exhaustion but he doesn't care, he has to get to you. He runs into the hospital and everyone is a little scared and taken aback.*
Bucky- anybody just see Spider-Man bring and unconscious women in here?!
*The nurses point down the hall and Bucky nods and runs. They shouldn't have let him back but no one was about to fight with the winter soldier. He sees Peter sitting in the hall.*
Bucky- Peter?!
Peter- Bucky! I did everything I could, they are with her now.
*Bucky nods and opens the door, he sees you on the table and your leg is open, they are repairing the break. Bucky sits down with Peter and just waits, all the exhaustion hits him all at once and he passes out. He wakes up to Peter shaking him awake.*
Peter- the doctors here
Bucky- yes?! Any news??
Doctor- yes, we repaired the break and she is going to be okay. She lost a lot of blood, in fact she would have lost the baby or her life had she bleed out anymore. This young man saved her and the baby. *He pats Peter's arms* she should be awake soon and y'all can see her. *Bucky nods and the doctor walks away. Bucky looks at Peter and just cries, he pulls him into a hug and holds him tight.*
Bucky- thank you Peter, you saved her. You saved my baby too, thank you. *Peter hugs Bucky back and cries.* she's gonna be okay. *After a few moments they bring Bucky back and he just lays in the bed with you and holds you close till you wake up.*

*Nat pushes and screams as she delivers the baby, he cries and screams. Nat and Steve laugh and cry. Sam is just amazed, he tries to wrap him up and he hands the baby to Nat. Sharon come running over.*
Sam- wow nice of you to join us!!
Sharon- whatever I was getting clearance to land at the hospital. Let's go!
*Steve carries Nat and the baby to the jet. Sam quickly cleans out the car of all personal items and then get son the jet. They make their way to the hospital and once they land a team is there ready to work on Nat and the baby.*
Steve- thank you Sam, you saved my family.
*He hugs him and Sam pats his back.*
Sam- go be with your wife. We are going to go back to the compound and get this whole mess sorted. *Steve nods and follows after Nat*

‼️Had to end it here, thankfully we are in a good ish place!‼️

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