Hold My Other Babies

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*Grant wakes up and walks out of his room

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*Grant wakes up and walks out of his room. He sees Winnie is already up and eating her banana.*
Grant- mama an I ave a nack??
Y/N- yeah baby, Peter can you?
Peter- yeah! Come on Grant! I'll get you a snack.
*Peter takes Grant downstairs and Winnie runs around the room playing with her toys.*
Winnie- mama lay??
Y/N- I can't get on the floor sweet girl. You wanna play up here? *You pat the couch and she climbs back up and pulls her piglet doll with her. You smile and look over at Thor.*
Y/N- she literally won't let go of that doll. I have to sneak it away when she sleeps so I can wash it.
*Thor smiles and nods*
Thor- I'm glad she likes it.
*Bucky sees you looking down at the girls, he sees your "I want my baby" look.*
Bucky- you want to hold them? *You nod* okay let's get you laid back you you're not straining to hold them. *He gets you laid back and propped up on the couch. Bucky then picks up Elizabeth and hands her to you, then he gets Jonnie in your arms and then Odette.*
Bucky- you happy now?? *He teases, you smile and nod*
Y/N- yes, thank you.

*The whole team spends the day coming in and out of your room, seeing the babies and playing with Grant and Winnie. When Sarah sees them she smiles and claps, then she goes running off with Grant and Winnie. You spend time with Steve while Bucky gets dinner ready.*
Steve- they are so cute y/n. Little nieces of mine. *He kisses Odette's head.*
Y/N- yeah, they are. *You watch as he looks over the girls.* so I hear you have baby fever.
*Steve laughs and nods*
Steve- yeah, a little. I just want Sarah to have what Grant and Winnie have.
*You nod*
Y/N- have you talked to Nat?
Steve- yeah, she said if I have baby fever to come over here and hold one of yours. *You smile*
Y/N- look Nat will come around. Maybe just give her some more time. I can tell she's feeling better.
Steve- she is and she is in a much better place, but I also think hearing about what you went through kinda scared her all over again.
Y/N- oops! *You chuckle* sorry!
Steve- it's okay, it will all work out.
*You smile and lean over to Steve, you kiss his cheek and rub his shoulder.*
Y/N- you're an amazing dad and your children and wife are very lucky.
*He gently smiles and kisses your head*
Steve- thanks y/n.
*Bucky comes back in the room and takes Elizabeth from your arms.*
Bucky- come on mama, you're gonna eat downstairs without the babies.
Y/N- No Bucky I-
Bucky- you can, come on. It's just for 30 minutes, they will be fine, they're asleep and Steve is in here. He will call if he needs us.
*You look at them and quietly agree. Bucky helps you up off the couch and you slowly walk to the door.*
Y/N- wait, I gotta go. *Bucky helps you do everything you need to do then you head downstairs.*

*Bucky has cooked a delicious meal and you eat so much you think you'll Burst*
Y/N- Bucky thank you! This was delicious *You give him a kiss and he rests his forehead against yours. You look at him and rub his face.* Bucky? Be honest, are you okay? /8He looks at you and nods* Bucky you watched me almost die and our babies- *You look away and then back at him.* are you okay?
*Bucky kisses your hands*
Bucky- I'm okay, I was scared but I'm okay.
I'm dealing with it. *he looks in your eyes*
Y/N- Bucky I want you to know I am okay, I don't feel like I did after I had Winnie. I felt like I was drowning after I had her but with the triplets I- I'm okay. That may change but for right now I'm okay. I saw how you looked at me earlier with Winnie, thinking I was about to lose it, but I'm okay. *Bucky nods and then slowly starts to tear up and the damn breaks. You pull him into your arms and hug him. He holds you tight and you rub his back and cry a little too.*
Bucky- I'm so happy that you feel good. I- was so scared that- I mean it's normal and expected and we would get through it but my heart just broke thinking you'd have to go through that again. *You pull back and take his face in your hands. You kiss him, it's long and sweet and probably a little too sensual for someone who literally gave birth 4 days ago but you both needed that kiss.*
Y/N- I'm okay Bucky, thank you baby. *You two stay downstairs until you hear one of the girls crying and you feel the pressure start to build in your chest.* feeding time. *Bucky smiles and kisses you*
Bucky- come on, I'll help you upstairs.

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