I Have Some Ideas

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*You walk out and shut the door behind you* Y/N- were we too hard on him?? Bucky- No, I don't think so

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*You walk out and shut the door behind you*
Y/N- were we too hard on him??
Bucky- No, I don't think so. But I am traumatized that he thought we didn't love him anymore.
Y/N- me too! *You take a deep breath so you don't cry.*
Bucky- it's okay baby, now get your fight face on cause this one's gonna be tough.
*You laugh and nod*
*You and Bucky walk into Winnie's room. Before you can say anything she is already crying*
Winnie- I'm so so so sorry!! Please don't miss my program!! *She cries*
*Bucky's heart breaks a little. He looks at you and you urge him to talk.*
Bucky- what have we learned from this??
Winnie- not to play with your arm or other things that aren't mine.
*Bucky nods*
Bucky- okay, come here. *She runs over and Bucky wraps his arm around her and kisses her head.* I don't like having to do that but I have to in order to keep you safe. You could have hurt someone or yourself. As much as you think you are, you are not indestructible, Winnie. *She sniffles and continues to hug you and Bucky.*
Y/N- We love you so much okay, but you still have consequences.
*Her eyes tear up and she nods*
Bucky- once the TV is fixed, no shows for a week. You can't hang out with anyone after school for a week. You will come straight home. Understand?
Winnie- yes daddy, I'm sorry.
*Bucky looks at you and you rub his shoulder*
Y/N- we forgive you Winnie.
Winnie- does this mean you will still miss my program??
Bucky- I will see what I can do to be there, okay?
Winnie- okay
Y/N- stay here for quiet time.

*You sit on the couch and Bucky sits next to you. You turn and face him, slipping your arm around his shoulders. He sighs and looks at the TV.*
Bucky- I'll call Shuri and plan to go over the weekend.
Y/N- okay *You kiss his head and rub his shoulder.
*He looks at you and gently smiles*
Bucky- we survived our first big parenting moment.
Y/N- yeah we did! And you did break either!
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- yeah, it was hard though.
*He stands up and go to the TV. He pulls the arm out and glass falls everywhere. He then pulls the shield out and lays it down. He looks at you*
Bucky- well I was going to just lift this and take it to the dumpster out back but I guess not. *He motions to his missing arm. And you try not to laugh*
Y/N- I'll call Steve.

*Steve walks back in the room and helps you clean up the glass from the floor as Bucky is on the phone with Shuri.*
Y/N- thanks for taking that.
Steve- no problem, how is he? I mean my shield is just a shield, his arm is broken and now he's without it till who knows when.
Y/N- he is okay, a little frustrated because he goes to do something and he realizes he can't. *Steve nods. Bucky hangs up the phone and crashes to the couch.*
Bucky- Shuri said for us to just fly out this weekend and we should be back next weekend. She's gonna fix the arm and help reprogram me, or at least program them to your voice.
Y/N- okay, so do I need to be there?
Bucky- yeah probably.
Y/N- so... the kids are going to Wakanda?
Bucky- Yup! Oh god, The girls are gonna terrorize those poor goats. *You and Steve laigh*
Steve- we can keep them here if you want.
Bucky- thanks but if you keep them then I will miss Winnie's program and I said I wouldn't.
Steve- so your solution is for her to Mia it all together?
*Bucky nods*
Bucky- Yup!
*Steve smiles and shakes his head*
Steve- y'all need anything else?
Y/N- I think we are good, thanks Steve! *He hugs you and kisses your head. He pats you belly and you laugh and give him a little shove as he walks away.*
*You sit next to Bucky. He looks at you and smirks a little.*
Y/N- what?! Don't tell me you're in the mood cause with you being down and appendage- *Bucky laughs and kisses you*
Bucky- the only appendage that matters is still in place and perfect! *He winks* and no that's not why I smirked but this conversation could lead there. Shuri said she could add some new abilities to my arm is I wanted. *He raises his eyebrows and you giggle as you kiss him.*
Y/N- I'll grab the note pad!
*Bucky laughs and watches you ready to write your list.*
Bucky- now what should we make this arm do?? *He tease as he looks over your shoulder, resting his chin on your shoulder.*
Y/N- oh I have some ideas!

‼️What are you ideas?! 😏😏😏 I'm thinking- Vibrating, warming, able to feel. Stuff like that! 🥵😉😏🔥‼️

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